
  What do you often do on weekends?

  What will you do tomorrow?

  What did you do yesterday?

  What are you going to do this afternoon?

  What do you often play in the park?! o!


  What’s your favorite food ?

  When did you go to eat KFC/Macdonald’s last time?


  What’s your favorite book?

  Which is your first bood you read ?


  When do you go shopping?#

  Who do you go shopping with?

  How often do you go shopping?

  What kind of goods fo you often buy?

  Are there any interest when you go shopping?

  What do you think is the best shop in your mind?


  What’s your hobby?

  What’s your favorite sports ?

  Who taught you ?

  Where did you learn it ?

  What’s your parents’ favorite sports?$ U

  How often do you play football?

  Which book did you read yesterday?

  Do you like playing computer games?why?


  Where did you go last summer holiday?

  What did the place look like?

  How did you go there ?4

  What’s your favorite holiday?:

  What do people do on this holiday?

  When is Christmas Eve?/

  What do you think of Christmas?/
  What’s the difference between Christmas and Spring Festival?% G
  what do you often do in Spring Festival?
      What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

    What’s the weather going to be like at the weekend?


  It’s fine / cloudy / rainy today. 今天天气不错/多云/有雨。

  It’s getting cold / warm in two days. 两天后要变冷/ 暖和。

  It’s rather warm / cold / hot today, isn’t it?


  It’s a beautiful day today. 今天天气很好。

  ― Beautiful day, isn’t it? 天气不错,不是吗?

  ― Yes, it is. 是的。

  Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine. 希望明天是个好天气
三一口语话题:My first time cooking
  1. When and what I coked by myself for the first time
  When I was seven years old, I remember it was in a summer holiday, I stayed at home alone. I felt a little bit hungry, and I didn’t want to buy food downstairs. So I had a great idea, I decided to cook for myself. My first dish was tomatoes and eggs. It was tasty and a little bit salty, but I was so happy that I can cook for myself and for my parents.
  2. Why I want to cook by myself
  First, my mother is good at cooking, and I have learned something from her.
  Second, I thought cooking is an interesting thing and it shows that you love your life.
  Third, I had the idea of cooking by myself for a long time before I cooked for the first time.
  Forth, I was willing to give a surprise to my parent, because they never let me do that, they thought cooking is a dangerous thing for a child. And I wanted to prove that I can do it.
  The last was that I was really hungry and my parents weren’t at home that day. So I have the chance to do it.
  3. what I prepared for my first time cooking
  I was so excited that I had the chance to cook a meal. I began to prepare my meal. First I found out two eggs and two tomatoes. I washed the tomatoes and cut them into pieces. Then, I mixed eggs. Put all the slices, such as oil, sugar, and so on, around the electric cooker. At last I began to cook.