英语b级考试总分:100  及格:60  考试时间:120
Structure(15minutes) Section A
(1)The reason for my refusal is ________ you are undependable.
(2)—Good evening. I ________ to see Mary.—Oh, good evening. I'm sorry, but she is not in.
(3)His good sense of humor made a deep impression __________ us.
(4)What you said reminded me  ________ something I read in the newspaper.
(5)Peter ________ come with us tonight, but he is not very sure yet.
(6)___________ had enough time,they would have visited the Great Wall。
(7)He has been away from home ________ three months ago.
(8)The students should be ________ for the things that they do.
(9)Breakfast is the first ________ of the day.
(10)In order to search for the escaped prisoner, the policeman decided to question ________ comes along this road.
Structure(15minutes) Section B
(1)I don' t mind (have) ________ a dog in the house as long as it' s clean.
(2)The watch does not seem to work. I think it needs (repair) ________.
(3)The (long) ________ of the river is 3,000 miles.
(4)We are looking forward to (receive) ________ your letter again.
(10)Mr. Foster knows (exact) ________ why the witness denied reading that letter.
Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section A B
(2)What should people do if they own a Swiss driving license and want to rent a car in Japan?
(3)Where do people usually get their international driving license?
(4)Why driving permits issued by countries such as France, Germany and Switzerland are not valid in Japan?
(5)The last sentence means.
(7)How much does a user pay if he has broadband technology installed?
(8)Compared with the modem speed the broadband technology can transmit data ________.
(9)Who can take advantage of the broadband technology according to the passage?
(10)With the broadband technology companies can have all their operations done
Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section C D E
(1)Tom is studying Chinese and his understanding of proper Chinese needs to (improve) ________.
(7)The students often have ________ (heat) discussion in the class.
(8)His (fail) ________ to finish this task on time made his face red for shyness.
(9)The father was (delight) ________ to see his son.
(10)Her mother was ill. She had to (stay) ________ at home to look after her.
(11)Although he is a new worker he can work as ________ (skill) as an old worker.
(12)They will have you (arrest) ________ if you don' t pay your taxes.
(13)Shelly told me that I needn't (wash) ________ clothes for her.
(14)It is important that the plan ________ (work) out today.
(15)I think French grammar is math(difficult) __________ to learn than English grammar.
(1)We are a magazine, which will give you inside information you won' t find elsewhere.
(2)E-mail allows families and friends around the world to communicate at a low price and mole frequently.
(3)It is only recent years that man found that the protection of our environment is no small matter to our lives.
(4)An enterprise can get long-term profit only if it does not break the law.
(5)Xiamen is well-known as“Hawaii in the East”with colorful view and rich folk culture.It has attracted many tourists from around the world.Since the l990s,tourism(旅游业.in Xiamen has gained an unexpected development,with a great number of visitors each year coming to enjoy the variety and beauty that this sea-side resort(胜地.offer.