1.(1分)A.            B.                C.
2.(1分)A.          B.            C.
3.(1分)A.          B.              C.
4.(1分)A.            B.            C.
5.(1分)A.          B.        C.
6.(1分)A.No,I didn't.
B.Yes,I did.
C.No,I don't.
7.(1分)A.Yes,he was.
B.Yes,he is.
C.No,he didn't.
B.Two spoons.
9.(1分)A.Yes,I hope so.
B.I'm sorry to hear that.
C.I'm afraid I can't.
10.(1分)A.That's for sure.
B.Yes,you're right.
C.No problem.
11.(2分)A.Soap operas.
C.Talk shows.
12.(2分)A.Make a birthday cake.
B.Buy a gift.
C.Buy a birthday cake.
13.(2分)A.She's a fun teacher.
B.She's his favorite teacher.
C.She's a creative teacher.
14.(2分)A.Some warm clothes.
B.Some fruit and flowers.
C.Some flowers.
15.(2分)A.His family.
B.His friends.
C.His cousin.
16.(10分)(1)Sarah and Cathy both like       .
A.action movies
B.sports shows
C.game shows
(2)Sarah is better at       .
(3)Sarah likes       .
A.jeans and T﹣shirts
B.her school uniforms
(4)Cathy wants to be       .
A.a teacher
B.an engineer
C.a doctor
(5)Which of the following is TRUE?      
A.Cathy is three years older than Sarah.
B.Cathy is the funniest person Sarah knows.
C.Cathy broke her leg last year.
第二部分英语知识运用(共二节,满分15分)第一节 单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处或替换划线部分的最佳答案。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
17.(1分)—Good morning,Greg.______?
—Friday the 1st.It's the New Year's Day.(  )
A.How's it going today   
B.What's today   
C.How's the weather today   
D.What time is it
18.(1分)Friends are like books.It's not necessary to have a lot of them ______  they are good.(  )
A.or    B.and    C.as long as    D.though
19.(1分)—To make Dianchi Lake ______than before,we must play a part in saving it.
—Yes,you're right.(  )
A.dirty    B.dirtier    C.clean    D.cleaner
20.(1分)—What is your plan for next weekend,Ken?
—I______Yunnan Provincial Museum.(  )
A.was visiting    B.visited   
C.am going to visit    D.visit
21.(1分)—Did you do anything special last weekend?
—______ .I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.(  )
A.Of course    B.You're welcome   
C.Sounds great    D.Nothing much
22.(1分)—Will people use money in 100 years?
—No,they won't.______ will be free.(  )
A.Everything    B.Nothing    C.Somewhere    D.Anywhere
23.(1分)—Chang'e﹣5 landed on the moon successfully.
—Good news!I hope______on the moon one day.(  )
A.walk    B.walked    C.walking    D.to walk
24.(1分)— ______do you help your parents do housework?
—Once a week,every Sunday.(  )
A.How long    B.How often    C.How far    D.How soon
25.(1分)—Do you know Zhang Guimei,the headmaster of Huaping High School for Girls?
—Yes.She helped over 1,800 girls get higher ______at university during 12 years.(  )
A.education    B.information   
C.preparation    D.competition
26.(1分)—Why did she______ your invitation on January 10th?
— Because she had to prepare for the final exam.(  )
A.turn on    B.turn down    C.turn up    D.turn off
27.(1分)—How are you going to become a writer?
—______.(  )
A.I'm going to keep on writing stories   
B.I'm going to take singing lessons   
C.I'm going to study computer science   
D.I'm going to practice basketball every day
28.(1分)When Ted saw the new tall buildings in his hometown,he could______ believe his eyes.(  )
A.certainly    B.nearly    C.probably    D.hardly
29.(1分)—When is a good time to have the party?
—Let's have it today.Unless we______it today,half the class won't come.(  )
A.will have    B.have    C.has    D.had
30.(1分)—Eric,do you like chicken or beef in our rice noodles?
It's your call,mom.Either is OK for me.(  )
A.I will call you    B.It's hard to say   
C.It's up to you    D.Call me later
31.(1分)—Mothers are busy with both their families and jobs.Sometimes they're too tired.
We see eye to eye.So we need to care more about them.(  )
A.We see with our eyes   
B.Eyes are important   
C.We have the same idea   
D.We have different ideas
第二节 完形填空从A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(共1小题,每小题
32.(10分)"Michael,please cook for us today,"my mother called."But I don't know how to cook,"I said."Today your father and I will teach you to cook,"said my mother.I didn't know how it would go,but I(1)      .