  Albert Einstein was born in Gemp3any in 1879, His father owned a factory that made electrical devices. His mother enjoyed music and books. His parents were Jewish but they did not observe many of the religion’s rules. Albert was a quite child who spent much of his time alone. He was slow to talk and had difficulty learning to read. When Albert was five years old, his father gave him a compass. The child was filled with wonder when he discovered that the compass needle always pointed in the same direction—to be north. He asked his father and his uncle what caused the needle to move. Their answers about magnetism and gravity were difficult for the boy to understand. Yet he spent a lot of time thinking about them. He said later that he felt something hidden had to be behind things.
  Useful expressions and words:
  1. device 装置,设备
  leave to one’s own devices 听任某⼈⾃⾏其是,允许某⼈按⾃⼰的意愿做事
  She left the child to her own devices for an hour in the afternoon.
  2. compass 指南针
  beyond one’s compass某⼈⼒所不及
  catch/fetch/take a compass兜圈⼦,绕道,拐弯抹⾓
  keep sth within compass 把某种事物限制在适当的范围内
  With the increase in the general standard of living, some ordinary Chinese families begin to afford a car. Yet opinions of the development of a private car vary from person to person.
  It gives a much greater degree of comfort and mobility. The owner of a car is no longer forced to reply on public transport, and hence no irritation caused by waiting for buses or taxis. However, others strongly object to developing private cars. They maintain that as more and more cars are produced an
d run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual hamper to the health of people.
  Whether private cars should be developed in China is a difficult question to answer, yet the desire for the comfort and independence a private car can bring will not be eliminated.
  Mr. and Mrs. Williams got married when he was twenty-three, and she was twenty. Twenty-five years later, they had a big party, and a photographer came and took some photographs of them.
  Then the photographer gave Mrs. Williams a card and said, “They’ll be ready next Wednesday. You can get them from studio.”
  “No,” Mrs. Williams said, “please send them to us.”
  The photographs arrived a week later, but Mrs. Williams was not happy when she saw them. She got into her car and drove to the photographer’s studio. She went inside and said angrily, “You took some photographs of me and my husband last week, but I’m not going to pay for them.”
  “Oh, why not?” the photographer asked.
2021年四六级成绩公布的时间  “Because my husband looks like a monkey,” Mrs. Williams said.
  “Well,” the photographer answered, “that isn’t our fault. Why didn’t you think of that before you married him?”