You will hear 20 short conversations. After each conversation there is a question. The question will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D).
1. A) He saw the movie.    B) He had supper at home.
C) He did some shopping. D) He did some housework.
2. A) Go to see the later show. B) Wait for 10 minutes.
C) Come back in 10 minutes. D) Never go to the movies.
3. A) 1,000 yuan. B) 1,500 yuan.
C) 1,200 yuan. D) 2,000 yuan.
4. A) At a restaurant. B) At a shop. C) At a hotel.  D) At the office.
5. A) To a concert. B) To a party. C) To a shop.D) To a meeting.
6. A) To visit a hero. B) To see a film. C) To go to the park. D) To go boating.
7. A) The children. B) A film. C) The guests. D) A broken TV.
8. A) He should watch TV. B) He should study.
9. A) Some pictures.  B) A watch.  C) Some flowers.  D) A necklace.
10. A) A farmer.  B) A fruit seller.  C) A vegetable dealer. D) A gardener.
11. A) 20. B) 21. C) 18. D) 19.
12. A) She doesn’t say.  B) Some cigarettes. C) Some dresses. D) Some shirts.
13. A) A boss. B) An actress. C) A singer. D) A cleaner.
14. A) At a supermarket. B) At a cinema. C) At an airport. D) At a hotel.
15. A) She will study. B) She will see the Greens.
C) She will go on a field trip. D) She’ll join the Greens.
16. A) She is seriously ill. B) She knows a secret.
C) She doesn’t know the bad news. D) She is afraid of her son.
17 .A) He dislikes studying. B) He doesn’t think the lady is too old to study.
C) He dislikes the lady. D) He doesn’t know the lady.
18. A) He wants to have a job. B) He will go on with his studies.
C) He is a slow student.  D) He doesn’t know what to do.
19. A) There is still time. B) He doesn’t have time to finish the job.
C) He can’t finish the job by himself.  D) He has to have a rest.
20. A) He is a boss. B) He is an actor. C) He is a director. D) He is a teacher. You will hear 20 short conversations. After each conversation there is a question. The question will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you
should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D).
1. A) He won’t spend that much time on the Net.
B) He can’t keep himself away from the Net.
C) He has much time.
D) He is annoyed by the woman’s words.
2. A) He can’t tell which brand is good.
B) He knows little about computer.
C) He will think about it.
D) There are many good brands to choose from.
3. A) In the supermarket.
B) In the local department store.
C) On the Line.
D) In the specialty shop.
4. A) He thinks the question is too difficult for him to answer.
B) He knows the answer.
C) He is not interested in this question.
D) He has to think it over.
5. A) We should depend on something else.
B) We shouldn’t depend on computers so much.
C) The computer is actually the best choice for people.
D) He dislikes the computer altogether.
6. A) The Internet is not so useful.
B) Not all the materials on the Internet can be trusted.
C) The Internet is the best source of information.
D) The Internet is a very quick way to search for information.
7. A) Finish his work elsewhere. B) Stop what he is doing.
C) Start writing his letter.    D) Help the woman carry the computer.
8. A) Online chatting sometimes brings harm. B) She chats online often.
C) Online chatting has great fun.          D) She wants the man to have a try.
9. A) He often teaches English in his free time. B) He often teaches English for nothing.
C) He is an English teacher.              D) He gives three English lessons each week.
10. A) Susan. B) James Madison. C) No one. D) George Washington.
11. A) In a class of politics. B) In a class of literature. C) In a class of math.
D) In a class of arts.
12. A) Music. B) Chemistry. C) Sports. D) Fashion.
13. A) Frank Lloyd Wright is always interested in the architect.
B) Frank Lloyd Wright is one of the greatest architects in the world who
is remembered by all later generations.
C) Frank Lloyd Wright is well known. D) Frank Lloyd Wright is a very old man.
14. A) Lincoln is a lucky man. B) She knows a lot about Lincoln.
C) We should learn from Lincoln. D) Lincoln had many talents.
15. A) Artists are usually very unusual. B) Artists are hardworking.
C) Artists are devoted.  D) Artists are careless.
16. A) She wants the man to cheer up. B) She wants the man to work hard.
C) She wants the man to take a rest. D) She wants the man to be careful.
17. A) At an interview. B) In a classroom. C) At a party. D) In a theater.
18. A) She will make some changes. B) She will check some mistakes.
C) She will make a new plan.  D) She will make no changes.
