Distinguished Leader:
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to take the civil service promotion examination. This examination is aprehensive assessment of my performance and capacity and an important political task. I will value this opportunity to work hard to prepare for the test and to demonstrate mybined qualities and abilities in the job. In the past, I have achieved a measure of success, but I am also aware of some of my shorings and needs for improvement. I will actively improve the gaps in my work and improve my overall qualities with a view to achieving the desired career progression and contributing positively to the implementation of the party ' s guidelines, guidelines and policies. I have the honour to make this solemn declaration.
I would then like to prepare for the test, to take stock of previous work experience, to see what problems and shorings are and to think about how to improve it. I would like to strengthen learning, add more knowledge and enhance my operational capacity so that there is a better basis for future promotions. Attention should also be paid to the building of moral and moral integrity as a civil servant who can be trusted by both organizations and society. I'm sure if I try, it'll work.
On this promotion examination, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the leadership for having given me the opportunity to take part in the examination. Our sincere thanks go also to the leaders and colleagues for their steadfast support and selfless help in my career development. I willmit myself to the examination with full enthusiasm and firm confidence in order to achieve an achievement of my own satisfaction. This is not only a recognition of one ' s abilities, but also a return to organizational and social development and care. I will use this honour as an opportunity to remember my mission and to do more to serve the people and to contribute to the nation. Again, thanks to the leadership and colleagues for their guidance and support.