一、 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY(总题数:31,分数:62.00)
1.PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN)Directions: There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.(分数:2.00)
2.An______degree was conferred on the distinguished professor. (1995年考试真题)
3.Try not to say anything hurtful to her. She is a very ______ person.(1994年考试真题)
4.The house that we used to live in is in a very______state. (1993年考试真题)
解析:解析:A项通常是neglectful of sth.意为“疏忽的,不注意的”;negligible意为“可忽略的,微不足道的”;neglected意为“被忽视的,未被好好看管的”;negligent意为“疏忽的,粗心大意的”。根据句意,C为答案。
5.We are all astonished to learn that the apparently ______ professor was really a spy. (1993年考试真题)
解析:解析:respectable意为“值得尊敬的,人格高尚的”,C符合句意。respectful意为“毕恭毕敬的,对他人表示尊敬的”;respective意为“分别的,各自的”;respected意为“受尊敬的”,如:respected Mr.President(尊敬的总统先生)。
6.On the desert travelers often see______rivers and lakes. (1993年考试真题)
解析:解析:A项不是形容词,故不合适;imaginative意为“富有想象力的”,如an imaginative man(富有想象力的人);imaginable意为“可以想象得到的”;imaginary意为“想象中的,非真实的”,如:an imaginary man(想象中的人)。根据句意,D为答案。
7.Following the elections, a completely new situation is likely to ______.(1992年考试真题)
8.I couldn't sleep because the tap in the bathroom was______. (1992年考试真题)
9.She must have been pretty______to fall for such an old trick. (2011年考试真题)
解析:解析:interested意为“感兴趣的”;gullible意为“易受骗的,轻信的”;enthusiastic意为“热情的”;shrewd意为“精明的”。根据句意“这么老的把戏她也信”,B为答案。题干中fall for为固定搭配,意为“受骗,上当”。
10.As there was no road, the traveler______ up a rocky slope on their way back. (2010年考试真题)
11.Because of the economic crisis, industrial output in the region remained ______. (2010年考试真题)
12.After working for the firm for ten years, he finally______the rank of deputy director. (2009年考试真题)
解析:解析:achieve,attain和acquire都有“获得,完成”的意思。所不同的是,attain常指经过长时间的尝试后才成功达到目的,本句中给出了After working for the firm for ten years,这符合attain的使用语境,故C为答案。而achieve强调通过努力而达到目的;acquire是指“得到,获得”;approach意为“靠近,接近”。
13.The young employee has a (n) ______ quality—he is totally honest.(2009年考试真题)
解析:解析:decent在口语中,意为“相当好的”,可用于指人的德行好,这与honest属于同一语境,符合语境,故C为答案。respectable意为“值得尊敬的”,admirable意为“令人赞赏的,令人钦佩的”,虽然respectable和admirable都是褒义词,但均带有仰视的含义,而本题提及的是一个young employee,两个词的语体彩不符合语境;approachable意为“平易近人的,随和的”,这里approachable与honest无关,排除。
14.We all know that Mary has had a strict______. (2009年考试真题)
15.Teachers in this school were encouraged to use drama as a(n) ______of learning. (2008年考试真题)
解析:解析:tool既可指抽象的工具,例如:Words are the tools of his trade.言语是他那一行必不可少的工具。也可以指实物,例如:carpenter's tool(木匠工具)。instrument既可指专业人员,如医生和牙医,使用的要求极高精度的仪器,如听诊器或超声波钻等,还可以指用来达到某个结果的东西和人,是抽象的手段、方式等。句意是把戏剧作为教学手段,而非具体的工具,故选择instrument。design意为“设计”;agency意为“代理”,与语境无关。