Passage 1
Questions 1-3 are based on the following passage.
Vasily Grossman, a journalist and writer, was recognized only belatedly in the Soviet Union. But by the time of his death in 1964 his works could no longer be ignored or suppressed completely.
Grossman was born in a Jewish family in 1905 in Berdichev (Ukraine) and after training for a career in civil engineering became a writer and journalist, first in Ukraine, then in Moscow. Hi
s first literary success was a volume of short stories (1934) and his first novel, Stalingrad (1952), established his reputation as a writer of remarkable talents. It is a fine example of the "Bread and Battles" type of fiction-- novels with a Central Russian war theme.
Between the wars Grossman established himself as a newspaper reporter of the first rank. At the outbreak of the German invasion in 1941 he became a war reporter. His articles in the army newspaper Red Star had considerable effect. After the war he continued to write--describing, for example, the 1943 Battle of Kursk in which a German advance was halted. These articles lead directly to the writing of Stalingrad.
In 1959 his novel Life and Fate was finished, and when it became apparent that the manuscript would be suppressed by the authorities, Grossman gave copies to friends. A "textbook example of containment," the manuscript switched across the Iron Curtain and was first published in the West in 1980; in the Soviet Union only an abridged version was eventually published in 1988.
Grossman's major themes are war and totalitarianism. He writes with great authority and h
umanity. In his later years he suffered from cruel persecution at the hands of the authorities and died a broken man.
1. Vasily Grossman was initially recognized as a writer
(A) during his lifetime
(B) after his death
(C) when his works were published in the West
(D) after his works had been highly evaluated
2. Grossman's first novel, Stalingrad, established his reputation by
(A) describing a battle of the Second World War
(B) criticizing the authorities' persecution
(C) relating his post-war experience
(D) criticizing totalitarianism
3. Grossman's Life and Fate
(A) was not praised as much as Stalingrad
(B) was first published in the Soviet Union
(C) was taken out of the Soviet Union in its entirety
(D) was intended to show the effects of containment
1. A
2. A
3. C
Passage 2
It is a common belief that emotions interfere with our reasoning abilities and lead to irrational decisions. However, recent studies have shown that emotions can actually be beneficial to the decision-making process.
One study conducted by neuroscientist Antonio Damasio revealed that individuals with damage to a specific part of the brain had difficulty making decisions, even though their intelligence was not affected. This study suggests that emotions play a crucial role in our ability to make choices.
Another study conducted by psychologists Loewenstein and Lerner found that individuals who experienced mild emotions during the decision-making process made better decisions compared to those who were emotionally neutral. This suggests that emotions can provide valuable information that can aid in decision-making.
Furthermore, research has shown that individuals who are able to understand and regulate their emotions have better decision-making skills. This is because emotional intelligence allows individuals to consider both their rational thoughts and emotional responses when making decisions.
In conclusion, emotions are not always detrimental to decision-making. They can provide valuable information and aid in the decision-making process. Additionally, individuals who possess emotional intelligence have better decision-making skills overall.
4. According to the passage, recent studies have shown that emotions
(A) interfere with our reasoning abilities
(B) lead to irrational decisions
(C) play a crucial role in decision-making
(D) have no impact on decision-making
5. The study conducted by Antonio Damasio suggests that individuals with damage to a specific part of the brain
(A) have difficulty making decisions due to a lack of intelligence
(B) have no emotional responses to aid in decision-making
(C) are more likely to make irrational decisions
(D) experience interference from their emotions when making decisions