第一节  听力理解(共17小题;每小题1分,满分17分)
1. Where is the school library?
A. Beside the office building.    B. Behind the office building. C. Before the office building.
2. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Husband and wife.            B. Brother and sister.                C. Teacher and student.
3. When should the man take the pills?   A. During meal.          B. Before meal.           C. After meal.
4. How old is Lucy?   A. Over 16.    B. Just 16.      C. Under 16.
5. What do we know about the animal?   A. It was small.    B. It was tall.     C. It didn’t walk.
6. What time is it now?   A. 8:30.          B. 9:30.    C. 10:00
7. What is the woman doing?
   A. Looking for her camera.    B. Taking some pictures.            C. Waiting for the others.
8. How many cities have you heard in the dialogue?   A. 2.      B. 3.          C. 4.
9. How long hasn’t their son called them?   A. 5 days.       B. 4 days.        C. 3 days.
10. How does the woman feel?   A. Happy.        B. Angry.       C. Worried.
11. Where is their son?    A. In China.      B. In the UK.    C. In America.
12. How much are the Japanese apples?    A. 2 yuan a kilo.   B. 12 yuan a kilo.  C. 20 yuan a kilo.
13. What does the man think of the Japanese apples?
    A. Too small.    B. Too expensive.    C. Very cheap.
14. Where does the dialogue probably take place?
    A. In a hotel.                      B. In a bank.                                C. In a fruit shop.
15. Why didn’t the man watch TV last night?
    A. Because he was having a meeting.          B. Because he was giving a lesson.
    C. Because he was playing football.
16. What is the man’s favorite program?    A. Films.      B. News.      C. Sports.
17. How does the woman watch TV?
    A. She always watches whole programs.      B. She watches TV while doing housework.
    C. She watches TV a little here and little there.
第二节 听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20三个小题。(已经依照学考听力规定改编成选取题)
18.What will the weather be like in tomorrow morning ?
A. warm and fine          B. windy and cold          C. rainy and cold
19.what will the temperature be in tomorrow afternoon?A.5℃    B.6℃    C.7℃
20.How about the weather in the evening?
A. windy                  B. cold                    C. rainy
第一节  听力理解 (共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分)
1. Where is the man going?  A. To Paris.    B. To New York. C. To London.
2 .What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A. Husband and wife.      B. Teacher and student.    C. Father and daughter.
3. Who sent the new camera to the boy? A. His mother.  B. His sister.  C. His grandpa.
4 .When may the man go for a picnic? A. Next year.    B. Next month.  C. Next week.
5. How does the woman prefer to come here? A. By bus.    B. By bike.    C. On foot.
6 .What are they preparing for? A. A trip.    B. An English evening.    C. An English project.
7 .Where did Daniel get the books?
A. From his teacher.        B. From the bookstore.    C. From the library.
8. Why does Li Hua like traveling?
A. He can make new friends.  B. He likes his hometown.  C. He's got some money.
9 .How many cities has Li Hua been to?  A. Two.    B. Three  C. Four.
10 .Which city did A'fang visit,Changsha,Hangzhou or Haikou?
A. Changsha.              B. Hangzhou.            C. Haikou.
11.What do the girl's parents want her to do at school?
A. To study harder.          B. To play computer games. C. To read novels.
12 .What are the parents of the two students worrying about?
A. Their food.              B. Their studies.          C. Their clothing.
13 .How can students get along well with their parents?
A. Always argue with them.    B. Often talk with them.  C. Never listen to them.
14 .Where is the swimming pool?
A. Near the woman's home.    B. Near the dancing hall.  C. Near the playground.
15.How long does the woman swim every day?
A. Two hours.              B. More than half an hour.  C. More than an hour.