学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1.Each car sold in this specialized shop comes with a one-year()
A.guarantee B.safety C.security D.insurance
2.Speaker A: Well, it’s getting late. Maybe we could get together sometime.
Speaker B: ______()
A.Sounds good. I’ll give you a call
B.Take it easy
C.Nice to see you back
D.Yes, I’ve enjoyed it
3.Never()these people are living in such poor conditions
A.I could imagine
B.could I imagine
C.I couldn’t imagine
D.couldn’t I imagine
4.Whenever we planned our vacations, mother could always offer some _____ suggestions()
A.careful B.practical C.effective D.efficient
5.Nearly three years of high school had gone by _____he finally realized the importance of studying hard()
A.until B.while C.before D.so that
6. Carl wasn't very good at mountain climbing as he's afraid of______.
A.highs B.heights C.highness D.heightening
7.It’s too late to go out. _____, it’s going to rain()
A.Otherwise B.Besides C.However D.Therefore
8._____, her suggestion is of greater value than yours()
A.All things considering
B.All things considered
C.All things were considered
D.With all things were considered
9.The park was()easy walking distance of our hotel
A.within B.inside C.about D.from
10.The drug is reported _______ many trials before it was put into the market()
A.to be have been have given
Students at university can learn and make friends 1 will last a life time.However,the cost of studying is on the rise.This increase means that most students can get into money trouble 2 they do not know how to manage their money. It is not just the course fees.Students must also 3 for room and board.In addition,they may spend money 4 clothes,travel,and other things. Thus,students need to budget 5 .At most universities teachers can give students suggestions on how to spend their money.The first thing they suggest is to write down your 6 ,for example,the money you will get from your family or a part-time job.Then list all of your
expenses.Put your expenses into two 7 : those that change (food,books,travel),and those that will stay the same (tuition,room and board).Add together all of your expenses. When you do this,you find it is 8 to plan out your budget.This means you can save your money,rather than trying to 9 from others.As you can see,there is more to learn at university than just 10 is taught in the classroom.
Researchers have found that people who go to concerts,shows and museums can live longer than 1 who do not.Experts from University College London have been examining the lifestyles of over 6,700 British people 2 15 years.They 3 how often the people went out and what kinds of events they attended.They found that people over 50 years old 4 regularly went to concerts were about 30 percent 5 likely to die over the next 14 years.The researchers said the over 50s could extend their life 6 engaging with the arts.In addition to l
iving longer concertgoers could also have more fun. The UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock believes there could be a lot of 7 in the research.He said arts and culture could 8 things like mental health,aging and loneliness.He 9 announced plans for the UK’s National Health Service to use the arts to help people live a healthier life.One researcher said,“Our results highlight the importance of 10 to explore new social factors that affect our health.” 1.____
A.Please hold on a moment
B.It’s No. 311 on the second floor
C.This is Lee speaking
D.I’m glad you called
E.All right, I’ll be expecting you
A.It must take a lot of practice to stay on the skateboard
B.Would you like to try any extreme sports?
C.I guess so
D.Many people watch them on TV
北京专升本报名入口2022E.I’m sure you will be safe
18.Task 2(每小题2分,共10分)
M: What a fine day today!71
W: That sounds like a good idea.72
M: Let's go to the Green Hill.
W: Shall we take the bus there?
M:73 It's not very far.
W: That will be OK. I'll ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month.
W: Let's ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They planned to go last Sunday but it rained.
M: Good! I'm sure they will be happy to.
W: Have you got any idea what we are going to do there?
W: That will be fine.
A. We can go there by bike.
B. Why not ask someone else to join us?
C. Where to go?
D. How about going on a trip?
E. We can just lie on the grass having a good rest
22.M: Are extreme sports popular in your country?
W: They’re not very popular.1There is a TV program on about them each week.
M: I think that the people who do the skateboarding are very skilled.2
W: The kids who do it are so young. Well, it’s better for them than sitting at home watching TV all day!
W: I’m going bungee jumping on Sunday. I was very nervous about it, but my friends convinced me to give it a try.
M: 4The organizers have lots of safety procedures. Can I come and watch?
W:5You might even be tempted(吸引) to do a bungee jump.
M: I might. It’s something I’ve often thought about doing