China is willing to push forward the negotiation with the European Union on an investment agree ment, said Chinese Premier Li Keqiang here on Friday.
With the approaching of the 16th China-EU Summit, China is willing to map out the future devel opment of China-EU relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, promote the negotiation  and enhance bilateral cooperation, said Li in a talks with visiting Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutt e.
Li noted the world economy is still facing many uncertainties in its recovery. China and EU shoul d strengthen coordination in macro-economic policy, and jointly oppose trade protectionism and p romote free trade and investment facilitation.
He also called on the Netherlands to play a positive role in promoting the negotiation as EU mem ber.
Rutte echoed Li's remarks, saying the Netherlands will continue to make efforts to oppose trade p
rotectionism. He said it is beneficial for both sides' economic growth to speed up the negotiation o n investment agreement and to establish an EU-China free trade area.
The prime minister also wishes the upcoming summit between China and EU could achieve positi ve results.
With regard to the China-Netherlands ties, Li said China will strengthen high-level exchanges wit h the Netherlands, increase cultural exchanges, and expand cooperation in all areas.
He said the two countries should utilizes the advantages of the Eurasian Continental Bridge to stre ngthen cooperation and jointly expand the markets of Europe and Asia.
He called on the two countries to further enhance cooperation in areas including oil and gas explo itation, agriculture, water conservancy, energy conservation, environmental protection, new materi als, new energy, and food security. He said the two countries should enhance financial cooperation , including increasing cooperation in small business finance and green credit.
Li also hoped the Netherlands can increase high and new technology exports to China and provid e more convenience for Chinese companies and for bilateral people-to-people exchanges.
Rutte said China's reform and opening-up will bring new opportunities for Netherlands-China coo peration and EU-China cooperation. The Netherlands will further increase investment in China, str engthen bilateral cooperation in areas including trade, agriculture, energy conservation, environme ntal protection, finance and high technology.
The two sides also exchanged views on global and regional issues of common concern.
1.But what’s happened in Japan is not happening in a vacuum-I have been writing about it for so me time, it may start to crop up.
2.Abe calls his monetary, fiscal and growth strategies “three arrows” in his quill as referred to a Ja panese legendary, three arrows bundled together are stronger than one.
3.The announcement that the Bank of Japan will ramp up purchases of Japanese government bond s has sent investors into higher-risk assets like stocks, pushing the Nikkei to a six-month rally.
How to narrow the income gap (300 words)
1. The government should formulate a master plan for reforming the income distribution system i n a bid to narrow the widening income gap.
2. The government can strive to raise the proportion of individual income in national income, and raise the proportion of remuneration in the primary distribution.
3. The government could take further steps to adjust taxes for high-income groups, strictly standar dize supervision of pay and bonuses for senior management instate-owned enterprises and financia l institutions.
4. The proportion of middle-income groups should be expanded, and the incomes of low-income groups must be raised.
完型 03年考研真题阅读第一篇 05年专八真题童鞋们来对对啊反正偶完型错了不少
Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious 21 to how they can be best 22 such changes. Growi ng bodies need movement and 23 , but not just in ways that emphasize competition. 24 they are ad justing to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenage rs are especially ious and need the 25 that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are 26 by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled  with so much competition that it would be 27 to plan activities in which there are more winners th an losers, 28 , publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, 29 student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs. A variety of small clubs can provide 30 opportunities for le adership, as well as for practice in successful 31 dynamics. Making friends is extremely important to teenagers, and many shy students need the 32 of some kind of organization with a supportive ad ult 33 visible in the background.
In these activities, it is important to remember that the young teens have 34 attention spans. A v ariety of activities should be organized 35 participants can remain active as long as they want and t hen go on to 36 else without feeling guilty and without letting the other participants 37 . This does not mean that adults must accept irresponsibility. 38 they can help students acquire a sense of com mitment by 39 for roles that are within their 40 and their attention spans and by having clearly stat ed rules.
