高考英语全国乙卷 听力部分
1、 M: Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest post office is?
W: Sure, it's just around the corner. You can't miss it.
2、 W: Did you enjoy the concert last night?
M: Not really. The music was too noisy for me.
3、 M: Have you decided what to do this weekend?
W: Not yet. I'm thinking about going hiking with some friends.
4、 Where is the nearest post office according to the woman?
A. It's far away.
B. It's just around the corner.
C. The man should ask someone else.
5、 What does the man think of the concert last night?
A. It was enjoyable.
B. It was too noisy.
C. He didn't go to the concert.
6、 What is the woman planning to do this weekend?
A. Go hiking with friends.
B. Visit a post office.
C. She hasn't decided yet.
W: Good morning, everyone. Today we're going to talk about the importance of exercise. As you know, exercise is essential for maintaining good health. It can help us keep fit and reduce the risk of many diseases. However, many people still don't make time for regular exercise. They may say they're too busy or they don't have enough energy. But the truth is, exercise can actually give you more energy and improve your mood. So, I encourage everyone to find some time for exercise every day, whether it's a walk, a run, or a trip to the gym. Remember, a healthy body is a happy body.
7、 What does the woman think is essential for maintaining good health?
A. Eating a balanced diet.
B. Getting enough sleep.
C. Regular exercise.
8、 Why do some people say they don't have time for exercise?
A. Because they're too lazy.
B. Because they don't enjoy it.
C. Because they're busy or they don't have enough energy.
9、 What does the woman suggest people do to improve their mood?
A. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
B. Find some time for exercise every day.
C. Go to the gym regularly.
M: Hello, I'm calling to inquire about the position advertised in the newspaper.
W: Oh, yes. Could you tell me your name and what qualifications you have for this job?2021高考查分
M: My name is John Smith, and I have a degree in business administration. I also have five years of experience in marketing.
W: That sounds great. Could you tell me more about your marketing experience?
M: Sure. In my previous job, I was responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies. I also managed a team of marketing professionals.
W: Very impressive. Do you have any specific questions about the job?
M: Yes, I'm curious about the salary and benefits package.
W: The salary will be competitive, and we also offer a comprehensive benefits package including health insurance, paid vacation, and retirement plan.
M: That sounds very good. I'm interested in this position. What's the next step?
W: Great! We would like to set up an interview with you. When would be a good time for you?
10、 What is the man calling about?
A. A job advertisement.
B. A business opportunity.
C. A marketing strategy.
11、 What qualifications does the man have for the job?
A. A degree in marketing.
B. Five years of experience in administration.
C. A degree in business administration and five years of marketing experience.
12、 What does the woman say about the salary and benefits package?
A. They are average.
B. They are competitive and comprehensive.
C. They are not discussed during the phone interview.
13、 What is the next step for the man according to the woman?
A. Submit a resume and cover letter.
B. Wait for a call from the company.
C. Set up an interview with the company.
The Future of Education
In the future, education will undergo significant changes. With the rapid development of technology, online learning will become increasingly popular. Students will have access to a wide range of resources and materials at their fingertips, allowing them to learn at their own pace and in their own way.
Moreover, personalized learning will become a reality. Teachers will be able to tailor their teaching methods to the individual needs and learning styles of their students. This will ensure that students are engaged and motivated, leading to better academic outcomes.
However, these changes do not mean that traditional classrooms will disappear. Face-to-face interaction and collaboration among students and teachers are still crucial for effective learning. Therefore, a blend of online and offline learning will likely emerge in the future.
14、 What will be increasingly popular in the future according to the talk?
A. Traditional classrooms.
B. Online learning.
C. Textbooks.
15、 Why will personalized learning be important in the future?
A. Because it will make learning more fun.
B. Because it will ensure better academic outcomes.
C. Because it will allow students to learn at their own pace.
16、 What does the talk suggest about the role of traditional classrooms in the future?
A. They will disappear completely.
B. They will still have a crucial role.
C. They will only be used for certain subjects.