中油和气的生产和输运的常见数学模型。该模型不仅具有深刻的物理意义,而且也具有重要的数学理论价值。关于其研究是近二十多年来本领域的热点问题之一,有许多关于该模型及其相关模型的数值结果,但对于该模型的适定性理论,即存在性、唯一性和稳定性等结果却很少。该项目系统地研究了液体-气体两相流模型的自由边界问题、初边值问题和Cauchy问题解的适定性等问题。挪威应用数学家Steinar Evje 教授在其同一篇论文中提到了我们的其中1篇代表作11次并作为后续研究。我们在研究爆破机制时提出了速度的梯度平方分解恒等式,从而代替了传统方法中的梯度平方分解不等式。美国《数学评论》(MR3457694)对我们的一篇代表作进行了评论,认为是文章有趣且非常有技巧。
本项目第一完成人朱长江教授曾获国家杰出青年科学基金资助以及入选了万人计划“国家教学名师”,所领导的两相流模型研究团队被同行专家称为国内外该领域的两个团队之一“Zhu’s group” (具体请见[Lizhi Ruan, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 144A,351-362, 2014]第352页),另外一个团队为挪威应用数学家Steinar Evje教授团队。本项目主要研究成果发表在Mathematische Annalen、Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees、Indiana University Mathematics Journal、Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences、SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis和Journal of Differential Equations 等国际权威期刊上。基于上述部分研究成果,项目主要完成人分别在2013年获批国家自然科学基金重点项目、2012年获全国百篇优秀博士学位论文以及在2017年获批国家优秀青年科学
基金项目。10篇代表性论文被SCIE收录论文引用208次,其中SCI 他引130次 (已除去10篇代表性论文所有作者的引用部分)。
代表性论文专著目录论文1:姚磊, 朱长江*, Existence and uniqueness of global weak solution to a two-phase flow model with vacuum, Math.Ann., 349(2011), 903-928.
论文2:温焕尧, 姚磊, 朱长江*, A blow-up criterion of strong solution to a 3D viscous liquid-gas two-phase flow model with vacuum, J. Math. Pures Appl., 97(2012), 204-229.
论文3:段仁军*,刘青青,朱长江,Darcy's law and diffusion for a two-fluid Euler-Maxwell system with dissipation,Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.,25(2015), 2089-2151.
论文4:崔海波, 汪文军, 姚磊, 朱长江*, Decay rates for a nonconservative compressible generic two-fluid model, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 48(2016), 470-512.
论文5:姚磊,张挺,朱长江*,Existence of asymptotic behavior of global weak solutions to a 2D viscous liquid-gas two-phase flow model,SIAM J. Math. Anal.,42(2010),1874–1897.
论文6:刘青青, 尹海燕, 朱长江*, Asymptotic stability of the compressible Euler-Maxwell equations to Euler-Poisson equations, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 63(2014), 1085-1108.
论文7:姚磊,朱长江*, Free boundary value problem for a viscous two-phase model with mass-dependent viscosity, J. Differential Equations, 247(2009), 2705-2739.
论文8:刘青青, 朱长江*, Asymptotic behavior of a viscous liquid-gas model with mass-dependent viscosity and vacuum,J. Differential Equations, 252(2012), 2492-2519.
论文9:段仁军, 刘双乾, 尹海燕, 朱长江*, Stability of the rarefaction wave for a two-fluid plasma model with diffusion, Sci. China Math., 59(2016), 67-84.
论文10:尹海燕, 张金顺, 朱长江*, Stability of the superposition of boundary layer and rarefaction wave for outflow problem on the two-fluid Navier-Stokes-Poisson system, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 31(2016),492-512.
项目组论文发表以后引起了国内外同行的广泛关注。本项目第一完成人朱长江教授所领导的两相流模型研究团队被同行专家称为国内外该领域的两个团队之一“Zhu’s group”(具体请见[Lizhi Ruan,Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 144A, 351-362, 2014]第352页),另外一个团队为挪威应用数学家Steinar Evje教授团队。10 篇代表性论文被SCIE收录论文引用208次,其中SCI他引130次 (已除去10篇代表性论文所有作者的引用部分)。
下界估计,进而证明了该问题弱解的整体存在性和唯一性。此外,还考虑了粘性系数依赖于流体质量的液体-气体两相流模型的自由边界问题,利用半离散的有限差分方法,得到了弱解的整体存在性以及正则性,从而将挪威斯塔万格大学Steinar Evje 教授研究结果中的粘性系数的参数β的范围由13(0,)β∈做到目前最好的(0,1]β∈ (代表作[1,7])。部分他引情况如下:
[1] Jiang Song(中国科学院院士), Zhang Jianwen, On the non-resistive limit and the magnetic boundary-layer for one-dimensional compressible magnetohydrodynamics, Nonlinearity , 30 (2017) 3587–3612.
[2] Evje Steinar, Genuine two-phase flow dynamics with a free interface separating gas-liquid mixture from gas, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis , 45(2013), 2894-2923.
