Melbourne is a popular tourist city,and it's easy to see its beautiful beaches and busy city life.
Why it's a great choice:Australia as a whole is considered a safe destination for international travel,and because of that,many solo travelers go there.As an English-speaking country,you won't be faced with any language barriers(障碍).Melbourne is easy to get around because you can walk or bike practically anywhere! Thailand
Thailand is great for solo travelers—perhaps because it is one of the Buddhist mindsets(佛教的心态), which promote equality among the sexes.
Why it's a great choice:Thailand is known for its friendly atmosphere,and as a popular tourist country,there are plenty of chances to meet other like-minded travelers.It is well known for being very cheap,especially in the north.It's a good choice if you want to get away on a budget.Thailand has a lot to offer,from the party-central Bangkok to beautiful beaches and tropical jungle(热带丛林).
Bali is a spiritual place with yoga,spas,healthy food and beaches.The friendly people and attractive culture have made Bali one of the most popular places.
Why it's a great choice:you won't be the only solo traveler in Bali.Everyone is known for being friendly and you're sure to meet some good people along the way.As a Hindu island,Bali is the perfect place for a relaxing and spiritual retreat(静修).The Sacred Monkey Forest in Ubud is fantastic—if you like monkeys,anyway.
1.Where can you enjoy beautiful beaches with convenient transport?
2.Which of the following statements is TRUE about Thailand?
A.Travelling in Thailand may not cost you quite a lot.
B.Women are not treated equally in Thailand.
C.You will not have the chance enjoying the tropical scenery.
D.People in Thailand are not friendly enough.
3.What have made Bali one of the most popular places?
A.Yoga,spas,healthy food and beaches.
B.Meeting some good people along the way.
C.Friendly people and attractive culture.
D.Fantastic monkeys in the Sacred Monkey Forest.
4.What type of writing is this text?
A.A travel journal.
B.A business report.
C.A news advertisement.
D.A travel guide.
【答案】1.A  2.A  3.C  4.D
细节理解题。根据Melbourne,Australia部分的“Melbourne is a hot-spot travel destination,and it's easy to see why with its beautiful beaches and busy city life.”可知墨尔本是旅游热点地区,很容易理解为什么这里有美丽的海滩和繁忙的城市生活;根据Melbourne,Australia部分的“Melbourne is easy to get around because you can walk or bike practically anywhere!”可知,墨尔本交通便利,因为你几乎可以步行或骑自行车。因此,墨尔本有美丽的海滩,也有便利的交通,故选A。
细节理解题。根据Thailand部分的“It is well known for being very cheap,especially in the north.”可知,以便宜著称,尤其是北边。因此,在泰国旅游不会花太多钱。故选A。
细节理解题。根据Bali,Indonesia部分的“The friendly people and attractive culture have made Bali one of the most popular places.”可知,友好的人们和有吸引力的文化使巴厘岛成为最受欢迎的地方之一。即,让巴厘岛成为最欢迎的地点的是友好的人们和有吸引力的文化。故选C。
d 和Bali,Indonesia,并说明了其特。该类文章应该出现在旅游指导册中,是旅游指南,故选D。
和one of the most popular places可以到答案区域在文章最后一部分,然后可以到The friendly people and attractive culture have made Bali one of the most popular places.,而后可以到正确选项C。
Last weekend,my kids and a few other kids from the neighborhood volunteered to help me wash my car.My 10-year-old daughter came up with the idea of washing other people's cars as well.It was very hot outside.And she wanted to give juice for a low cost but not free.I felt happy and decided to help her.
She asked me,“What if we make this‘a smile car wash’,mommy?”I couldn't hold back my tears and encouraged her and other kids to go inside the house and come up with ideas.While I kept myself busy in drying the car,the kids walked up to me with a board of beautiful signs of smiles.They had“Free Car Wash”written on it and the theme of their exercise was“Smile”.It was natural to see a team of kids5to11years with the task to do something for others.
All that seemed natural and came right from their heart.Nothing seemed to matter to them:their playtime, and the heat outside—they just wanted to help and do something nice!
I helped them make some fresh juice and brought out some waste materials to help clean cars.Passers-by were amazed and one even shouted at them saying“Good kids”.One of them even tried giving them5dollars, which they refused.What a heart-warming scene(场景)!
