2004 Text 1
Hunting for a job late last y ear, lawyer Gant Redm on stum bled across CareerBuilder, a job database on the Internet. He searched it with no success but was attracted by the site's "personal search ag ent". It's an interactive feature that lets
visitors key in job criteria such as location, title, and salary, then E-m ails them wh en a m atching position is posted in the datab ase. Redm on chose th e keyword s legal, intellectual p rop erty, and Washing ton, D.C. Three weeks later, he got his first
notificat ion of an opening. "I struck gold," says Redm on, who E-m ailed his resum e to the em ployer and won a p osition as
in-house counsel for a com pany.
With thousan ds of career-related sites on th e Internet, finding promising openings can b e tim e-consum ing and inefficient. Search agents reduce the n eed for repeat ed visits to the databases. But although a search agent worked for Redm on, career experts see drawback s. Narrowing your criteria, for exam ple, m ay work against you: "Every tim e you answer a question you elim in ate a possibility." says one expert.
For any job search, you should start with a narrow concept — what you think you want to do — then broad en it. "None of these program s do that," says another expert. "There's no career coun seling implicit in all of this." Instead, the best strategy is to use the agent as a kind of tip service to keep abreast of jobs in a particular datab ase; when you get E-m ail, consider it a rem inder to check the database again. "I would not rely on ag ents for finding everything that is added to a datab ase that might interest m e," says the auth or of a job-searching guide.
Som e sites d esign their ag ents to t empt job hunters to return. Wh en CareerSite's agent send s out m essag es to those who h ave signed up for its service, for exam ple, it includes only three pot ential jobs — those it considers the b est m atches. There m ay be m ore m atches in the datab ase; job hunters will have to visit the site again to find them— and they do. "On the day after we send our m essages, we see a sharp increase in our traffic," says Seth Peets, vice president of m arketing for CareerSite.
Even those who aren't hunting for jobs m ay find search agents worthwhile. Som e use them to keep a close w atch on the dem and for their line of work or gather inform ation on compensat ion to arm them selves wh en neg otiating for a raise. Although happily em ployed, Redm on m aintains his agent at CareerBuilder. "Y ou always keep your eyes op en," he says. Working with a personal search agent m
eans having another set of eyes looking out for you.
41. How did Redm on find his job?
[A] By searching openings in a job database.
[B] By posting a m atching position in a datab ase.
[C] By using a special service of a database.
[D] By E-m ailing his resum e to a datab ase.
42. Which of the following can be a disadvantag e of search agents?
[A] Lack of counseling.
[B] Lim ited num ber of visits.
[C] Lower efficiency.
[D] Fewer successful m atches.
43. The expression "tip service" (line 3, paragraph 3) m ost prob ably m ean s ________.
[A] advisory
[B] com pensation
[C] interaction
[D] reminder
44. Why does CareerSite's ag ent offer each job hunter only three job options?
[A] T o focus on better job m atches.
[B] T o attract m ore returning visits.
[C] T o reserve sp ace for m ore m essages.
[D] T o increase the rate of success.
45. Which of the following is true according to the text?
[A] Personal search agent s are indispen sable to job-hunters.
[B] Som e sites keep E-m ailing job seekers to trace their dem ands.
[C] Personal search agents are also helpful to those already em ployed.
[D] Som e agent s stop sen ding inform ation to people once they are em ployed.
