    English Answer:
    Main Highlights of the 7.24 News Broadcast.
    The 7.24 News Broadcast, aired on China Central Television (CCTV), provided comprehensive coverage of significant domestic and international events.
    President Xi Jinping stressed the importance of upholding the rule of law and improving China's socialist legal system. He emphasized the need for adherence to the Constitution, the establishment of a fair and just legal environment, and the protection of the legitimate rights of citizens.
    The National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee reviewed draft laws and made decisions on important matters. The draft laws included the "Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China (Amendment)" and the "Personal Information Protection Law," aimed at enhancing data security and safeguarding personal privacy.
    The Ministry of Commerce announced measures to promote the recovery and development of the tourism industry, which has been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The measures aim to stimulate domestic tourism, support the hospitality sector, and strengthen cooperation with foreign tourism destinations.
    China's space program continues to make advancements, with the successful launch of the Shenzhou-14 manned spacecraft. The mission is expected to conduct space experiments and maintenance work on the Tiangong space station, marking another milestone in China's space exploration endeavors.
    The ongoing conflict in Ukraine remains a focus of the news. The broadcast reported on the latest developments, including military operations, diplomatic efforts, and humanitarian assistance.
    The international news segment covered various global events, such as the devastating floods in Pakistan, the escalating crisis in Afghanistan, and the ongoing nuclear negotiations with Iran.
    7.24 新闻联播的主要内容摘抄。
    7.24 新闻联播在中央电视台播出,全面报道了国内外重大事件。