I am writing to express my interest in the English recruitment information that I recently came across. 我写信是为了表达我对最近看到的英语招聘信息的兴趣。
As an experienced English teacher with a passion for education, I believe that I would be a valuable asset to your team. 作为一名有经验、对教育充满激情的英语老师,我相信我会成为贵公司团队中的一员。
I have a strong background in teaching English as a second language, and I have a proven track record of helping students improve their language skills. 我在教授英语作为第二语言方面拥有丰富的经验,而且我有帮助学生提高语言技能的成功记录。
Furthermore, I am knowledgeable about language acquisition theories and teaching methodologies, which allows me to tailor my lessons to meet the needs of diverse learners. 此外,我对语言习得理论和教学方法论有相当的了解,这使我能够根据不同学习者的需求量身定制我的课程。
In addition to my teaching skills, I am also proficient in curriculum development and assessment, ensuring that my students receive a well-rounded education. 除了我的教学技能,我还精通课程开发和评估,确保我的学生得到全面的教育。
I am dedicated to creating a positive and inclusive learning environment where all students feel valued and supported in their language learning journey. 我致力于创造一个积极包容的学习环境,在这里所有学生都感受到自己在语言学习中被重视和支持。