Passage 1
In the late 19th century, the advent of the telephone and transportation of ever-larger quantities of goods led to the elaboration of methods of mass production, with the telephone expanding the market for products of all kinds. But it was also clear at once that the telephone brought with it the disadvantage of the growing number of interruptions in the intimacy (亲密)of family life.
As long as only telegrams could be received over the telephone, this disadvantage only concerned business and politicians who could be interrupted at home. But as soon as relatives and friends began to telephone one another, people had to start struggling with new difficulties and new obligations (义务). As many other important inventions in the course of history, the telephone became a burden (负担)for persons of culture who would not easily yield their privacy (隐私权).
With the invention of the telephone, ways had to be found to establish rules as to when and by whom telephone calls could be made without interrupting. The telephone, in order to be acceptable, had to bear certain qualities which were also valid for other cultural goods – mainly the quality to bring people toward one another and to integrate (整合)them into the common world.
These results could, however, be achieved only by the contribution of a large number of people who followed certain rules of behavior with regard to the telephone. But such rules had to be collectively established, they had to be known and accepted by everyone; it woul
d not have been sufficient if only a few informed persons, acting in a purely academic capacity =by themselves, had found them out and had spread (传播)them – that is, if people had known the rules only in the abstract.
As soon as propriety (礼节)became a matter of public interest, the invention of the telephone brought about the establishment of a teachers of telephone behavior – professors who explained the norms (规范)of telephone behavior, who taught people how to accept messages, how to make a call politely and yet firmly (委婉), how to end calls courteously (谦虚地), and how to use a telephone correctly. These professors were also at the service of companies and private persons for individual consultation on the same topics. Thanks to these people the invasion of privacy by telephone could be tempered (缓和), the annoyance (麻烦) of being interrupted by telephone calls could be reduced.
11. According to the passage, the advent of the telephone led to ______.
A) an almost immediate invasion of privacy
B) the formation of new obligations
C) the integration of business and politics
D) the expansion of the market for various products
答案解析:D) the expansion of the market for various products.
解析:根据文章的第一句“In the late 19th century, the advent of the telephone and transportation of ever-larger quantities of goods led to the elaboration of methods of mass production.”可知,电话的出现推动了商品市场的扩大。
A major reason artists are  36  is that they cannot decide what art is. Everyone  37 what art is, but  38 can define it clearly. We all  39 what art is at different angles, hence the  40  of art.
Art serves a number of  41 . It is a means of communication. Speaking and writing are the
means to express human beings’ ideas. So is music as a way of communication. Literature has often borrowed musical suggestions to  42 the sensation of rhythm, and vice versa. Like other arts, music plays a part all over the world. In many  43 , music is a necessary part of the ritual chain (仪式链).
Art is a universal means of  44 . Contrary to speaking language, art is understood by everyone or almost  45 , regardless of the mother tongue. When people look at a picture, they all see the  46 thing, but each of them sees it from his or her particular  47 of view.
Art is a part of human beings’ lives. We cannot  48 without it. When we have breakfast in the morning, we usually read  49 an article from a newspaper, which I believe is an art. We turn on television sets for  50  in the evening, which I believe is an art. Sometimes we go to a concert and watch football or basketball games in stadiums, which are all arts.
36. A) confused        B) amazed      C) scared      D) fascinated
答案解析:A) confused.
解析:根据前文“artists are”可知,画家都感到困惑。
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