摘  要
关键词:  本科大学生;学校归属感;网络成瘾;显著差异
A study of the relationship between College Students' sense of belonging and Internet Addiction Disorder
网络本科The phenomenon of Internet addiction among college students is becoming more and more serious, which not only harms the physical and mental health of college students, but also affects the future development strategy of the country. Research shows that one of the reasons for college students' Internet addiction is lack of family belonging. As a place for college students to live and learn directly, University is the second home of college students. Therefore, improving school sense of belonging plays an important role in preventing and controlling college students' Internet addiction. This study takes undergraduate students as the research object, using the Chinese version PSSM scale translated by Chinese Hongkong scholars Cheung and Hui, and the Chinese Internet addiction scale revision Version (CIAS-R) compiled by Chen Shuhui, a Taiwan scholar, and
so on. A survey of 432 undergraduate students was carried out to study and analyze college students' sense of school belonging and Internet addiction, and to focus on the relationship between them, hoping to contribute to the improvement of College Students' sense of school belonging and the reduction of their Internet addiction. The results show that: (1) there are significant gender, grade, specialty, source place and type of College in college students' sense of school belonging. (2) the degree of Internet Addiction of undergraduate students has significant gender, source place difference and college type difference; the degree of Internet Addiction of undergraduate students does not have significant grade and professional differences. (3) there are significant differences in the sense of school belonging of undergraduate students with different degree of Internet addiction; there is a significant negative correlation between the college students' sense of school belonging and the Internet addiction.
KEY WORDS:  undergraduate college student; school belonging;Internet Addiction Disordersignificant differences