21.[A] thought[B]idea[C] opinion[D] advice
22.[A] strengthen[B] accommodate[C] stimulate[D] enhance
23.[A] care[B] nutrition[C] exercise[D] leisure
24.[A] If[B] Although[C] Whereas[D] Because
25.[A] assistance[B] guidance[C] confidence[D] tolerance
26.[A] claimed[B] admired[C] ignored[D] surpassed
27.[A] improper[B] risky[C] fair[D] wise
28.[A] in effect[B] as a result[C] for example[D] in a sense
29.[A] displaying[B] describing[C] creating[D] exchanging
30.[A] durable[B] excessive[C] surplus[D] multiple
31.[A] group[B] individual[C] personnel[D] corporation
32.[A] consent[B] insurance[C] admission[D] security
33.[A] particularly[B] barely[C] definitely[D] rarely
34.[A] similar[B] long[C] different[D] short
35.[A] if only[B] now that[C] so that[D] even if
36.[A] everything[B] anything[C] nothing[D] something
37.[A] off[B] down[C] out[D] alone
38.[A] On the contrary[C] On the whole[B] On the average[D] On the other hand
39.[A] making[B] standing[C] planning[D] taking
40.[A] capability[B] responsibility[C] proficiency[D] efficiency
21. 【解析】[A]语义辨析/ 固定搭配题。第二句中的And说明该句是对上句的补充,be aware of "意
识到,想到" 与A项thought"思考,思想"意思一致,而与B项idea "主意,观点,想法",C项opinion"意见"和D项advice "建议"不相照应;四个词都可以和give连用,但是idea 和opinion是可数名词,前面需要不定冠词an, 而give an idea to和give an opinion to的对象都应是人。 D干扰性最大,容易选错,但是give advice to 的对象也应该是人,而要想与后面的how从句衔接则必须使用介词on,故不正确。
22.【解析】[B]语义辨析题。根据原文的含义,教师应该关注的是如何能够使他们(young adults)很好地"适应"这些变化。此题的难点在于对accommodate一词词义的理解,可能很多考生只了解它的第一个意思"提供住宿",而不熟悉另外两个重要的意思是"使满意;使适应"。此题的选择还有一个重要的线索,就是紧接着下文中的adjust to(适应),二者语义相近。
23.【解析】[C]语义辨析题。本题目选择名词,在句子中充当宾语。Growing bodies need movement and, but not just in ways that emphasize competition. 并列连词and确定空格处的词汇与movement相似或者属于同类事物;转折词but not指示方向,but not just in ways that emphasize competition.确定要选择的名词是一种运动竞技项目。不难发现,四个选项中只有C. exercise 表示"练习,锻炼",是一种竞技运动。因此,正确答案是
B. exercise 练习。
24.【解析】[D]逻辑关系题。they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellect
ual and emotional challeng es, teenagers are especially  and …从句"they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challen ges,…青少年正在适应新的身体状况、心智和情感方面的诸多挑战";主句"teenagers are especially 他们的自我意识强……"。不难发现,两个句子是因果关系。因此,正确答案为  D. because。句子
"Becauce they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotiona l challenges, teenagers are especially  and …""因为青少年正在适应新的身体状况、心智和情感方面的诸多挑战,所以他们的自我意识强并且……。"
25.【解析】[C]语义衔接题。本题目选择名词,后面的定语从句提供信息选择答案。顺着上一题的线索:句子叙述到Because they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially  and need thethat comes from achieving succe ss and knowing。并列连词and确定供选的词汇与并列,表示一种性格特征;定语从句that comes from achieving success "取得成功所需要的……",限定该词汇的性质。他们所需要的是来自于取得成功被别人"钦佩"的"信心"。因此,正确答案为C。
26.【解析】[B]语义衔接题。本题目选择动词的过去分词形式,在句子中构成被动语态,充当谓语动词。句子叙述到Because they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual an
d emotional challenges, teenagers are especially ious and need the confidence that comes from achi eving success and knowing that their accomplishments areby others."因为他们正在调整自己以适应身体的变化和许多新的智力上和情感上的挑战,所以他们自我意识很强并且需要信心,这种信心来自于他们所取得的成功以及他们的成就被别人……。"句子中的主语提供信息决定答案。顺着上一题的线索,此处关键在于accomplishments和什么动词搭配。从上文已经推定此处动词的意思应为"钦佩,崇拜",所以选B.admired.
27.【解析】[D]语义衔接题。本题目选择形容词,在句子中充当表语。句子叙述到However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would beto  plan activities in which there are more winners than losers…"然而,典型的青年人的生活方式已经充满了如此众多的竞争,那么组织一些赢者多于输家的活动是……之举"。句子中 "it"是形式主语,不定式短语 "to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers"是真正的主语,主语提供信息决定答案。A.improper"不合适的"和B.risky"冒险的"是否定的意义,与整个句意不符;C.fair"公平的",这里讨论的是行为的性质,与公平与否无关。所以选D.wise。
However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be wise to
plan activities in which there are more winners than losers,publishing newsletters with ma ny  book reviews, ….空格后面列举了几个并列结构,不难发现该逻辑关系为举例列举。选项前后是例证关系,后面列举的行为均属于用来具体说明前面的activities, 形成照应关系。选项  A. in effect 事实上;B. as a result 结果是;C. for example 例如;
D. in a sense 从某种意义上说。因此,正确答案为C. for example 例如。"然而,典型的青少年生活方式已经充满了如此众多的竞争,以至于组织一些胜者多败者少的活动是明智的,例如出版学生书写的读书笔记……"。
29.【解析】[A]逻辑关系/ 语义衔接题。本题目选择动词的动名词形式,在句子中充当谓语动词。句子叙述到 However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would b e wise to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, for example, publishing news letters with many stud book reviews,student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs. 解题时需看清句中平列的逻辑关系,"出版包括许多学生所作的书评的简报,(展示)学生创作的艺术品,举办读书座谈俱乐部等"。不难发现,选项  A. displaying 展示,展出,"展出学生的艺术作品",符合语句含义,同时与"出版学生书写的读书笔记"构成并列关系。