stumble across /on/upon(无意间碰到,偶然发现)Stum ble 跌跌撞撞地走;stum ble about 步履蹒跚He stum bled along the road.他在路上绊倒了。[记]stum blen./v. 绊倒([巧记]词根um b =um p=突起如:stum p n. 树桩;v. 绊倒)
dat abase/ ♎♏♓♦☜♌♏♓♦/(数据库=dat abank)即dat a 数据+base 基地
key in(键入)
notificat ion/  ⏹☜◆♦♓♐♓♏♓☞☜⏹/(通知,告示)here have b een no m ore notifications of SARS case in the last week.上星期已没有SARS病例的报告[记]notify v通知通
strike[straik] (邂逅,发现) strike gold
crit eria n.标准
openin g (空缺,机会)a business opening经商的好机会opening words 开场白
drawback/  ♎❒♌✌/ (缺点,障碍;退款)Com plancency is a drawb ack to progresss. 自满是进步的障碍 duty drawback关税退税  Elimination of this squalor is the m ain object of our policies.根除这类贫困是我们政策的主要目标[巧记]draw=拉,拖+back
eliminat e/♓●♓❍♓⏹♏♓♦ /(排除,消除;淘汰)elim inate trade barriers 破除贸易壁垒 elim inate the losing team from the com pentition 淘汰输队出竞赛
coun seling/  ♋◆⏹♦☜●♓☠/([专家针对个人问题所作的]建议;劝告;协商)v ocational counseling 职业辅导[记]counselor:n 顾问;律师;辅导员;counsel:n.讨论, 商议, 辩护律师vt.劝告, 忠告
implicit/ ♓❍☐●♓♦♓♦/(内含的,含蓄的)im plict acceptance 默认im plicit ob edience 盲从obligations which are im plicit in the contract.合同中未直接载明的责任 [反义词]explicit
keep abreast of(与…齐头并进;了解…的最新情况) keep abreast of what is going on by reading the newspap ers.阅读报纸了解形势的发展
tempt /♦♏❍☐♦/ (诱惑,吸引) He was tem pted into a life of crim e by greed an d laziness. 他受贪婪和懒惰的驱使步入了罪恶的一生 The sunny day tem pted m e into shorts and a T-shirt.阳光和煦,我禁不住穿上了短裤和T恤
compen sation/ ❍☐♏⏹♦♏♓☞☜⏹/(补偿,赔偿)Age has its com pensations.人到老年有所失亦有所得com pen sation trade补偿贸易  unem ploym ent com pensation 失业救济补助金
indispen sable(不可缺少的)Air and wat er are indispensable to life.空气和水是生命所必需的东西。[记]dispensable(可有可无的)disp end(用,浪费)
①It's an interactive feature that lets visitors key in job criteria such as location, title, and salary, then E-m ails them when a m atching position is posted in the datab ase.
该强调句的主干是:It is (an interactive feature)th at (lets…then… E-m ails…),强调主语an interactive feature。That 后面连接的是两个谓语动词结构:let sb. Do sth。和名词活用为动词的E-m ail。
Such as…结构举例说明job criteria。Wh en 引导的时间状语从句修饰整个句子
②Instead, the best strat egy is to use the agent as a kind of tip service to keep abreast of jobs in a particular datab ase; when you get E-m ail, consider it a reminder to check the datab ase again.
该句子分句前后是两个分句,后一分句对前一分句作进一步解释。前一分句的主干是the best strategy is to use the agent,as…介词短语结构意为“当做…”。不定式结构“to keep…”表示目的。
③Wh en CareerSite's agent send s out m essag es to those who hav e signed up for its service, for exam ple, it includes only three potential jobs —those it considers the best matches.
For exam ple 点明了这个句子和前一句之间的关系;举例说明前面一句话。该句子的主干是:t includes only three p otential jobs。When引导时间状语从句。破折号后是p otential jobs的同位语,中心词是th ose,后面接定语从句,句子中的it回指CareerSite's agent
④Som e use them to keep a close watch on the d em and for their line of work or gath er inform ation on com pensation to arm them selves wh en neg otiating for a raise.
该句子的主干是Som e use them,两个并列的不定式结构 to keep…or gather…在句子中做目的状语。在第二个目的状语中又含有一个表示目的的不定式短语to arm…。
本文的主题是关于网络求职的个人搜寻代理(personal search agent)。作者开篇列举Gant Redm on律师利用个人搜寻代理到了工作的例子引出主题,说明了个人搜寻代理的好处。接着谈论了个人搜寻代理的不足之处。随后阐述建立网络职业的个人搜寻代理的目的是为了吸引求职者的再次访问,从而提高网站的访问率。最后提出个人搜寻代理对那些有职业的人来说也同样有作用。
41. [C]本题的难度值为0.527,中等难度。区分度为0.424,比较理想。
题干问:“Redm on是如何到工作的?”本题可以定位在第1自然段,归纳该段的话题可知,他通过了“p erson al search agent”这个来到了工作,因此选项[C]正确,“使用资料库的一项”是原文话题信息的同义转述。
