第一节 每小题你将听到一个句子,从ABC三幅图中出与你所听内容相符的选项,并将选项字母在答题卡上涂黑。每个句子读两遍。
1. A.   B.   C.
2. A.   B.   C.
3 A.   B.   C.
4. A.   B.   C.
5. A.   B.   C.
6. A. At the school gate.          B. Sounds great.        C. Just kidding.
7. A. I think so.                B. Give you.          C. ОK. Here you are.
8. A. Don't mention it.            B. Thank you          C. I can't believe.
9. A. You are welcome.          B. No problem.        C. It's a piece of cake
10. A. That's easy.            B. Just a little, please.        C. It was broken.
第三节 你将听到五段对话,选择能回答问题的选项,并将选项字母在答题卡上涂黑。每段对话读两遍。
11. How does Sam study English?
A. By listening to the radio
B. By working in a group.
C. By taking notes.
12. When will Vince go to the woman's home?
A. At 430 am.              B. At 530 pm.            C. At 630 pm.
13. How long did Grace sleep?
A. For 2 hours.              B. For 3 hours.            C. For 4 hours.
14. What is the boy's grandpa like?
A. Humorous                B. Outgoing.              C. Strict.
15. What is Helen doing now?
兴安盟考试信息网()A. Playing computer games in her room.
B. Reading in the yard.
C. Playing games in the yard.
第四节 听短文,选择正确答案,并将选项字母在答题卡上涂黑。短文读两遍。
16. How old was Mr. Smith when he became a middle school teacher?
A. Twenty-two        B. Twenty-three        C. Twenty-four.
17. The students remember Mr. Smith because________.
A. he taught them a lot when they were young
B. he wished them to be honest persons
C. he was strict with them
18. What is Mr. Smith proud of?
A. All his students have become honest.
B. All his students often write to him.
C. Some of his students have been famous.
19. Mr. Smith told his students to finish Exercise 8 in Unit 1 because_________.
A. it was very interesting
B. he wanted to know if they were honest
C. he wanted to give them an example
20. The students' faces turned red because________.
A. they made Mr. Smith angry
B. they told a lie in class
C. they didn't finish the exercise in time
第五节 听短文,根据短文内容填写表格中所缺单词,每空一词,然后将单词抄写在答题卡相应题号后的横线上。短文读两遍。
George's Trip to Tibet
How long
He took a 21. _________day trip to Tibet.
What to do
Passengers took part in many 22. ________during the journey.
What to eat
Passengers had fried 23.________and green vegetables for lunch and dinner.
What kind of train
The windows on the train could 24. ________people from the bright sunlight.
Passengers felt 25. ________and safe on the train.
26. We usually go swimming in _____summer. But in ______summer of 2018, we didn’t.
A. / ; /    B. a; a    C. /; the    D. a ; /
27. Could I smoke here?
Sorry. I am afraid you can't. Look at the________ “No smoking”.
A. subject    B. opinion    C. sign    D. spirit
28. _________ you told me. I had heard nothing of what happened.
A. Until    B. Though
C. When    D. If
29. Life is changeable. No one knows what ________ happen in the future.
A. should    B. must    C. would    D. could
30. —Your uncle is very good at cooking! How did he learn it?
—He learned it by ________.
A. him    B. himself    C. her    D. herself
31. A bad storm hit the city. ________ this reason, the sports meeting was cancelled.
A. In    B. At    C. To    D. For
32. The energy from the sun and wind is very cheap and it will never________.
A. come out    B. lay out    C. carry out    D. run out
33. Excuse me, can I ________ your bike?
Sorry, I have ________ it to Tina.
A. borrow; lent    B. borrow; borrowed
C. lend; borrowed    D. lend; lent
34. What did you learn in geography class yesterday?
I learned that the sun________ in the east.
A. was rising    B. rises    C. rose    D. has risen
35. -Who sings __________in your class?
- Li Jing does.
A. most beautifully    B. most beautiful    C. more beautifully    D. more beautiful
36. -I tried to make Alice ___________ her mind but I found it difficult.
-Well, I saw you __________that when I went past.
A. changed; do    B. changes; doing    C. change; to do    D. change; doing
37. The photo________ taken by my classmate last week is very nice.
A. which were    B. that is    C. that were    D. which was
38. It is reported that the new robot ________ by a middle school student three years ago.
A. invented    B. invents    C. was invented    D. is invented