学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1.All the following works are written by Mark Twain except __________.
A.The Gilded A ge 
B.Lrife On the Mississippi 
C.Roughing it 
D.The A meFican 
2. Letterboxes are much more _______ in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead.
dinary D.usual 
3.There′s __________ expression inChinese, I′m afraid.
A.no such such 
4.I____in this factory since I graduated from the university.
A.work B.worked C.have been working D.am working 
5.You'd better make a mark__________ you have any questions while you are reading thepassage.
A.at which B.in where C.in the place D.where 
6.Have you gone to see the doctor?No, but __________.
A.I go B.I' m going to see C.I go to see D.I'm going to 
7.____ he does get annoyed with her sometimes.
A.As he likes her much 
B.Although much he likes her 
C.Much as he likes her 
D.Much although he likes her 
8.I took my ticket, and marched proudly up the platform, with my cheeses, the people__________respectfully on either side.
A.fell back 
B.falling back 
C.being fallen back 
D.having fallen back 
9.It ______ be quite cold in winter eventhough the city is in Hainan Province.
A.shall B.should C.can D.must 
10. I′11 never forget ______ you for thefirst time.
A.to have met D.having to be meeting 
11.If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, the only answer is that it is a(n)_____ for me.
A.puzzle B.advantage C.challenge D.average 
12.I am always delighted when I receive an e-mail from you. _____ the party on July 1st, I shall be pleased to attend.
A.On account of 
B.In response to 
C.In view of 
D.With regard to 
13.We can assign the work ______ isreliable.
A.to whom D.who 
14.This crop has similar quantities to theprevious one, ______ both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil.
A.being B. be D.having been 
15.I find it astonishing ______ she shouldbe so rude to you.
A.which B.what C.that D.if 
16.Nearly a month had gone by ______ theyshowed some sign of giving up the price for which they had held out.
A.until B.while C.before D.so that 
17.The old man had three sons, all of______served in the army during the war.
A.them B.that C.which D.whom 
18.Children may get into some bad habits ___________ they lack self-discipline.
A.when B.unless C.though D.until 
19.The price of this skirt is____that one.
A.three times much as 
B.three times as many as 
C.as three times much as 
D.three times as much as 
20.This is the dormitory_____I lived three years ago.
A.in that B.that C.in which D.which 
21.The girl has awakened the feelings in him that his thought had been__________long ago.
A.called up B.taken up C.stamped out D.handed in 
22.Without your help, I ________ such rapid progress.
A.didn’t make 
B.don’t make 
C.would not make 
D.would not have made 
23.We consider it important that everycitizen ______ good manners.
A.has B.should be C.have D.is 
24.Until then, his family ____ from him for six months.
A.didn't hear 
B.hasn't been hearing 
C.hasn' t heard 
D.hadn' t heard 
25.The senior citizen would have beenkilled ______ the timely arrival of the rescue team.
A.except for B.but for C.pt 
26.Recently I bought an ancient vase, __ was very reasonable.
A.which price 
B.the price of which 
C.its price 
D.the price of that 
27. If______ for the job, you’ll be informed soon.
A.to accept B.accept C.accepting D.accepted 
28.The house was very quiet, ______ as itwas on the side of a mountain.
C.being isolated 
D.having been isolated 
29.All the following sentences areconditional sentence except ____.
A.Given another chance, I'11 make full useof it 
B.He will succeed if he only does his best 
C.So sudden was the attack that we had notime to escape 
D.Should you need my help again, just giveme a ring 
30.They decided to chase the cow away______ it did more damage.
A.although B.before C.until D.unless 
31.We are going to the zoo by bus on Tuesday afternoon. Will you go with us__________ meet us there
A. C.and D.then 
32.George Bernard Shaw was an Irishdramatist, literary critic, socialist spokesman and a leading ___________ inthe 20th century theater.