选项[A]意为“通过在工作资料库搜寻工作机会”,Redm on不是通过这个来到工作的,而这只是其寻工作的过程罢了。因此不能入选。
选项[B]意为“通过在资料库刊登一个合适的职位”,这个请注意,这件事不是R edm on做的,而是数据库做的。Redm on只不过提交给了数据库一定的信息,经由数据库整理后才刊登出来的。而题目问的是R edm on的行为,因此不能入选。
选项[D]意为“通过给资料库发送个人简历的”,这个同A 选项,这个也只是R edm on寻工作的一个过程,而不能成为其到工作的关键。因此不能入选。
42. [A]本题的难度值为0.393,中等难度。
题干问:“下面哪项可能是搜寻代理的劣势?”注意题干中含有情态动词“can”,询问的是某种判断。从原文第二段末尾可以看出作者要在第三段讨论这种系统的drawback s,然后对第三段的信息进行归纳,该段第1句中的“a narrow concept”与下文“no career counseling”构成了重复和照应关系。由第三段前三句
选项[C]意为“较低的效率”。这个有一定的迷惑性。为原文第二段首句“tim e-consuming and inefficient”的曲解。原文明显是欲扬先抑,先说会效率低,然后又说系统减少了重复访问来提高效率。因此该选项不符合题干的要求。
选项[D]意为“成功的匹配较少”。虽然该选项中的“m atches”在文中反复出现,但文章没有指出成功匹配较少这个观点。相反,由第一段的例子可以看出匹配的成功率还是挺高的,否则作者就没有必要举一个成功的例子了。因此排除该选项。
43. [D]本题的难度值为0.38,中等难度。
题干问:“在第3段第3行,‘tip service’的含义最可能是……”。题干中短语的位置出现在原文第3段中,根据原文“tip service”与下文的“reminder”构成了概念的重复和照应关系。由第三段第四句的这句话:when
you get E-m ail, consider it a rem inder to check the database ag ain.可以看出rem inder这个词刚好和提示相对应。所以应该选择选项[D]“提示”。
选项[A]意为“咨询”,这个请参见42题,可知这种系统所缺乏的正是咨询这个功能,而题目中的tip service却是该系统的一项功能。因此不能入选。
[C]意为“互动”,这个在原文中没有体现。所以一定要注意原句,分号前后由很强的对比性,所以根据后面的reminder就可以推出tip service是什么意思了。
44. [B]本题的难度值为0.677,比较容易。区分度为0.425,比较理想。
题干问:“为什么职业网站代理给每个求职者只提供三个工作选择?”本题可定位在第四段,该段的话题是“job hunters to return”。第四段第一句指出,有些网站设置搜索工具,吸引求职者回访。其实,就返回的观点在第2段第2句中已经给出了暗示(rep eat ed visits)。因此选项[B]“为了吸引更多回访”正确。选项[A]意为“为了集中于更好的工作匹配”虽然道理上讲是正确的,但是由原文得知归根结底还是为了吸引顾客回访,因为整个第四段都是在陈述这个问题。选项[C]意为“为了留出空间储存更多的信息”。这个明显只是很表面的原因,在原文根本没有提及。
选项[D]意为“为了增加成功的速度”。同C选项,在原文中没有提及。CD两个选项都属于设计给不看原文只看题目的考生看的。45. [C]本题的难度值为0.816,比较容易。区分度为0.469,比较理想。题干问:“根据本文,下面哪项是正确的?”本题自然定位在第五段,该段再次重申了求职代理对求职者的好处,其中包括了已经就业者。该段首句明确指出了即使不需要工作的人也可以从中获益。因此联系选项[C]“个人搜寻代理对那些有职业的人来说也同样有作用”,正确。其实,在本文的第1自然段就已经暗示出了这一观点。选项[A]意为“个人搜寻代理对求职者是必不可少”,这种表述太绝对化,往往这种带有绝对化彩的选项不是正确选项。
选项[D]意为“一旦人们求职成功,某些代理不再给他们提供信息”这个与第四段所给的信息恰恰相反,代理会一直发送m essag e给求职者,以求提高回访率的。因此不能入选。
2004 Text 2
Over the past century, all kinds of unfairness and discrim ination hav e been condemn ed or m ade illegal. But one insidiou s form continues to th rive: alphab etism. This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvant age, refers to discrim ination against those whose surnam es begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphab et.
It has long been known that a t axi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantag e over Zodiac cars wh en custom ers thum b through their phon e directories. Less well known is the advantag e that Adam Abbott has in life over Zoë Zysm an. English nam es are fairly evenly spread between the halves of the alphab et. Y et a su spiciou sly large num ber of top people have surnam es beginning with letters bet ween A and K.
Thus the Am erican president and vice-president have surnam es starting with B and C resp ectively; and 26 of George Bush's predecessor s (including his father) had surnam es in the first half of the alphab et against just 16 in the second half. Even m ore striking, six of the sev en head s of governm ent of the G7 rich countries are alphab etically advantag ed (Berlusconi, Blair, Bush, Chirac, Chrétien an d Koizum i). The world's three top central bankers (Greensp an, Duisenb erg and Hayami) are all close to the top of the alphabet, even if one of them really uses J ap anese characters. As are the world's five richest m en (Gates, Buffett, Allen, Ellison and Albrecht).