[3] Hao Chengchun, Li Hai-Liang(杰青、长江), Well-posedness for a
multidimensional viscous liquid-gas two-phase flow model, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis , 44(2012), 1304-1332.
[4] Evje Steinar, Global weak solutions for a compressible gas-liquid model with well-formation interaction, Journal of Differential Equations , 251 (2011), 2352-2386.
[5] Friis Helmer Andre, Evje Steinar, Global weak solutions for a gas-liquid model with external forces and general pressure law, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics ,  71 (2011), 409-442.
[6] Friis Helmer Andre, Evje Steinar, Well-posedness of a compressible gas-liquid model with a friction term important for well control
operations, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics , 71 (2011), 2014-2047.
[7] Evje Steinar, Weak solutions for a gas-liquid model relevant for describing gas-kick in oil wells, SIAM Journal on Mathematical
Analysis , 43 (2011), 1887-1922.
2. 研究了高维粘性液体-气体两相流模型的初边值问题和Cauchy 问题,通过建立了速度u 的梯度平方分解恒等式,得到了由液体质量上界控制的强解的爆破准则,其中该恒等式代替了传统方法中的梯度平方分解不等式。由于粘性液体-气体两相流模型和单相流Navier-Stokes 方程组具有相似的结构,作为一个推论,该结果同样适用于可压缩Navier-Stokes 方程组的相关问题,因此本质上改进了国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金获得者章志飞教授及合作者[J. Math. Pures Appl., 95 (2010)]中的相关结果。此外,考虑了高维粘性液体-气体两相流模型的Cauchy 问题。利用初始能量的小性假设得到了关键的液体质量和气体质量的上下界估计,进而获得了弱解的整体存在性和解的大时间渐近行为的结果(代表作[2,5])。部分他引情况如下:
[1] Ruan Lizhi, Trakhinin Yuri(俄罗斯科学院Sobolev 研究所), Elementary symmetrization of inviscid two-fluid flow equations giving a number of
instant results, Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena,391 (2019),66-71. [2] Li Yang, Sun Yongzhong, Global weak solutions to a two-dimensional
compressible MHD equations of viscous non-resistive fluids, Journal of Differential Equations,267 (2019),3827-3851.
[3] Zhang Yinghui, Weak solutions for an inviscid two-phase flow model in
physical vacuum, Journal of Differential Equations,265 (2018),
[4] Tan Zhong, Wang Yanjin, On hyperbolic-dissipative systems of composite
type, Journal of Differential Equations, 260 (2016), 1091-1125.
[5] Du Lili, Zhang Qin, Blow up criterion of strong solution for 3D viscous
liquid-gas two-phase flow model with vacuum, Physica D-Nonlinear
Phenomena, 309 (2015),57-64.
[6] Evje Steinar, A compressible two-phase model with pressure-dependent
well-reservoir interaction, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 45(2013), 518-546.
性情形的两相流模型解关于时间的最优衰减率以及稳定性问题。特别地,对三维非守恒形式,由于方程组的非守恒性,导致其线性化方程的Green函数的衰减率比可压缩Navier-Stokes方程组的低(小于3/4),使得经典的能量估计方法不能直接应用。通过观察,项目组到了扰动变量的某些线性组合,它满足好的衰减性,进一步利用高低频分解处理能量估计中右端的不好项:高频部分可以被能量估计左端的耗散项吸收,低频部分好的正则性使之较容易处理,进而封闭能量估计,于是得到了经典解的整体存在性和最优衰减率 (代表作[3,4,6,8,9,10])。
美国《数学评论》(MR3457694)对代表作[4]做出了正面的评论:“这篇非常有技巧和有趣的文章考虑了非守恒粘性可压缩两相流模型…(This interesting, though very technical, paper discusses    a nonconservative viscous compressible generic two-fluid model in R^3, which is commonly used in industrial applications,….)”。部分他引情况如下:
[1] Li Xin, Wang Shu, Feng Yue-Hong, Stability of non-constant equilibrium
solutions for bipolar full compressible Navier-Stokes-Maxwell systems, Journal of Nonlinear Science,28 (2018),2187-2215.
[2] Wu Zhigang, Wang Weike, The pointwise estimates of diffusion wave of the
compressible micropolar fluids, Journal of Differential Equations,265 (2018),2544-2576.
[3] Hong Hakho, Shi Xiaoding, Wang Teng, Stability of stationary solutions
to the inflow problem for the two-fluid non-isentropic
Navier-Stokes-Poisson system, Journal of Differential Equations,265 (2018),1129-1155.
[4] Huang Lirong, Liu Shuangqian, Stability of contact discontinuity for the
two-species Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann system, Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences,26 (2016),1243-1318.
[5] Ruan Lizhi, Smoothing effect on the damping mechanism for an inviscid
two-phase gas-liquid model, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A-Mathematics,144 (2014),351-362.
[6] Friis Helmer Andre, Evje Steinar, Asymptotic behavior of a compressible
two-phase model with well-formation interaction, Journal of Differential Equations, 254 (2013), 3957-3993.