1.Newspapers editorialized ______ him. A. against B. beyond C. about D. down正确答案:A答案解析:editorialize against 批判,句意:报纸对他进展了批判。
2.Some people believe that since oil is scarce, the ______ of the motor industry is uncertain. A. terminal B. benefit C. fate D. estimate正确答案:C答案解析:有人认为由于石油越来越稀有了,所以汽车行业的命运是不愿定的。此题考核的是单词的含义和句子的规律严密性。terminal“终点“,benefit“利益“,fate“命运“,estimate“估量“.
3.To speed up the ______ of letters, the Post Office introduced automatic sorting. A. treatment B. delivery C. transmission D. departure正确答案:B答案解析:为了加快送信的速度,邮局引进了自动分类技术。treatment“对待,“,delivery“派送“,transmission “(多指信息或疾病的)传播“,departure“离开“.
4.These overseas students show great ______ for learning a new language. A. enthusiasm B. authority C. convention D. faith正确答案:A答案解析:这些留学生具有高度的学习一门新语言的热忱。这里
考核的是一个词组的搭配:show great enthusiasm for doing sth.“在某一方面做事情有高度的热忱“,authority“权威“,convention“传统“,faith“忠诚“.
5.The defense lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the ______ of the murder committed last month. A. observers B. witnesses C. audiences D. viewers正确答案:B答案解析:辩护律师正在问这个老人谁是上个月的谋杀案中目击证人之一。observer“观看者“,witness“目击者“,audience“观众“,viewers“观光者“.
6.Politically these nations tend to be ______, with very high birth rates but poor education and very low levels of literacy. A. unstable B. reluctant C. rational D. unsteady正确答案:A答案解析:从政治的角度来说,这些国家趋于不稳定,有着高的生育率,训练匮乏和低识字率。unstable“不稳定的“,reluctant“迟疑的“,rational “理智的“.
7.The chairman was blamed for letting his secretary ______ too much work last weeek. A. take to B. take out C. take away D. take on正确答案:D答案解析:大家都责备主席上个星期让他秘书担当了太多的工作。take to “开头,喜爱,沉溺于“,take out“拿出,取出“,take away“带走“,take on“从事,担当“.
1.“You try to get some sleep. I”ll ______ the patient”s breakfast,“ said the nurse. A. see to B. stick to C. get to D. lead to正确答案:A答案解析:护士说:“你睡一下吧,我会负责病人的早餐。“see to“负责,
留意“,stick to“坚持“,get to“到达“,lead to “导致“
2.The London Marathon is a difficult race. ______, thousands of runners participate every year. A. Therefore B. Furthermore C. Accordingly D. Nevertheless正确答案:D答案解析:伦敦的马拉松竞赛是相当辛苦的,尽管如此,每年还是有许多人参与。therefore“因此“,furthermore“而且“,accordingly“依据“,nevertheless“尽管如此,可是“.
3.The people who were ______ ruthlessly would not yield to aggressors. A. held off B. held down C. held on to D. held over 正确答案:B答案解析:译文:受到侵略者残酷镇压的人民是决不会向他们屈服的。hold down意思是“镇压,掌握,压制“.
4.Worry about the business ______ him ______ a nervous wreck.
A. reduced, to
B. reduced, for
C. restricted, to
D. restricted,for正确答案:A答案解析:译文:生意上的苦恼事把他愁得不成人样了。此题考察的是词组的固定搭配,reduce to“使身体瘦弱;使精神衰弱“.
5.It was ______ to buy him a Christmas present. A. down to me
B. up to me
C. on to me
D. about to me正确答案:B答案解析:译文:
我有责任给他买一份圣诞礼物。be up to a person意思是“某人的责任……“.
6.Jack managed to ______ most of the rocks thrown at him. A. dodge B. run off C. run after D. avoid正确答案:A答案解析:译文:杰克设法躲过了向他投来的大局部石块。dodge意思是“闪开,闪避“.
7.The bank refused to ______ him any money, so he had to postpone buying a house. A. credit B. borrow C. loan D. lease正确答案:C答案解析:银行拒绝贷款给他,所以他必需要推迟买房了。credit“信用“,borrow“借入“,loan“贷款给他人“,lease“租约“.