Passage 1
Questions 1-5
One of the greatest challenges facing engineering and science in the next century is to meet society’s increasing demand for energy with a minimal impact on the environment. This means that new technologies must be developed to generate the required energy without causing pollution, or at least within limits that can be tolerated without serious damage to the environment.
Scientists and engineers are researching and developing new technologies that can help meet this goal. For example, solar energy is an attractive alternative to traditional fossil fuels because it is renewable and non-polluting. Solar power technology has made great strides in recent years, with scientists and engineers finding ways to improve solar panel efficiency and reduce production costs.
Another promising technology is nuclear fusion, the process that powers the sun. Unlike nuclear fission, which releases energy by splitting atomic nuclei apart, fusion involves forcing atomic nuclei together. Nuclear fusion has the potential to provide clean, abundant energy, but scientists and engineers have been working on developing controlled fusion for several decades and still face many challenges.
In addition to developing new energy technologies, there is also a need for increased awareness and education about energy conservation. Individuals and communities can make a difference by using energy more efficiently and reducing waste. For example, by improving the insulation of a home or office building, less energy is needed to heat or cool the space.
Overall, the future of energy relies on a combination of new technologies, improved efficiency, and increased awareness about the importance of energy conservation.
1.The passage is mainly concerned with _______________. A. the development of new energy technologies B. the effectiveness of solar energy as an alternative to fossil fuels C. the process of nuclear fusion D. the importance of energy conservation
2.According to the passage, one advantage of solar energy is that it _______________. A. is renewable B. is affordable C. does not require much space D. does not cause pollution