Part one:
考研英语1真题I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks followed by a list of words and expressions
marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only.(0.5 point for each.12 points) 1.At the same time, my generation was discovering that reforming the world is a little like ____1____ a military campaign in the Apennines, as soon as you ____2____ one mountain range, another one ____3____ just ahead. As the big problems of the thirties were brought under some kind of ____4____ control, new problems took their place—the ____5____ problems of an affluent society, of racial justice, of keeping our cities from becoming ____6____,of coping with war in unfamiliar guises.
2.The trouble with television is that it discourages ____7____.Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life requires some constructive, consistently ____8____ effort. The dullest, the least ____9____ of us can achieve things that seem ____10____ to those who never concentrate on anything. But television encourages us to apply no effort. It sells us instant ____11____.It diverts us only to divert, to make the time pass without ____12____.
3.When a salesman ____13____ a large order or brings in an important new account, his ____14____ is brief, for there is danger he might lose that large order or important new account to a salesman from a ____15____ company the next time ____16____.It might even be canceled before it is ____17____,in which case no one is certain if anything was gained or lost. So there is crisis and ____18____ even in their triumphs.
4.When white men first __19__ contact with some unspoilt race of savages, they __20__ them all kinds of benefits, from the light of the Gospel to pumpkin pie.These,however,___21___ we may regret it, most savages receive with indifference. What they really ___22___ among the gifts that we bring to them is intoxicating liquor, which enables them, for the first time in their lives, to have the ___23___,for a few ___24___ moments, that it is better to be alive than dead.
A. around
B. gratification
C. capture
D. illusion
E. uninhabitable
F. fighting
G. looms
H. rough
I. miraculous
J. competing
K. brief L. elation  M. offer N. much as O. applied
P. unprecedented  Q. effect R. alarm S. pain T. gifted
U. lands V. value W. concentration X. filled
II. There are 15 sentences with a blank in each, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X.
Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only.(1 point for each,15 points)
1.When he heard about the air crash, he felt ________ for his sister’s safety.
2.The newly-launched satellite is expected to obtain data on solar radiation, sky brightness and other important _______.
3.She has been in America for five years, still she can’t ____ the life there.
4.______,a lot of television usurps one of the most precious of all human gifts, the ability to focus your attention yourself, rather than just passively surrender it.
5.They tried hard to find a solution to the problem, but their efforts were ________.
6.They managed to trace his whereabouts ________ checking on his credit card expenditures.
7.After they moved into the new house, the old couple paid a lot of attention to its ________.
8.He got up early in the morning and walked on to the balcony and ________ the fresh air.
9.The sweet words of the little girl ________ him into believing that what she said was true.
10.I don’t know, ________,I don’t care.
11.Chain groceries shut out the independent stores and “standardization”became a ________ means of cutting cost.
12.The bus came to a(an) ________ stop, and some passengers lost their balance.
13.He stood in the dark,________ in his pocket for the key.
14.Y ou could not ignore the bait for ever,________ it meant trouble.
15.The boy ________ the truth that he didn’t go to school yesterday.
A. by all means
B. inhaled
C. of no avail
D. amounting to
E. in short
F. by means of
G. even though
H. prejudice
I. instead of  J. phenomenon K. lulled L. held himself back
M. toiling N. principal O. decayed P. for that matter
Q. get used to R. fumbling S. blurted out T. in place
U. ushering in V. upkeep W. apprehension X. abrupt
III. Each of the following sentences is given two choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.(1 point for each,15 points)
1.His feet were numb with cold, as soon as he got into the room he started(A. rubbing, B. scrubbed) th
em vigorously.
2.Whoever( A. evades, B. escape)paying tax due will be punished.
3.It is women who can bring( A. sympathy, B. empathy),tolerance, insight, patience,and persistence to government.
4.They( A. scolded, B. scoffed) at my idea that the boss will give up the factory.
5.He achieved great success in that he( A. infused, B. fill) life into his works.
6.He wanted a( A. transcript, B. manuscript) of the report to show to his friends.
7.The workers were filled with( A. indignity, B. indignation) when they discovered that they were secretly watched during working hours.
