1. This summer, I’m going to visit        Great Wall.
  A. a            B. an            C. the            D. /
2. Han Han is very popular among the teenagers. We all like __
  A. him          B. he            C. his            D. himself
3.___________nice the ice cream looks! I can't wait to taste it.
  A. How a        B. How          C. What a        D. What
4.       can we find your brother at weekends?
On the football field.
  A. When          B. Which          C. Why          D. Where
5. On the way        the mountain village, we found the local houses different from ours.
    A. to              B. by              C. at              D. on
6. Must we wear our school uniform this afternoon?
  No, you      . All of us will go on an outing.
    A. mustn't        B. can't              C. needn't          D. couldn't
7. Lin Shuhao is one of the best basketball      in NBA.
  A. actors          B. players          C. waiters          D. writers
8. Alice        some advice on how to improve her listening skills, and she gladly accepted
  Miss Green' s.
  A. gave            B. was given        C. gives            D. is given
9. Do you know the moving story of Jack and Rose?
  Of course. I        the film Titanic several times.
    A. see            B. saw            C. have seen      D. had seen
10.        the great teacher Zhang Lili was in hospital, many people hoped she would get
  better soon.
  A. If            B. Until          C. Before          D. After
11. Mum, my little sister is crying all the time.
  Mary, be        湛江市招生考试网2022! She feels sick. You should take good care of her.
    A. patient        B. lazy            C. polite          D. fair
12. It's cold outside. You'd better        your coat and scarf.
  A. work out      B. put out          C. have on          D. put on
13. We just need one of you for the game.        you        your brother can join us.
  A. Both and    B. Neithernor    C. Eitheror      D. Not onlyhut also
14.How about climbing the hill?
I would rather        along the river than        the hill. I'm a bit tired.
    A. walkclimb                    B. walking climbing
    C. walking to climb                D. walk to climb
15. Over these years I have had a new understanding of          people traditionally call a
    perfect person..
    A. how          B. what          C. who            D. whom
    On my first job, I worked as a sports editor for a small newspaper. I never got a letter from my readers, so I was   16  that there was an envelope on my desk one morning.  From the
  17  , I could see it was from a most popular newspaper.
      When I opened it, I found a note and it read, You did a good job. Go on!
    The note was  18  by Mr John, a famous sports editor. As I was a green hand(新手), his words made me  19    After that, I kept the note in my desk drawer. Whenever I doubted
  20  I had the ability to be a good editor, I would read John's note and become  21  again.
    Later, when I made friends with Mr John, the note writer, I learned that he often wrote notes to  22  young people in many fields. When I make  23  feel happy, he told me, I feel happy, too.
  24  , why are there few note writers like John in our life? In my  25  , many people are afraid that they cannot be well understood. Also, writing takes more time and it is  26  to pick up the phone. The problem with phone calls is that they cannot  27  a long time, but a note is a good way of record and our words can be read  28  .
      So, when you find some people around you need    29  , please write a note of encouragement to bring them more confidence. Maybe, you are not sure what will    30    ,but remember Mr John's wordsmaking others feel happy makes you happy, too.
16. A. certain        B. sure            C. surprised        D. frightened
17. A. calendar      B. envelope      C. book          D. photo
18. A. signed        B. picked          C. copied          D. practised