1.Since the ditch is full of water,_____ last night.
A. it must be raining
B. there must have rain
C. it must have rained
D. there might have been rain
2.The governor had to ____ all his appointments for the day and rush to the train accident.
A. pay off
B. set off
C. call off
D. see off
3.We are late. I expect the film___by the time we get to the cinema.
A. had already started
B. have already started
C. will already have started
D. have already been started
4.There are many ____________ products on show.
A. latter
B. later
C. last
D. latest
5.The electric shaver ____before it can be used.
A. needs repairing
B. should be in repair
C. has to be repairable
D. must repair
6.If he drinks any more beer, I don’t think he’ll be ____ to play this afternoon.
A. suitable
B. fit
C. skillful
D. capable
7.Leifeng _________ a good example for all of us.
A. did
B. took
C. make
D. set
8.I don’t mind___the decision as long as it is not too late.
A. you to delay making
B. your delaying making
C. your delaying to make
D. you delay to make
9.___editor and ___publisher of this magazine is a learned man from Britain.
A. An, a
中国考试教育网B. The, a
C. The, the
D. The, /
10.The course normally attracts 20 students per year,___up to half will be from overseas.
A. in which
B. for whom
C. with which
D. of whom
11.The last half of the nineteenth century___the steady improvement in the means of travel.
A. has witnessed
B. was witnessed
C. witnessed
D. is witnessed
12.How long do you think ____take to get the laser device ready?
A. does it
B. will it
C. it will
D. it is
13.The report of the traffic accident proved __________.
A. true
B. truth
C. truly
D. truthfully
14.After___to prison, they regret not having taken advice from their parents and friends.
A. have sent
B. have been sent
C. having sent
D. being sent
15.The number of registered participants in this year's marathon was half___.
A. of last year's
B. those of last year's
C. of those of last year
D. that of last year's
16.Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it___in Cuba.
A. being cultivated
B. been cultivated
C. having cultivated
D. cultivating
17.___from the European continent, England had been in close contact with the outside world.
A. Because cutting off
B. While to be cut off
C. Although cut itself off
D. Even if cut off
18.Our new house is very ____ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.
A. convenient