(1)There is no denying that recent few years has witnessed a deteriorating phenomenon of(  aging populations      )Which has induced heightened concerns and should call for immediate solutions
(2)It is common to hear on Television that many countries list (  the older generations      )as their prior apprehensions in maintaining individual and national survival and prosperity. 英语四级作文万能模板
(3) According to statistics profoundly betrayed in the chart,    Chinese aging population              is on the dramatic increase with      132 million                accounting for 10.6      of the total.
(4) What captures my eyes in the chart is that there will be a (two  )-time boost in the number of ( world’s aging populations 
          ) from ( 300 million        ) to ( 600 million      )  in the range of ( 25  ) years.
  (1) As for the issue of (  aging populations        ), its situation has been becoming increasingly unsatisfactory in spite of the fact that most people are still ignorant of the problems it brings about.
  (2) It is no difficult job to come up with some possible factors that underlie the nasty phenomenon
  (3)  To begin with, with the standard of living improved and living pace escalating, nothing is more essential to ( prolong the life span of old people    ) than (  improved medical technology ), which seems to be a leading factor we have frequently witnessed.
  (4) Moreover, the combination of ( better family care and more scientific eating and living habits), to some extent, play contributing roles in (  promoting the life span ). 
(5) However, when we enjoy the benefits of ( living longer  ) enthusiastically and delightfully, its harmfulness should also be taken into adequate considerations.
  (6) Accidents of various kinds resulting from (aging populations ) happen more frequently t
han ever before such as ( labor shortage and lower productivity )
(1) Judging from what have been mentioned above, the rapidity of                      (    aging populations    )  has made it more urgent for the adoption of countermeasures.
(2)No doubt the key is to build a solid foundation of ( social security ).
(3) What’s more, a publicizing educational campaign should be carried out to enhance social supervisions and regulations to encourage  more equal distributions of medical resources                                                           
(4)  No easy method can be at hand to solve the problem of(aging populations).
(5)  But the common recognition of the importance of the serious situations might be the first step on the right way.
(1)What captures my eyes in the first picture is that                                      , which
seems to be common around us but quite meaningful.
(2)Apparently, the thought-provoking second picture draws attention to the fact that                                     
(3) Nowadays no phenomenon has characterized the recent few years more than A which could help us make wise decisions and solve any possible problems when facing competition and challenges.
(1) The aim of the painter of the drawings can be briefed as follows.
(2) First of all, A is crucial for every individual. Those equipped with A are always admired a
nd respected, because A may endow them with more competence, chances, self-confidence to overcome difficulties and handle problems.
(3) Those        people appear to possess a special charm, bringing others hope, passion and surprise, and, winning others’ favor and trust.
(4) Therefore, they can proceed more smoothly and achieve their dreams more rapidly and enjoy a vigorous and colorful life. For example,                             
(5) What is more, the whole society also thrives. Through continuously promoting the social productivity, increasingly improving the productive relationship, and gradually enriching human material and spiritual wealth, A eventually brings economic prosperity and social harmony.
(6)Frankly speaking,it can directly promote the rapid progress of the society with its energy and bring advanced techniques,highly efficient management and adequate communication,and other unexpected resources.
(7) No better illustration of this idea can be thought than the example mentioned below.
(8)                        are the cases in point.
(1)            In short, where there is better A, there are more hope, vitality and development.