  Is high oil price still a problem?
  Many people thought the problem of high oil prices should have gone away by now. Either a reduction in the terrorism premium,a withdrawal of speculative money,a slowdown in Chinese demand or an increase in Opec(the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries)production should have reduced the crude price to more normal levels.
  But here we are again with US crude oil futures nudging $53 a barrel. Adnan Shihab-Eldin,Opec''s acting secretary-general,even said yesterday that the price could hit $80 if a major supply disruption were to our.
  The recent spike has been associated with cold weather in Europe and the US north-east,and some brief disruptions at US refineries yesterday. Gasoline prices also surged to a record high on Wednesday after some disappointing US inventory numbers.
  But Jeffrey Currie,the Goldman Sachs analyst,says the spike has its origins in the recent i
mprovement in economic data which saw the global leading indicator turn up for the first time in 10 months. That brought speculative interest back into many modity prices.
  Currie says many speculators had got out of modity positions in the third and fourth quarters of xx and were short(betting on a price fall)early this year. The change in their position quickly added $3-$4 a barrel to the crude price.
  Although Opec might be tempted to increase production,Currie says the oil price is more of a refinery problem than a production problem. Refineries lack the excess capacity to absorb the kind of oil Opec produces.
  Of particular interest to investors will be the effect of higher oil on asset prices. Last year,spikes in oil prices coincided with falls in bond yields. Investors were clearly reasoning that crude would act as a tax on consumer demand. But this time round,the spike has been aompanied by a jump in US 10 year Treasury bond yields from 4 to 4.4 per cent.
  Perhaps investors have decided that the economy is less vulnerable to high oil prices than it was in the past,given that last year's $50 plus peak was aompanied by rapid output growth. Or perhaps investors are now starting to worry that high modity prices might,after all,be a sign of more general inflationary pressures.
  但是,我们再次看到美国原油期货触及每桶53美元高点。欧佩克代理秘书长阿德南?谢哈布-埃尔丁(Adnan Shihab-Eldin)昨天甚至说,如果供给出现大规模中断,油价可能会升至80美元。
  但高盛(Goldman Sachs)分析师杰弗里·科里(Jeffrey Currie)说,油价上涨的根源在
于近期经济数据有所改善,后者说明全球领先指数在10个月中首次掉头向上。这使得投机兴趣回到很多大宗商品价格上。 特岗教师2023年是最后一年吗
  speculative adj.投机的 湖南省人力资源考试网
  disruption n.中断,分裂,瓦解,破坏
  refinery n.精炼厂
  inventory n.详细目录,存货,财产清册,总量
  modity n.日用品
  coincidence n.一致,相合,同时发生或同时存在(尤指偶然)的事
  aompany vt.陪伴,伴奏
  vulnerable adj.易受攻击的,易受……的攻击
二级建筑师报考条件  inflationary adj.通货膨胀的,通货膨胀倾向的
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