大学英语四级(2013年12月考试改革适用模拟试卷328 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. Writing 2. Listening Comprehension 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Translation
Part I    Writing
1.    For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay to express your views on the phenomenon of cosmetic surgery. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
正确答案:          My Views on Cosmetic Surgery  Cosmetic surgery has become a controversial issue in recent years as more and more people, especially celebrities, choose to take it. However, I dont think its a good idea to beautify oneself via operations.  First and foremost, cosmetic surgery brings about artificial beauty that confuses many young people about the true value of beauty so that quite a few of them focus much on their appearance instead of virtues or personalities. Besides, once cosmetic surgery is widely accepted by the public, it is unfair to those who have the plain look but work hard for their dreams. Finally, des
pite the advances of technology, there are still many risks in cosmetic surgery.  As a result, I dont support young people to take advantage of cosmetic surgery although it might bring about benefits for the time being. The true beauty which is worth our respect should be connected with inner heart and appropriate behavior. 
Part II    Listening Comprehension
Section A
听力原文:(1)Millions of people across the eastern United States are clearing up after one of the biggest winter storms in decades.Government offices in Washington and many schools will be closed on Monday. From West Virginia to southern Maine, millions of people have been digging out after one of the worst winter storms ever recorded. Over 70 centimeters of snow fell in Washington. Officials hope to have the public transport system and the citys two main airports open again for the start of the working week. (2) New York is also recovering from its second largest snowfall. Travel restrictions have been lifted, although the public has been warned to make only essential journeys to help emergency v
ehicles with the clear-up. Medical centers say they are getting ready to respond to heart attacks and broken bones as residents shovel snow away from their pathways.1. What is the news report mainly about? 2. Which city suffers from its second largest snow? 
A.Problems about the public transport system.
B.How to prevent heart attacks and broken bones.
C.The clear-up after a snowstorm in the eastern US.
D.How to deal with emergency incidents.
A.West Virginia.
B.Southern Maine.
D.New York.
听力原文:(3)The founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg has announced the birth of his first child, a girl called Max, and he has vowed to donate most of his fortune to make the world a better place for her to grow up in. Our Los Angeles correspondent David Lee looks at who might be the recipients of his fortune.They are going to direct into education, and into equality. We dont know precisely where that money is gonna go initially. (4)What is particularly interesting is that he seems to be separating this effort from Facebook. Some of his previous initiatives have been about connecting the Internet and improving perhaps Facebooks user base. There seems to be a very clear gap here between Mark Zuckerbergs personal desire to spend money on these things and what Facebook, the busi
ness, will be doing in charitable ways. 3. What decision has Zuckerberg made after the babys birth? 4. What is particularly interesting about Zuckerberg? 
A.To donate most of his fortune.
B.To find a better place to live in.
C.To establish equal social education.
D.To improve Facebooks user base.
A.He will build a new world.
B.He will donate all of his fortune.
C.He will separate his effort from Facebook.
D.He will leave Facebook.
听力原文:This summer, the latest version of Googles self-driving car will make its first appearance on public roads. The two-seat vehicle does not need a gas pedal or steering wheel. (5) The prototype can drive, brake and recognize road dangers without human involvement. Google says the car is the first vehicle built for the purpose of self-driving.However, the new vehicle is not designed for long trips. (6) It does not have air bags or other safety devices required by the federal government. It cannot go more than 40 kilometers per hour. The vehicle is electric and has to be recharged after 130 kilometers. And it can only drive in areas that have been thoroughly mapped by Google.Google will first build and test 25 driverless vehicles in areas around the companys headquarters in Mountain View, California. (7)Then, the company plans to build more and expand testing to areas that have more hills and more rain. Google hopes to have its driverless cars availabl
e in the next five years.5. What could the new vehicle do? 6. What is the disadvantage of the new vehicle? 7. What does Google plan to do? 
A.It could drive for long trips.
B.It could work without human involvement.
C.It could drive in various areas.
D.It could take four people.
A.It can only drive in flat areas.
B.It cannot go over 130 kilometers per hour.
C.It has no gas pedals and steering wheels.
D.It has no safety devices.
A.Produce 25 cars in the next five years.
B.Develop areas with more hills.
C.Expand testing to more areas.
D.Explore areas with more rain.
Section B
听力原文:W: Good afternoon, sir! Is there anything I can do for you?M: Yes, please! Ive heard that JKs new book is available. Ive tried several bookstores but all were sold out.W: Let me check. . . I feel so sorry, sir. JKs new books are sold out.M: Oh, (8)no, not again! I thought this store would be my last resort! After all, your store is the biggest one in this block. W: I clearly remember there were several books left this morning. Let me check again. M: Thank you!W: Sir, (9)there are indeed two left, but not in this store. M: What do you mean?W: We have another store next block and we can reserve one for you. M: Thatll be great! W: However, (10) Im afraid you have to pay 10% of what the book costs in advance, as the reservation fee. Otherwise, we have no right to reserve any book. M: I understand. So, do I have to go over the reservation procedure now? W: Yes. Here it is. (11)Please fill your information in this customer card and pay the reservation fee. Then we will get the book for you right now. M: Thanks a lot! I appreciate your help!8. How does the man feel when he knew the books have been sold out? 9. What does the woman find after checking the bookstore again? 10. What should the man do to reserve the book? 11. What will the man probably do next?