Section 1: Use of English
Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
William Appleton, author of the book entitled Fathers and Daughters, believes that it is a Woman’s relationship with her father (1) _____ decides how successful she will be in her (2) _____ life. According to Appleton there are three important steps a girl must (3) _____ in her relationship with Daddy.
The (4) _____ is the “little girl” stage in which the daughter loves and idolizes her father (5) _____ he were a god or hero without (6) _____. And her father loves his daughter (7) _____ blindly, seeing her as ail “oasis of smiles” in a hard, cold world. Then comes the second stage. It starts during adolescence and (8) _____ for many years. Here, the little girl begins to rebel against Daddy and (9) _____ his authority. He reacts with anger and (10) _____.
And the final stage comes (11) _____ a woman reaches the age of about thirty. At this time the daughter sees her father not as a hero (12) _____ a fool, but learns to accept him (13) _____ he is, for better or worse. And Daddy forgives her, too, for not being the (14) _____ little girl he had once hoped for.
But not all daughters go through all three stages, and it is here that the key to a woman’s career (15) _____ .Those girls who never get past the first “oasis of smiles” stage, (16) _____ all their lives seek out their fathers’ love and approval, will never (17) _____ in the business world. They will remain at the secretarial (18) _____ all their lives.
It is only those women who get to the final stage, those who (19) _____ and accept Daddy’s faults. Who can even hope to be (20) _____ enough and independent enough to become a candidate for top-management.
1. A. who
B. which
C. that
D. it
2. A. late
B. later
C. early
D. earlier
3. A. get through
B. get away from
C. get over
D. get rid of
4. A. initial
B. primary
C. first
D. beginning
5. A. seeming
B. looking like
C. as though
D. as if
6. A. errors
B. blunders
C. mistakes
D. faults
7. A. just as
B. the same
C. as well
D. so much
8. A. prolongs
B. lasts
C. persists
D. lingers
9. A. looks down
B. sees through
C. neglects
D. challenges
10. A. envy
B. hatred
C. disappointment
D. affection
11. A. that
B. which
C. if
D. when
12. A. and
B. nor
C. either
D. then
13. A. for what
B. for who
C. for whom
D. for whoever
14. A. prettiest
B. beloved
C. perfect
D. fascinating
15. A. exists
B. lies
C. lays
D. holds
16. A. who
B. whose
C. what
D. which
17. A. make out
B. make it
C. rise above
D. go up
18. A. job
B. stage
C. position
D. level
19. A. reject
B. forgive
C. put up with
D. neglect
20. A. mature
B. experienced
C. competent
D. capable
1. C 本句是个强调句型,it is…that…。
2. B 根据上下文,这种关系决定女儿将来的生活。later后来的,以后的。late晚的。
3. A 根据文意,一个女孩和父亲的关系要经历三个阶段。get through经历,遭受。get
away from逃离。get over克服,熬过。get rid of摆脱,除去。而且文章倒数第二段第一句也揭示了该题的答案。
4. C 因为下文有the second stage,因此此处应选first与之相呼应。
5. D 该题后面是he were表示虚拟,故选择D。as if好像。
6. D 四个选项都有错误的意思。选项A强调违反某一规定标准,不经意做了错事,产生
7. A just as表示“正像……”。the same一般后面接as,表示和……一样。as well是个
8. B 题后有for搭配,表示持续一段时间,last持续,维持。prolong拖长,延长。persist
9. D 句意为“女儿开始抗拒,并挑战父亲的权威性”。challenge挑战。look down俯视,
跌价。see through看穿,识破。neglect忽视,疏漏。
10. C 父亲的反应是生气和失望。disappointment失望。envy羡慕,嫉妒。hatred仇
11. D when引导时间状语从句,先行词为the final stage。
12. B not…nor…“既不……也不……”的搭配。