PART III  LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGEThere are twenty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words, phrases or statements marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose one word, phrase or statement that **pletes the sentence.
1. We need a place where young folk canlet their hair downand enjoy themselves. The underlined part means _______.
A. chat        B. relax
C. massage        D. party
2. My neighbor_______ her own daughter as an excellent secretary!
A. acquainted        B. introduced
C. recommended        D. presented
3. Using this scope to _______ your view can make it easier to see the distant targets.
A. amplify        B. extend
C. magnify        D. expand
4. Mary is looking for some _______ to go with her black and white evening gown for the party.
A. additions        B. appendixes
C. attachments        D. accessories
5. People who live in small towns often seem more friendly than those living in_______ populated areas.
A. densely        B. intensely
C. abundantly        D. highly
6. If you are male, you clap at something funny and if you are female, you ______ whilst placing a hand over your mouth.
A. chuckle        B. giggle
C. jeer        D. sneer
7. His trip through the world made an interesting _______.
A. description        B. narrative
C. statement        D. version
8. Physicians need_______ expertise in pain and symptom management and skills in communication to meet the many needs of this population.
A. complex        B. complicated
C. intricate        D. sophisticated
9. As a _____ of our thanks, we will offer you two free round-trip tickets in first class to Hawaii.
A. symbol        B. badge
C. token        D. attribute
10. Which of the following infinitives (不定式) functions as an adverbial?
A. Her chief desire isto educate her child well.
B. He woke upto find everybody gone.
C. I have nothingto say on this question.
D. He asked meto talk about English study.
11. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _______ get out in time.
A. had to        B. would
C. could        D. was able to
12. Henry spares no effort to get two tickets for the concert held at the Sports Centre. _______.
A. So he is        B. So he does
C. So is he        D. So does he
13. The prepositional phrase in "A chair is a piece of furniture for sitting on" indicates
A. cause        B. result
C. direction        D. purpose
14. All the following sentences contain a transferred negation structure (否定转移结构) EXCEPT
A. It doesn't sound as if he knew what had happened.
B. I don't believe both of them are innocent.
C. The engine didn't stop because the fuel was used up.