Tourist Guide to the National Gallery
Opening hours: Daily 10: 00 am- -6: 00 pm; Friday 10: 00 am- 9: 00 pm
Closed: 2426 December
Reasons to visit:
With over 2, 300 paintings in the collection, there are hundreds of reasons to visit the Gallery. Here are some to get
Get into great art. From Leonardo da Vinci to Vincent van Gogh: See priceless works of art for free.
Get creative. Brush up your skills, and create your own great works
Learn about art. Discover more
Talk in a low voice when you use your cellphone in the gallery
Please do not touch the paintings or other exhibits. Do not take pets in or cross the barriers.
Consume food and drink in designated areas not in rooms that contain paintings.
Follow our no smoking policy in any part of the building.
Follow our no photograph policy in exhibitions where a sign is displayed.
The National Gallery aims to make access to the paintings enjoyable and welcoming to the
widest possible public. There are a range of facilities to help you see the collection, visit exhibitions and come to events.
The Gallery offers British Sign Language-interpreted talks on paintings for visitors who are deaf, and special art sessions(展期) for visitors who can't see.
Address: The National Gallery, Trafalgar Square London WC2N 5DN
Click here to find more information.
1.What are visitors allowed to do in the National Gallery?
A.Make a phone call.    B.Take a dog in.
C.Smoke a cigarette.    D.Take photos.
2.Who are the special art sessions intended for?
A.Young visitors.    B.Deaf visitors.
C.Blind visitors.    D.Old visitors.
3.Where can we read the tourist guide?
A.In a newspaper.    B.On a poster.
C.In a magazine.    D.On the Internet.
Gray had great academic performance in high school and wanted to apply to Harvard and other top schools, but could not afford the application fees, let alone school fees. But with a passion for business, he dreamed of attending a college in the Northeast so he could be close to New York City and other major business centers.
In the process of his application, Gray was determined to deal with it by himself. He looked at hundreds of websites, checking scholarship requirements. Many scholarships had very specific qualifications that he didn’t meet. But Gray had 600 volunteer hours and started a nonprofit organization which organized volunteer opportunities for students when he was in high school. So he searched for scholarships that looked for excellent grades combined wit
h leadership and community service.
Soon, he got the Gates Millennium Scholarship, which covers school fees from a bachelor’s to a doctor’s degree. A $20,000 scholarship from Coca-Cola followed. He also received a 820,000 Horatio Alger Scholarship and the $ 10,000 Axa Achievement Scholarship. And smaller awards just kept coming. In the end, he had amazing success, receiving 34 scholarships worth $1.3 million — enough to pay for years of school, plus cover his living expenses with some leftover to invest.
Gray has used the money for schooling, room and board, daily supplies, travel for interviews, and other needs. After appearing at national conferences and in the media, hundreds of students and parents have emailed and called for advice, which inspired Gray, now a business major at Drexel, to make a mobile-phone app called Scholly—short for “scholarships”— to help other teens get scholarship money.
Though the app had thousands of downloads, Gray and his colleagues decided to keep the price only at 99 cents because their purpose was more public service than profit. As for his
career plans, he has the goal of a true enterpriser: “Ideally not to have to get a job when I graduate.”
4.What did Gray do when he applied for scholarships?
A.He started a nonprofit organization.
B.He took part in community service.
C.He checked requirements with teammates.
D.He matched his strengths with the criteria.
5.Why does Gray develop Scholly?
A.To appeal for more downloads.
B.To help other teens make apps.
C.To facilitate scholarship application.
D.To raise funds for his own schooling.
6.Which of the following best describe Christopher Gray?
A.Tolerant and diligent.
B.Ambitious and generous.
C.Creative and humble.
D.Stubborn and adventurous.