Text  1
The American economic system is organized around a basically private
enterprise, market oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what
shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and
services that they want most.Private businessmen,striving to make p rofits, produce these goods and services in competition with other businessmen; and the profit
motive, operating under competitive pressures,largely determines how these goods and services are produced.Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand
of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine
what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.
An important factor in a market oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers.In the American
economy, this mechanism is provided by a price system, a process in which prices rise and fall in response to relative demands of consumers and supplies offered by seller producers.If the products is in short supply relative to the demand, the price will be bid up and some consumers will be eliminated from the market.If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product.Thus, price is the regulating mechanism in the American economic system.
The important factor in a private enterprise economy is that individuals are allowed to own productive resources (private property), and they are permitted to hire labor, gain control over natural resources, and produce goods and services
for sale at a profit.In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights,including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract
with another private individual.
51. In Line 7, Paragraph 1,“the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes”means .
[A] Americans are never satisfied with their incomes
[B] Americans tend to overstate their incomes
[C] Americans want to have their incomes increased
[D] Americans want to increase the purchasing power of their incomes
52. The first two sentences in the second paragraph tell us that .
[A] producers can satisfy the consumers by mechanized production
[B] consumers can express their demands through producers
[C] producers decide the prices of products
[D] supply and demand regulate prices
53. According to the passage, a private-enterprise economy is characterized by .
[A] private property and rights concerned
[B] manpower and natural resources control
[C] ownership of productive resources
[D] free contracts and prices
54. The passage is mainly about .
[A] how American goods are produced
[B] how American consumers buy their goods
[C] how American economic system works
[D] how American businessmen make their profits
Text  1
allow 10/E5lau/v.允许,准许;承认;让,,得到,使,,得以发生
bid 4/bid/v.出价;投标;努力争取;n.买方的出价;投标;努力争取
characterize 8/5kAriktEraiz/v.表示,,的特性;描述,,的特性
commodity 6/kE5mCditi/n.商品,物品
competition 16/kCmpi5tiFEn/n.比赛;竞争
competitive 9/kEm5petitiv/a.竞争的,比赛的
concept 15/5kCnsept/n.概念,观念,思想
concern 20/kEn5sE:n/v.涉及,关系到;(常与with,about,in连用)关心,挂念;担心,担忧;n.(利害)关系;关心,挂念;担心,担忧
contract 4/5kCntrAkt/n.契约,合同,包工;v.缩小,缩短;订(约)
economic 33/7i:kE5nCmik/a.经济(上)的,经济学的
economy 29/i(:)5kCnEmi/n.节约;经济
eliminate 5/i5limineit/v.消除
embrace 1/im5breis/v.拥抱;包含
enterprise 5/5entEpraiz/n.事业,企(事)业单位;事业心,进取心
express 8/iks5pres/v.表达,表示;  a.特快的,快速的;n.快车,快运
factor 13/5fAktE/n.因素,要素
goods 9/gudz/n.商品,货物
individual 23/7indi5vidjuEl/a.个人的,单独的;独特的;n.个人,个体
largely 12/5lB:dVli/ad.主要地,基本上;大量地,大规模地
lower 7/5lEuE/a.较低的,下级的,下游的;v.降下,放低
mechanism 6/5mekEnizEm/n.机械装置,机构;机制
motive 2/5mEutiv/n.动机,目的;  a.发动的,运动的
organize 5/5C:gEnaiz/v.组织,编组
orient 4/5C:riEnt/n.[the O-]东方;v.定,,的方位
ownership 5/5EunEFip/n.所有(权),所有制
pressure 10/5preFE(r)/n.压(力);强制,压迫,压强;v.强制,迫使
private 11/5praivit/a.私人的,个人的,秘密的,私下的
process 40/prE5ses/n.过程,进程;工序,制作法;工艺;v.加工,处理
product 14/5prCdQkt/n.产品,产物;乘积;结果,后果
productive 5/prE5dQktiv/a.生产(性)的,能产的,多产的
profit 6/5prCfit/n.利润,收益,益处;v.(by,from)得利,获益;利用;有利于property 7/5prCpEti/n.财产,资产,所有物;性质,特性
purchase 6/5pE:tFEs/v.买,购买;n.购买的物品;购买
regulate 4/5regjuleit/v.管制,控制;调节,校准
relative 6/5relEtiv/a.(to)相对的,比较的;有关系的,相关的;n.亲属,亲戚
resource 7/ri5sC:s/n.[pl.]资源,财力;办法,智谋;应变之才;设备
respond 8/ris5pCnd/v.回答,答复;(to)响应
response 9/ris5pCns/n.回答,回音;反应,响应
result 50/ri5zQlt/n.结果,成果,成绩;v.(in)导致,结果是;(from)起因于,因,,而造成
sentence 14/5sentEns/n.句子;判决,宣判;v.宣判,判决
strive 5/straiv/v.奋斗,努力
system 35/5sistEm/n.系统,体系;制度,体制
tend 30/tend/v.趋向,往往是;照料,看护
basically 1/5beisikEli/ad.基本上,主要地
businessman 8/5biznismAn/n.商人
consumer 20/kEn5sju:mE/n.消费者
mainly 14/5meinli/ad.大体上,主要地
manpower 4/5mAnpauE/n.人力
marketplace 2/5mB:kit5pleis/n.集会场所,市场
maximize 1/5mAksmaiz/vt.最大值,最佳化
mechanize 1/5mekEnaiz/v.机械化
overstate 1/5EuvE5steit/vt.夸大,夸张
producer 3/prE5dju:sE/n.生产者,制作者,演出人,(电影)制片人
seller 4/5selE/n.售货者
难句1 The American economic system is organized around a basically private
enterprise, market oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what
shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and
services that they want most.
1.核心句为:The American economic system is organized omy。
2.economy前面(basically private enterprise, market oriented)为定语成分,修饰economy。
3.economy后面为in which引导的定语从句(in which consumers ),修饰先行词economy。
4.此定语从句中又包含一个what引导的宾语从句(what shall )作determine的宾语。
6.方式状语中又包含了一个that引导的定语从句(that they want most)修饰goods and services。
【方法对策】抓住核心句,分清修饰词和被修饰词。核心句为:The American economic system is organized omy,economy前面的修饰成分可以先不看,然后再
难句2  Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual
consumers,coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.
1.本句核心句为 hat强调结构+3个并列部分组成的强调内容。