19. A) The vacation will be put off. B) The vacation will be shorter.
C) The vacation will be longer. D) The vacation will be cancelled.
20. A) The boss is too strict. B) He is poorly paid.
C) The company won’t have a good future. D) He is sick.
1. They adopted a (an) _____ of wait and see toward the new government.
A) atmosphere        B) attitude        C) policy            D) treatment
2. One _____ result of this heavy rain is the rising of the river.
A) capable        B) unlikely        C) likely            D) incapable
3. The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expected increased tax _____.
A) efficiency        B) revenues        C) privileges        D) validity
4. Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _____.
A) scarcity            B) minority        C) minimum        D) shortage
5. He is really a book worm; he almost can’t _____ books.
考试网教育网A) do with            B) make with        C) do away with        D) do without
6. You would be _____ a risk to let your child go to school by himself.
A) omitting        B) attaching        C) affording        D) running
7. While admitting that the forecast was _____ uncertain, the scientists
warned against treating it as a cry of wolf.
A) anyhow            B) somewhere            C) somewhat            D) anyway
8. Many employers would like to _____ to the good old days when workers were under their control, but the world has changed.
A) put the clock back B) put in black and white C) put one’s hand D) put into practice
9. We should pay the bill as soon as possible or the power will be _____.
A) cut down        B) cut across        C) cut away        D) cut off
10. The pressure _____ causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.
A) to compete        B) competing        C) to be competed        D) having competed
11. Gambling has _____ his ruin. He is penniless now.
A) brought about        B) brought down        C) brought up        D) brought out
12. Mr. Smith _____ about the people his daughter was meeting and what friends she had made.
A) detected        B) inquired        C) discovered        D) required
13. Although there are occasional outbreaks of gunfire, we can report that the rebellion has in the main been _____.
A) cancelled        B) destroyed        C) suppressed        D) restrained
14. They took the _____ in establishing an international research organization.
A) offensive        B) initiative        C) risk        D) average
15. Recycling wastes slows down the rate _____ which we use up the earth’s resources.
A) in        B) of        C) with        D) at
16. The car club couldn’t _____ to meet the demands of all the members.
A) ensure        B) guarantee        C) assume        D) confirm
17. The president promised to keep all board members ______ of how the negotiations were going on.
A) informed        B) inform            C) be informed        D) informing
18. We hadn’t met for 20 years, but I recognized her ____ I saw her.
A) for the moment    B) the moment when    C) at the moment when        D) the moment
19. The committee itself appeared to be _____ over this.
A) to its mind        B) on its mind        C) out of mind        D) in two minds
20. Generous public funding of basic science would _____ considerable
benefits for the country’s health, wealth and security.
A) lead to        B) result from        C) lie in        D) settle down
21. He failed to supply the facts relevant _____ the case in question.
A) for        B) with        C) to        D) of
22. Which sport has the most expenses _____ training equipment, player’s
personal equipment and uniforms?
A) in place of        B) in terms of        C) by  means of        D) by way of
23. Many of the scientists and engineers are judged _____ how great their
achievements are.
A) in spite of        B) in ways of        C) in favor of        D) in terms of
24. The statistical figures in that report are not _____. You should not refer to
A) accurate        B) fixed        C) delicate        D) rigid
25. The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have
_____ supplies of petroleum.
A) proficient        B) efficient        C) potential        D) sufficient
26. The size of the furniture should be in _____ to the size of the room.
A) accordance        B) proportion        C) harmony        D) connection
27. If you gain any more weight, you won’t be able to _____ your clothes.
A) break into        B) burst into        C) fit into        D) look into
28. In the mountain area, we lost _____ with the outside world.
A) contact        B) strategy        C) relation        D) information
29. We love peace, yet we are not the kink of people to yield ____ any military threat.
A. up
B. to
C. in
D. at
20. The chairman of our dramatic society was in the middle of phoning me when we were ____.
A) cut in        B) cut off        C) cut down        D) cut out
31. He felt the pain again when the effect of the drug ____.
A) wear out        B) wear on        C) wear down        D) wear off
32. Though he views himself as a realist, Cetron says that his findings make
him very _____ about future.
A) optimistic    B) sympathetic    C) objective        D) tedious
33. The streets was so narrow that cars which entered it had to ____ out