8.In handling( A. straight, B. straighten)news, it is easier to assume the pious mantle of objectivity than to edit.
9.When she opened the box, a small vase dropped and(A. went, B. broke) to pieces.
10.The young boys(A. lulled, B. lolled) against a gate frame and a plank wall.
11.Homes and restaurants would discard it( A. on the spot, B. on the beat).
12.I don’t think his suggestion(A. contributed, B. attributed) to the success of the experiment.
13.It(A. shattered, B. splashed) the notion that my individual progress could be hailed as an advance for all Negroes.
14.SPLUTCH!—the big hook(A. flapped, B. clapped) itself into your mouth and you were caught.
15.The son felt(A. contented, B. relieved) upon learning that his mother was out of danger.
IV. T ranslate the following into English and write your translation on your Answer Sheet.(3 points for each 1—4,6 points for 5)
Part two
V. Proficiency T est(40%)
Read the following passage and answer the questions:
Go to Bed; Get A Good Night’s Dream
1)Everybody talks about “the dream I had last night.”In fact, dreams and dream interpretations have been acknowledged from the beginning of recorded history. Biblical Joseph interpreted a dream of Egypt’s Pharaoh that saved the country from famine. Freud used dreams in an attempt to solve people’s psychological troubles. Artists or writers Federico Fellini, John Keats, August Strindberg, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ingmar Bergman, and Anais Nin have all used dreams in their works.
2)“Dreams are a vehicle for knowledge not open to the waking mind,”declared Robert Abrams, University of Washington assistant professor of English, who taught a class on dreams and literature last year.“In some ways, our dreams may be smarter than we are,”he continued.“Our waking conscious mind is culturally contaminated, constricted”—by things like media and current morality.
3)Nineteenth-century writers—the Romantics—were fascinated by dreams and encouraged people to look inward and be more receptive to irrationality, according to Abrams. They believed that the greatest minds should have a negative capability—the ability to be in doubt, mystified, or uncertain without any irritable reaching after fact or reason.
4)Ignoring the Romantics,20th-century psychologists, psychiatrists, and doctors have come up with some startling facts about dreams:
·Everybody dreams every night(with few exceptions).Some don’t remember.
·Everybody dreams in color; if awakened in the middle of a dream, you will report it in brilliant technicolor, but if awakened 15-plus minutes after a dream, you may remember the dream, but in black and white. The more time that elapses after a dream, the more the color fades.
Most people dream about 20 minutes out of every hour and one half. Dreams have been shown to take about as much time as events would take in waking life.
·A dream may last up to 20 minutes, or you could have several during the 20-minute dreaming phase.
·Y ou dream more toward morning as you enter into lighter phases of sleep.
·Depressants like alcohol or barbiturates can suppress dream phases.
·Dream-deprived people become irritable, anxious, less tolerant in stressful and
emotional situations.
·During nightly dream phases, our eyes move although the lids are closed and our other muscles are relaxed.(This muscle relaxation tends to account for one of the common dreams everybody has—the dream in which somebody or something chases or bears down on you and you feel unable to move, according to Dr.Neal Ely,University of Washington clinical professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.)Watch for this rapid eye movement(REM) in people sleeping.If you wake them up during the REM phase, they’ll have a dream to tell you. If you wake them up during a non-rapid-eye-movement phase, they will probably remember only something vague or nothing at all.
5)Everybody has some idea of the nature of his dreams, but what are the dreams of others like?Two medical studies done in the United States by Drs.Calvin Hall and Fred Snyder proved that most people’s dreams are not very exciting; the majority of the dreams reported were of a familiar nature to the dreamer and quite reasonable.
6)Dreams are not lonesome places, the studies show. In 95 percent of the dreams analyzed by Hall, another person besides the dreamer was present. Also, the majority of dreams included unpleasant emotions.
