1. GPU: Graphic Processing Unit,图形处理器
2. I0T: Internet Of Things,物联网
3. SaaS: Software-as-a-service,软件运营服务模式
4. FPGA: Field-Programmable Gate Array,现场可编程门阵列
5. RTOS: Real Time Operating System,实时操作系统
1. 我们把云计算看作是一种计算模型,而不是一种技术. 在这个模型中,容户插入到云中访问 台 资源,而这些资源被定价且按需提供
1. Cloud computing as a computational model, rather than a 西安邮电大学technology in this model, the customer is inserted into the access to IT resources in the cloud, and these resources are pricing and on-demand.
2. Program is a symbolic expression of the process, the same process of the different programs can be written in different programming languages.
3. One of the biggest advantages of the data warehouse is that they allow you to store information used to improve your companys marketing strategy.
4. Understanding how search engines work, the first step is to understand what the search engines. Easiest explanation is that the search engines online to find out what tools.
5. 当评估云计算的耗费时经常被忽视的事情是需要连续提供足够健壮的局域网服务支持云计算,而这些耗费不总是少量的。
5. The thing that is often overlooked when evaluating cloud computing consuming need to
provide sufficient and robust LAN service support cloud computing continuous, which cost is not always a small amount.
1.In 193l, Gödel proved a result,
one of whose immediate consequences is that there is no complete mathematical theory of computation. Given any mathematical theory of computation there are true statements expressible in it which do not have proofs.
1.在 1913 年,歌德尔证明了个结果,这个结果的一个直接推论就是不存在完备的计算的数学理论。给定任何计算理论,在这个理论中必定存在可以表达的为真的语句,但不存在它的证明。
2. Cloud computing is an approach to client-server in which the "server” is a dynamically scalable network of loosely coupled heterogeneous nodes that are owned by a single institution and that tends to be biased toward storage-intensive workloads, and the clients a
re wide variety of individuals and institutions that use fractions of shared nodes to run jobs that are transient with respect to time, lightweight with respect to compute-intensity, and anywhere from lightweight to heavy with respect to storage-intensity.
2.云计算是一种客户端 一服务器的方法,其中的“服务器”是一个动态可扩展的网络对松散轉合的异构节点所拥有的一个单一的机构,往往会偏向于存储密集型工作负载,和“客户端”是各种各样的个人和机构使用部分共享节点运行作业的时间是短暂的,重量轻,强度计算,并从任何地方存储强度重量轻到重。
3. The term Internet of Things appears to have been coined by a member of the RFID development community circa 2000, who referred to the possibility of discovering information about a tagged object by browsing an Internet address or database entry that corresponds to a particular RFID. Since that time, visionaries have seized on the phrase "Internet of Things to refer to the general idea of things, especially everyday
objects, that are readable, recognizable, locatable, addressable, and/or controllable via the Internet whether via RFID, wireless LAN, wide-area network, or other means.
3.物联网这个词似乎己经创造了一个成员的 RFID 开发社区大约 2000 年,他们发现一浏览互联网地址或者数据库项对应于一个特定的 RFID 标签对象的信息的可能性。自那时以来,高膽远瞩,抓住了那句“物联网”指的事情,尤其是生活必需品的对象,是可读的,可识别,可定位,可寻址的,和/或通过互联网,无论是通过 RFID 控制的总体思路,无线局域网,广域网,或其他装置。
4.4G is MAGIC
4G networks are still in the fluid stages of development. As of now, it is somet imes referred to as MAGIC (Mobile multimedia, Anytime/any-where, Global mobility support, Integrated wireless and Customized personal service) which bodes well for a mobile phone user. It will be interesting to watch the technologies unfold over the course of the next few months.
4G 网络仍然是在流体中的发展阶段。截至目前,它有时也被称为的MAGIC(移动多媒体,任何时间/任何地方, 全球的流动性支持,集成无线网卡和个性化的个人服务)—这预示着移动电话用户。这将是有趣的手表的技术在未来数个月的过程中展开。
5. One of the problems with the current web is that it'
S too big and too important to muck around with. That' s where GENI comes in. The Global Environment for Network Innovations is funded by the US National Science Foundation, and it' s best described as a (serious) playground where new ideas can be tested out. "GENI will support twO major types of 99 experiments, the organisation says. "Controlled and repeatable experiments, which will greatly help improve our scientific understanding of complex, large- scale networks, and "in the wild' trials of experimental services that ride atop or connect to today S internet and that engage large numbers of human participants
5. 与当前 web 的问题之一是,亡太大,太重要了,周围的淤泥。这就是 GENI 的用武之地。全球网络创新环境“是由美国国家科学基金会资助的,它是最好的形容为个<严重的,操场,新的思路,可以测试出。“GENI 将支持两种主要类型的实验,’该组织说。“控制和可重复的实验,这将大大有助于提高我们的科学理解复杂的,大型的 规模的网络,和”的野生 “试验的实验服务,乘坐之上,或连接到今天的互联网和,从事大量的人参加。