The following weekend,I saw the idea of the week,the theme of which was“Global Kindness”.I was moved by such wonderful and loving kids.They made me smile!
5.Who came up with the idea of washing other people's cars for free?
A.The mother.
B.One of the passers-by.
C.The writer's10-year-old daughter.
D.One of the writer's neighbors'kids.
6.Why couldn't the author hold back her tears when she knew her daughter's idea?
A.She was moved by her daughter's kindness.
B.She felt sorry for those passers-by in hot day.
C.She was sorry for not helping the kids.
D.She thought it was very hard for the kids.
7.Why did the kids want to wash others'cars for free?
A.They wanted to earn money.
B.They were asked to do that by their teacher.
C.They just wanted to help and do something nice.
D.They wanted to exercise in smiling.
8.Which of the following did NOT the writer do to help the kids?
A.She supported the kids'ideas.
B.She made some fresh juice for the passers-by.
C.She brought out some waste materials to help the kids.
D.She gave the kids some money.
【答案】5.C  6.A7.C8.D
细节理解题。根据第一段“My10-year-old daughter came up with the idea of washing other people's cars as well.”可知,我10岁的女儿想出来给他人洗车的主意。根据第二段“They had“Free Car Wash”written on it and the theme of their exercise was“Smile”.”可知,他们写着“免费洗车”,而且他们活动的主题是“微笑”。由此可以看出,想出给别人免费洗车的主意的人是作者10岁的女儿。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第一段“And she wanted to give juice for a low cost but not free.”可知,她想提供低成本但不免费的果汁;根据第二段“She asked me,“What if we make this‘a smile car wash’,mommy?”可知,她问我:如果我们让这成为“微笑洗车”怎么样?提供低成本果汁,微笑洗车,是10岁的孩子展现友好的方式,这让作者感动。由此判断出,当她知道孩子的想法时,作者忍不住眼泪,是因为她被女儿的善良感动了。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第三段“All that seemed natural and came right from their heart.Nothing seemed to matter to them:their playtime,and the heat outside—they just wanted to help and do something nice!”可知,一切看起来很自然,是心底的想法。对他们来说都没关系:他们玩耍的时间,和外面的炎热,他们只是想帮忙做一些好事。因此,孩子们想免费洗车的原因是他们想帮忙做点好事。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第一段“I felt happy and decided to help her.”可知,我感到高兴,决定帮助她;根据倒数第二段“I helped them make some fresh juice and brought out some waste materials to help clean cars.”可知,我
Body awareness(身体意识)helps children understand how they can move their bodies and the concept of space and how it relates to their bodies.
There are many fun games and songs that teach children body awareness and encourage them to move their bodies.
湖南省学考成绩查询“Simon Says”is a great example,as long as you allow all children to continue to play instead of removing children who do not follow the directions correctly.Children who do not follow the directions correctly are generally the very ones who need to play the game most.
Remember the game called“Statue”,or maybe you called it“Freeze”?The teacher plays music;and when the music stops,the children“freeze”.To add an element of learning about body parts,add this instruction:“If I call
‘Hands’,everyone should be frozen except for their hands,which should be moving.”Children love this c
hange of the game,and it teaches them to listen and learn body parts.
Another classic song that teaches body awareness is“If You're Happy and You Know It”.Although the standard refrains(副歌)tell you to“clap your hands”and“stomp your feet”,you can try to“wiggle(摆动)your fingers”,“pull your ears”,“shake your head”,etc.
Children enjoy guessing games.Try giving clues(提示)about which body part you are describing.For example,“I am thinking about a body part that I smell with.It is right under my eyes and right over my mouth. What am I thinking about?”To help thinking and language skills,encourage children to make up the clues for a body part.
Children should enter school with a basic understanding of their bodies.Childcare programs can promote this understanding.
9.How many kinds of games are mentioned in the passage?
B.  4.
D.  6.
10.According to the3rd paragraph,the children who don't follow the directions correctly are______.
A.always stupid
B.always clever
C.of good body awareness
D.lacking in body awareness
11.Which of the following games could be more beneficial for thinking and speaking?
A.Listening to songs.
B.Guessing games.