7)The question of what causes us to dream still has scientists scratching their heads. Dr.Ely felt that we may
have dreams because we have needs that are unmet in our daily lives. British psychologist Ann Farady, in her book Dream Power, sets forth a different reason.“REM sleep is important for brain growth and renewal,”she says, citing studies that show that unborn babies in the month or two before birth may spend up to 80 percent of their total sleep in REM sleep.(It is just before birth that the brain grows most rapidly.)Senile people and mentally defective people have little REM sleep, other studies show.
8)One hypothesis considered in Dr.Ernest Hartmann’s book, The Functions of Sleep, is that dreaming may be the major function of sleep and the role of sleep may be merely to allow a state such that dreams may emerge.
9)In Sleep the Gentle Tyrant, author psychologist Wilse Webb notes three main beliefs about dreams: dreams as another reality, dreams as omens, and dreams as reflections of waking life. The first belief occurs in people like the Eskimos of Hudson Bay or the Pantani Malay who claim that one leaves one’s body during sleep and enters another world. The second belief is that dreams have a prophetic nature: Pharaoh’s dream in the Old Testament caused him to stock up on food after Joseph interpreted his dream to mean seven fat years followed by seven lean years. And finally, dreams can be an “echo”of a point in the individual’s waking world which is heard in the dream world.
A. Choose the best answer and write its corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.(10%):
1.The main idea of this article is that ____.
a. all people dream
b. dreams are interesting
c. dreams are important
2.Paragraph 1 discusses in general:
a. biblical interpretations of dreams.
b. how artists and writers use dreams.
c. the uses of dreams throughout history.
3.Read Paragraph 1,Sentences 2 and 3:
a. Sentence 2 is an example of Sentence 3.
b. Sentence 3 is an example of Sentence 2.
c. Sentence 3 is not related to Sentence 2.
4.According to Paragraph 3,the Romantics were probably most interested in:
a. emotional responses.
b. scientific methods.
c. writing about dreams.
5.The information in Paragraph 4 implies, but does not directly say,that:
a. experts now know a great deal about dreams.
b. experts know very little about dreams.
c. experts are not concerned with studying dreams.
6.In the last section of Paragraph 4,why is REM in parentheses the first time it is mentioned?
a. To show that rapid eye movement isn’t too important.
b. To show how important rapid eye movement is.
c. To show the abbreviation of “rapid eye movement”.
7.The main idea of Paragraphs 5 and 6 is that:
a. most people’s dreams are similar in nature.
b. some people dream about other people, while others dream about unpleasant emotions.
c. two medical studies have been done in the United States on dreams.
8.In Paragraph 8,“”is an example of:
a. Paragraph 6,Sentence 1.
b. Paragraph 7,Sentence 1.
c. Paragraph 7,Sentence 2.
9.A good title for this article would be:
a. The Dream 1 Had Last Night
b. Why Do People Sleep?
c. Some Facts About Dreams
10.Dreams may be ____A____ to the ____B____ of the brain.(Fill in the spaces with one word from Group A and one word from Group B.)
A. reflection—unpleasant—important—belief
B. development—majority—reality—echo
B. Choose the best answer and write its corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.(10%):
1.Our conscious mind is culturally contaminated.
a. affected by our culture
b. destroyed by our culture
c. enhanced by our culture
2.The greatest minds should have the ability to be in doubt.
a. forgetful
b. undecided
c. disagreeable
3.Doctors have come up with some startling facts.
a. discovered
b. brought
c. remembered
4.I dreamed that a big animal was bearing down on me.
a. a bear following me
b. running downhill with me
c. catching up with me
5.The question still has scientists scratching their heads.
a. with headaches
b. itching
c. wondering
6.We have needs that are unmet in our daily lives.
a. not confronted
b. not joined
c. not fulfilled
7.“The role of sleep may be merely to allow a state such that dreams may emerge”means:
a. we sleep because we are tired.
b. we sleep in order to dream.
c. sleep causes dreams to occur.
8.In Question 7(above),is the author of the statement sure of his hypothesis?
a. Y es.
b. No.
c. I don’t know.
9.The Pharaoh stocked up on food after he heard there would be a famine.
a. accumulated lots of
b. bought many cows as
c. ate lots of
10.“Dreams can be an ‘echo’ of a point in the individual’s waking world which is heard in the dream world”