Part                         Writing
1、审题:本次作文是图画作文【考频: ★★☆,这是201312月六级改革后第一次出现该类型作文,但体裁仍是常见 的议论文。本次作文给出的图画理解起来难度不大,而且涉及的话题是教育和科技的关系,这是考生比较熟悉的话题,因此写起来并不难。
3. 语言:对图画的描述要用词准确,议论部分可适当使用从句等高分句型。

Technology and Education
What the drawing vividly depicts is that a pupil tells his teacher he needs tech support to solve an extremely easy question on the blackboard. The drawing illustrates that we-are highly dependent on technology, overlooking the importance of independent thinking.
Those who favor the significance of technology in education argue that it facilitates learning and enables us to have easier access to infinite learning resources. In contrast, people who hold the opposite opinion maintain that over-dependence on technology is harmful. They think that a student who gets into the habit of doing his homework by downloading answers from the Internet will end up ignorant and being unable to think critically and creatively. And the drawing is a good illustration of this point. For another example, if you always write your homework or reports on a word processor,you may forget how to write the words in no time.   
As far as I am concerned, technology plays an important but not indispensable role in education.  Over-dependence on technology does more harm than good. I suggest that we should master the basic knowledge on our own and learn how to apply technology in education properly. Only in this way can we benefit most from our learning process.
Part                        Listening Comprehension
1.听力原文:M: Before we play again, I’m going to buy a good tennis racket.
W: Your shoes aren’t in a very good shapeeither.
Q: What does the woman mean?
1. A) The man’s tennis racket is good enough.
B) The man should get a pair of new shoes.
C) She can wait for the man for a little while.
D) Physical exercise helps her stay in shape.
【预测】由A)男士的网球拍已经足够好了B)男士应该买双新鞋D)体育锻炼帮她保持身材可以推测,对话 内容与体育锻炼有关。再结合B)中的The man shouldC)中的She can推测,对话应该是围绕女士的观点态度或女士认为男士应该做何事展开的,因此听音时应重点听女士的话。
2. M: Barbara, I’m glad you could assist me in the lab demonstration. But aren’t you supposed to go to Dr. Smith’s lecture today?
WI asked Kathy to take notes for me.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
2. A) The woman will skip Dr. Smiths lecture to help the man.
B) Kathy is very pleased to attend the lecture by Dr. Smith.
C) The woman is good at doing lab demonstrations.
D)  The man will do all he can to assist the woman.
【预测】由选项中出现的Dr. Smith’s lecture,lecture by Dr. Smith推测,对话内容可能与Sm
ith博士的讲座有关。 另,由A)中的to help the manD)中的assist the woman可推测,男士和女士之间存在某种协助关系,听音时需要确定这两人究竟是谁在帮谁。
3.听力原文:WSteve invited me to the dinner party on Sunday evening. Have you received your invitation yet?
M Yes. He phoned me this morning and told me he wanted all his old classmate to come to the reunion.
QWhat do we learn from the conversation?
3. A) The woman asked the man to accompany her to the party.
B) Steve became rich soon after graduation from college.