    The Big Test and How Teachers Grade the Writing Part
    Hi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm in 5th grade. Today I'm going to tell you all about the really big test that high school seniors take to try to get into college. It's called the gaokao and it's super important in China. There are sections testing math, Chinese, and English skills. I'm going to focus on explaining how teachers grade the English writing part because that's the most fun part in my opinion!
    The writing section is where students have to write a composition of 400-500 words on a certain topic or prompt. The teachers have a special rubric they use to give a score from 0-25 points. I'll break down the different criteria they look at:
    First up is Task Completion and Response to the Prompt. Basically, did the student actually answer the question or write about the topic they were supposed to? If their essay has nothing to do with the prompt, they'll get a low score like 1-3 points. But if their writing is totally relevant and really digs into the prompt, they can get a higher score up to 7 points. The teachers want to see that students understood the prompt and responded appropriately.
    The next focus area is called Coherence and Cohesion. This one is all about organization and flow. An essay that jumps around a lot without clear transitions or structure will get a lower score of maybe 1-2 points. But an essay that is very well-organized, with smooth transitions connecting ideas in a logical way, could earn up to 5 points. The teachers really value writing that is easy to follow.山西高考报名入口登录
    Then we have Lexical Resource, which basically means vocabulary. If a student just uses really basic, simple words over and over, they might only get 1-2 points. But if they flex their vocabulary muscles and include more advanced, academic words, they could rec
eive up to 5 points. The markers want to see that students have a good range of vocabulary.
    Grammar is another biggie. Lots of grammar mistakes will result in a low grammar score of 1-3 points. But if the student has excellent grammar with hardly any errors, they can earn up to 5 points. Making sure your sentences are grammatically correct is crucial.
    Finally, there's a section focused on Spelling and Punctuation. You can probably guess that lots of spelling and punctuation mistakes means a lower score of 1-2 points. But if the writing has perfect or near-perfect spelling and punctuation, up to 3 points can be awarded.
    Phew, that's a whole bunch of criteria to keep in mind! The teachers have to be really focused while grading to evaluate each aspect. They have special training and guidelines to make sure the scoring is fair. Although it's just one part of the big gaokao test, the writing section is still very important.
    Well, that's my simple explanation of how the gaokao English writing is scored. I tried to
break it down in a way that's easy for an elementary student to understand. When I get to high school, I'll definitely be practicing my writing a ton so I can ace that part of the test. Those grading standards seem pretty strict, but I'll do my best!
    Thanks for reading my essay about the Chinese college entrance exam writing rubric! I know it's not the most exciting topic for a kid, but it's good to start learning about these important things early. Let me know if any part was still confusing. Writing and studying are the keys to getting high scores! Okay, time for snacks and running around outside. Buh-bye!
    The Big Test in Shanxi
    Hello friends! Today I'm going to tell you all about the really big test that middle school students take in Shanxi Province. It's called the Gaokao and it's super important. The Gaokao has several parts, like math, Chinese, and English. I'm going to focus on the Englis
h part, especially the composition section where you have to write an essay. The teachers have some special rules for grading the English compositions and I'll explain them to you!
    First off, the whole English composition is worth 25 points total. That's a huge part of your score! The teachers divide those 25 points into four different sections that they look at really carefully.
    The first section is Content and they give it 12 points. That means getting the content right is almost half of your total score! For content, the teachers want to see that you really understood the prompt or topic they gave you to write about. You have to make sure you answer all parts of the prompt completely. Don't leave anything out! They also want to see that your ideas are clear, detailed, and relevant to the prompt. Using good examples from real life is a plus too.
    The second section is Structure and Organization, and that's worth 6 points. The teachers check to see if your essay has a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The introduction should grab the reader's attention and let them know what you
'll be writing about. The body needs to be well-organized into logical paragraphs that develop your main ideas. And the conclusion should nicely summarize everything you discussed. Having good transitions between ideas and paragraphs is important too.