Can this m erely be coin ciden ce? One theory, dream t up in all the spare tim e enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged, is that the rot sets in early. At the start of the first year in infant school, teachers seat pupils alphabetically from the front, to m ake it easier to rem em ber their nam es. So sh ort-sighted Zysm an junior gets stuck in the back row, and is rarely ask ed the im proving questions posed by those insen sitive teachers. At the tim e the alphab etically disadv antag ed m ay think they have had a lucky escap e. Y et the result m ay be worse qualifications, because they get less individual attention, as well as less confidence in speaking publicly.
The hum iliation continues. At university gradu ation cerem onies, the ABCs proudly get their awards first; by the tim e they reach the Zysm ans m ost p eople are lit erally having a ZZZ. Short list s for job i
nterviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and at tendee s: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their recipient s lose interest as they plou gh through them.
46. What does the auth or intend to illustrate with AAAA cars and Zodiac cars?
[A] A kind of overlooked inequality.
[B] A type of conspicuous bias.
[C] A type of person al prejudice.
[D] A kind of brand discrim ination.
47. What can we infer from the first three paragraphs?
[A] In both East and W est, nam es are essential to success.
[B] The alphab et is to blam e for the failure of Zoë Zysm an.
[C] Custom ers often pay a lot of attention to com panies' nam es.
[D] Som e form of discrim ination is too subtle to recognize.
48. The 4th paragraph sug gests that ________.
[A] question s are often put to the m ore intelligent stud ents
考研历年真题库[B] alphabetically disadvant ag ed student s often escap e form class
[C] teachers should pay attention to all of their student s
[D] student s should be seated according to their eyesight
49. What does the auth or m ean by "m ost people are literally having a ZZZ" (line 2, paragraph 5)?
[A] They are getting im patient.
[B] They are noisily dozing off.
[C] They are feeling humiliated.
[D] They are busy with word puzzles.
50. Which of the following is true according to the text?
[A] People with surnam es beginning with N to Z are often ill-treated.
[B] VIPs in the Western world gain a great deal from alphab etism.
[C] The cam paign to eliminate alphabetism still has a long way to go.
[D] Putting things alphabetically m ay lead to unintentional bias.
discrim in ation(歧视)Discrimination against wom en is not allowed.歧视妇女是不能允许的。[记] discrimination辨别, 识别力
condemn /  ☜⏹♎♏❍ / (声讨,谴责)we all condem cruelty to children.我们一致谴责虐待儿童的行为 The m eat was condem ned as unfairt for hum an consum ption.这种肉已宣布不适宜食用。(有“人猪恋[球菌]”哦☺)[巧记]即con加强意义+dem n詛咒指责。insidiou s/♓⏹♦♓♎♓☜♦/(暗中进行的,不知不觉的)insidious diease 潜伏的疾病  the insidious approach of age 不知不觉就老了( life is short and tim e is swift .孩子们努力吧!)unaware(没觉察到的)[记] unaware常与of, that连用[反义词]aware(知道的, 明白的, 意识到的)conscious(有意识的, 有知觉的)
thrive/  ❒♋♓/(兴旺,繁荣)  He that will thrive, m ust
rise at five. [谚]五更起床, 百事兴旺。[巧记]th+rive(河流)古代河流两岸的居住地都是繁荣兴旺的地方。
thumb th rough(翻阅[书页] )[巧记]thum b(拇指;以拇指拨弄;用拇指翻书页)
suspiciously (猜疑地;形迹可疑)Everything was suspiciously quiet. 一切静的离奇。
respectively(分别地, 各个地)She gav e beer to the m an and a toy to the baby, respectively.她分别给男人啤酒,给婴儿一个玩具。[记] respect n/v 尊重;respective adj 分别的,各自的
predecessor/  ☐❒♓♎♓♦♏♦☜ / (前辈;[被取代的]原有事物)J ohn Adam s was J efforson’s predecessor as President. 杰弗逊的前任总统是约翰-亚当斯The new proposal is better than its predecessor.新的建议比原来的好。[巧记]pre -前面+cess-走+or-人→“走在我们前面的人”→“前辈”。
coinciden ce / ☜◆♓⏹♦♓♎☜⏹♦/(巧合,一致) The polt of the novel relies too m uch on coincidence to be lialistic. 这部小书的情节多靠巧合安排而无真实感。[巧记] 由coin联想到coin (硬币)都在一起的时候,边缘是一致相合的。
rot/ ❒♦ / (腐朽,腐化) the rot sets in wh en we lost that im portant custom er in Am erican.我们失去了美国那家重要客户后。情况变得越来越糟。How can we stop the rot in our society?我们怎样才能制
止社会的腐败呢?Don’t talk rot! 不要胡说[习]the rot sets in 情况开始出毛病;事情开始走下坡
qualification(资格, 条件)a doctor's qualification当医生的资格。without any qualification不附带任何条件的Wh at qualifications have you got to h ave for this job?申请这个工作你所具有的条件是什么?
