1. 1.下面是一篇小学四年级的教学材料及其教学片段,请用中文从教学方法和活动设计两个方面进行简要评析。
  1.Join us(PPT呈现MacDonald的图片)
  T:Who is he?
  Ss:He is MacDonald.
  T:Yes.He has a new farm now.He is very busy. And he wants a helper.Do you want to have a try?
  T:OK.Let’s get on the bus and go to MacDonald’s farm.
  2.Listen and Guess(播放音频,通过听动物的声音,带领学生复习学过的动物pig,duck,dog,cat等词汇,并用句型What’s this/that?It’s a…进行操练。)
  3.Ask and Answer(PFF分别呈现马、鸡、羊、牛的图片,问学生What’s this?引出horse,hen,sheep,cow并进行板书,然后利用一马、鸡、羊、牛的图片,引出名词的复数horses,hens,sheep,cows,并用句型What are these/those?They are…进行问答练习。)
  4.Look and Guess(PPT呈现不完整的动物图片,以猜谜语的形式引导学生操练句型What are these/those?They are horses/hens/sheep/cows.What about those?Are they horses?How many horses do you have?)
  5.Ask and Answer(设置面试官提问环节,用本节课重点句型What are these/those?They are…进行操练。)
  6.Count and Say(设置数动物环节,让学生在数动物的过程中记忆所学单词的单复数变化。)
  7.Draw and Share(分组活动,6人一组画一幅理想中的农场。先小组内进行对话练习,教师给予指导。小组讨论结束后,把每组的图画张贴在黑板上,让每一组学生上台向全班展示。)
Vocabulary and Structure
2. 2.Although the team lost the game, they played with tremendous ______: they won their fans' respect.
A. panic
B. regret
C. anger
D. spirit安徽省编制招聘公告
3. 3.Cathy______a few words of Italian when she was there last year. (易混)
A. took on
B. picked up
C. gave away
D. broke down
4. 4.My parents______at the airport because of the storm. Otherwise, they would have been here by lunch time.
A. have delayed
B. would delay
C. were delayed
D. had been delayed
5. 5.______ Anderson was the best of the many talented writers of his generation seemed indisputable.
A. That        B. What
C. Whether        D. Where
6. 6.In your free time, ______ this incredible city and you will certainly have an unforgettable experience. (易错)
A. exploring
B. explore
C. explored
D. to explore
7. 7.Under the regulations, all the passengers ______ remain in their seats until the plane lands safely.
A. may        B. shall
C. could        D. would
8. 8.Emma lived with her grandparents for 3 years in a small village, ______she went to school in New York.
A. in which
B. after that
C. after which
D. in that
9. 9.The novel______last month went straight to number one on the best seller list.
A. published
B. was published
C. to be published
D. being published
10. 10.I live near my parents.______, I can visit them as often as possible. (易混)
A. Conveniently
B. Eventually
C. Thankfully
D. Fortunately
11. 11.Mr. Black can never______the difference between the twins in his class.
A. make        B. develop
C. keep        D. tell
12. 12.—Do you know which is the quickest way to the museum from here? —______. Let's ask the policeman over there.
A. Forget it
B. Go ahead
C. It's up to you
D. It beats me
13. 13.Kevin's teacher saw him as quiet and shy, ______with his friends he was exactly the opposite.
A. or        B. for
C. but        D. so
14. 14.Not until we were shown around this ancient town ______ its beauty was really beyond description.
A. we realized
B. we did realize
C. realized we
D. did we realize
15. 15.The method of forming new words like motel, smog or newscast, is called ______. (常考)
A. derivation
B. blending
C. conversion
D. abbreviation
16. 16.The novel, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, was written by ______, one of the greatest of Victorian novelists.
A. Thomas Hardy
B. George Eliot
C. Emily Bronte
D. Oscar Wilde
Reading Comprehension
  Jaime Escalante was born on December 31, 1930 in La Paz, Bolivia. Following in his parents' footsteps, Escalante became a teacher as well. In the 1960s, he left Bolivia to seek a better life in America.
  Determined to teach in America like he had back home, Escalante taught himself English and earned another college degree. In 1974, Escalante took a job teaching math at Garfield High School in East Los Angeles known for troubled students with horrible home lives. He strove to bring his kids to their full potential, working with them to help them understand mathematics. Soon, he started an advanced math program for many of his students. He worked them hard, teaching them Calculus and making them show up to school an hour early each day and stay late after school was over.
  Then, in 1982, his largest class of students took an advanced placement test in Calculus
and every single one of them passed. However, officials at the **pany suspected the students of cheating. Escalante was outraged. He said the students were being rejected because of their Hispanic (西班牙) names and poor backgrounds. This sparked an idea in Escalante. He was determined to keep his students' confidence and self-esteem high, so he convinced them to retake the advanced placement test. This time, the test would be even harder, so Escalante made his students stay even later after school and forced them to practice their equations over and over again, encouraging them to study hard so they could prove to the world that they are capable of accomplishing.