1. Best Sleep Music Apps
If you want to sleep better at night, trying a sleep music app might be the answer. Here are some ideal sleep music apps to choose from.
Calm is one of the most popular sleep music apps and its large library of relaxing and sleep-causing tracks is largely responsible for that. This app offers a free version, but to really take advantage of what Calm has to offer, you had better choose the paid version, which costs $ 69.99 for one year. A lifetime membership is $ 399.99.
Relax Melodies
Relax Melodies is intended to calm your mind with relaxing sound. The composer is visual and easy to use, and the Discover page gives you access to other app features, like bedtime
stories and breathing exercises. Though its free version provides a great introduction to the idea of sleep music, the paid version unlocks a larger library of sounds. Consider paying for it if there're particular sounds or features that really attract you.
Headspace is a feature-rich app designed in a simple way that makes it quick and easy to use its library of sleep-specific music. The Sleep icon at the bottom of the app is easy to identify and leads to a library of options that include Sleep Music and Sleep Radio. It's worth noting that nearly everything in Headspace's Sleep Library requires an extra subscription. Headspace costs $ 69.99 annually, or you can pay $12.99 per month.
Pzizz offers sleep music tracks you can use at naptime, bedtime, or to improve focus. One thing that makes Pzizz different is its voice narration(旁白)option. If you find the presence of a calming voice to be comforting or benefit from someone helping you to relax
your body and mind, then Pzizz is a good choice for you. Male and female voice options are available and the voice is low and calm. It has a free version but you should pay for extra subscriptions.
1. Which app allows you to combine sleep music with breathing exercises?
D.Relax Melodies.
2. How much should you pay at least for the one-year subscription of Headspace?
3. What is special about Pzizz?
A.Its voice for narration is fixed.
B.It provides low and calm music.
C.It offers voice narration options.
D.Its focus is sleep-specific music.
2. On a cold winter day, Don took his dogs, Milo and Duke, out for their usual morning walk at Bark Park. But this peaceful walk was interrupted by Mike, an anxious dog owner who w
as missing his best friend. His small gray dog, Jackson, had gotten lost somewhere in the park- and he'd already been gone for quite some time. Small dogs don't do very well in cold weather. Knowing that there was no time to waste, Don and his own dogs immediately started searching the park. Unfortunately, Jackson was nowhere to be found.
If Don hadn't had his own dogs with him, Jackson might never have been found in time. Don was about to give up on the search and was already heading back to his car. But as Don and his dogs were crossing the bridge, Milo suddenly noticed something in the water. Thinking that his dog had seen a duck or something else, Don tried to pull on the leash, but Milo wouldn't listen. Duke joined in, and the two dogs insisted that something was going on.
Don looked out across the bridge and saw a small, gray shape struggling in the icy river. The reality of the situation clicked, and Don immediately began running down to the water's edge. Don called 911, but he knew that help wouldn't arrive in time. Without even sparing a thought for himself, the brave man jumped into the water and moved straight towards the terrified dog. Jackson was trapped in ice and barely holding himself above water. Don used
his arms to break the ice and quickly pulled the dog into his arms. The two swam out of the water and back onto dry land. Mike was waiting for Jackson and rushed him straight to a nearby vet clinic. It's reported that Jackson didn't suffer any harm from the incident and is as cheerful as ever.
1. What was Don doing when he met Mike?
B.Playing games.
C.Taking exercise.
D.Walking his dogs.
2. Who first saw the missing dog, Jackson?
3. Why did Don jump into water to rescue Jackson?
A.Jackson was his best friend.
B.He loved the dog very much.
C.Milo and Duke asked him to do so.
D.There wasn't enough time waiting for the rescue.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Brave dogs: Milo and Duke
B.Missing dog found in the river
C.Brave man saves dog trapped in ice
D.A walk on a cold morning in the park
3. Jimmy Choi is a cyclist, and a world record holder for push-ups. He also happens to be living with Parkinson’s disease. He was diagnosed with the brain disorder in 2003, suffering from involuntary shaking and problems with walking and balancing. There is currently no cure. Jimmy has to quit the sports. Soon he commits himself to being a motivational speaker and advocating for people with the disease.