humiliation/♒✞❍✋●✋♊♏✋☞☜⏹ / (羞辱,蒙耻)suffer publicc humiliation 当众受辱 a nation al humilation 国耻
lit erally /  ●♓♦☜❒☜●♓ / ([口语]简直) I was literally bored to death!我真得腻烦死了。[记]literally 照字面的;完全的short list/♊☞♦●✋♦♦/ 供最后挑选或考虑用的候选人名单
ballot/ ♌✌●☜♦/(选票)The b allot is stronger than th e bullet  选举权比子弹更具威力——林肯。[巧记]即ball球+ot=et 小→小球→旧时秘密表决用时的小球。
att endee/✌♦♏⏹♎♓/(出席者,参加者)Atten dees at a convention 大会的出席者[巧记]at=ad到向+tend=sretch展开+ ee者。
award(奖, 奖品)She showed us the athletics she had won.她给我们看她赢得的体育运动奖。
recipient/❒♓♦♓☐♓☜⏹♦ / (接收者)a recipient country 受援国  They would in tim e becom e th
e recipients of m uch criticism. 他们迟早会受到许多批评[巧记]re+cip=take取+i+ent。或由reci联想到receive(接受)
plou gh(th rou gh)(艰难前进,啃[书本等])The ship ploughed through the wav es那轮船破浪前进 plough through mountains of work 费力的处理堆积如山的工作难句分析:
①This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvant age, refers to discrim ination against those whose surnam es begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.
该句子的主干是this refers to discrimination。主语this 和谓语refers to之间插入了介词短语for those作状语,th ose 后跟着形容词短语unaware of…作定语,宾语discrimination 后跟介词短语ag ainst those作定语,th ose后又有wh ose引导的定语从句。对于尚未意识到其危害的人来说,它指的是对那些姓氏起始字母位于字母表后半部的人的歧视。
②Thus the Am erican president and vice-president h ave surnam es starting with B and C resp ectively; and 26 of George Bush's predecessors (including his father)had surnam es in the first half of the alphab et against just 16 in the second half.
该句子的主干是由and连接的两个分句,即Am erican president and vice-president have surnam es,and 26 of…had surnam es。第一个分句的宾语surnam es后是分词结构st arting with作定语;第二个分句宾语紧跟的介词结构in the first half of the alphab et作定语,另外一个分词结构…的完整形式是ag ainst just 16 of George Bush's predecessors had surnam es in the second half
③Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphab etically, and th eir recipients lose interest as they plough through them.
该句子的主干是an d连接的两个分句:all tend to be drawn up,and their recipients lose interest.冒号前的三个名词短语是第一个分句主语all的同位语。As引导的时间状语从句,修饰第二个分句。求职面试、选举投票、会议发言或参加会议等诸多名单,也是按字母表顺序排序,当人们费劲地向下查看时,兴趣随之索然
④It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advant age ov er Zodiac cars when custom ers thum b through their phon e directories.
It has long been known that…是一个固定句式,他的意思是“长久以来人们都知道…”其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是th at从句;从句本身又是一个复合句,开始是主句 a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advant ag e over Zodiac cars ,其中分词结构called AAA cars 是后置定语,修饰firm,后面的wh en 引导一个时间状语从句。
⑤One theory, dream t up in all the spare tim e enjoyed by the alphab etically disadvantaged, is that the rot sets in early.
▲本句的主干是主语+系动词+表语结构: One theory, …is that the rot sets in early,其中两个逗号之间的部分是过去分词结构dream t up…,作前面theory 的定语,其中过去分词结构enjoy ed by the alphab etically disadv antag ed作前面tim e的定语。
△ the alphabetically disadvant aged(在字母表上排为不利的人)的作用相当于名词,指一类人。(the+形容词=名词,指一类人)。 Rot 此处的意思是“一连串的不利”,指因为姓氏的首字母在字母表中的位置考后所遭受的歧视。
⑥At the tim e the alphab etically disadvant ag ed m ay think they have had a lucky escape.