    Living in a dormitory and having a pet can be a tricky situation. On one hand, having a furry friend can provide companionship and reduce stress. On the other hand, there are rules and regulations in place that may prohibit pets in dorm rooms.
    In my personal experience, I once had a roommate who decided to secretly keep a pet hamster in our dorm room. At first, I was excited to have a cute little pet around, but soon realized the challenges that came with it. The hamster's cage needed to be cleaned regularly, and the smell started to bother me after a while. Additionally, our RA found out about the pet and we were both given a warning.
    Despite the challenges, I have also seen cases where having a pet in the dormitory worked out well. One of my friends had a fish tank in his room, which was a great conversation starter and helped him relax after a long day of classes. Since fish are generally
low maintenance, he didn't have to worry about violating any rules or causing disruptions to his roommates.
英语四级准考证在哪里打印    Overall, I believe that having a pet in a dormitory can be a rewarding experience if done responsibly. It's important to consider the rules of the dormitory and the well-being of both the pet and the roommates. Communication is key in such situations to ensure that everyone is comfortable with the arrangement.