    I.Choose the correct pronunciation to each of the following words.
    (B)1.observe: A.[bz?v] B.[?b z?:v](ploy: A.[im pl i] B.[empl i]
    (B)3.various: A.[v ri s]B.[v ri s](A)4.operate: A.[p reit]B.[p reit](B)5. splendid: A.[splen did] B.[splendid]
    II.Mark the stress for each of the following words.
    (B)6.amount A.第一个音节 B.第二个音节
    (A)7.practice A.第一个音节 B.第二个音节
    (A)8.instrument A.第一个音节 B.第二个音节 C.第三个音节
    (B)9.umbrella A.第一个音节 B.第二个音节 C.第三个音节
    (B)10.political A.第一个音节 B.第二个音节 C.第三个音节 D.第四个音节
    (B)11.What have you seen?A.一般疑问句――升调 B.特殊疑问句――降调
    (A)12.Did he go there on foot or by bike?A.选择疑问句升、降调B.一般疑问句――升调
    (B)13.Why didn’t you go?A.一般疑问句――升调 B.特殊疑问句――降调
    (B)14.You don’t have to come tomorrow,A.don’t you?――升调 B.do you?――升调
山东教育考试网    (B)15.What lovely weather it is!.祈使句――降调 B.感叹句――降调
    IV.Fill in each of the following blanks with a word in its proper form.
    16.__Whether__we beat them__or___they beat us,the match will be enjoyable.
    17.Dew is formed___where__the grass is thick.
    18.She listened attentively___lest___she should fail to follow the speaker.
    19.This car,_which__I paid a lot of money,is now out of date.
    20.There weren’t any movie theaters in the town__where__I spent my last summer.
    21.A man’s knowledge consists only of two parts:that__which__comes from direct experience and that
    __which__comes from indirect experience.
    22.When___in___trouble,they always look__to__him__for___help.
    23.We must be very sorry__for___what has happened.
    24.He missed the train_by___10minutes.
    25.Products made__by___machines are generally cheaper than those made__by__hand.
    26.Some people do not believe__in___teaching formal grammar.
    st night I came back late__for___the meeting.
    28.She lives__in__4401Part Street.
    29.It’s eight o’clock now.You__should__be doing your lessons.You__shouldn’t___(not)be
    V.Each o
    (B)30.“What is that building?”“_________the garden equipment is stored.”
    A.There’s in which
    B.That’s where
    C.The building that
    D.That’s the building which
    (C)31.It wasn’t such a good dinner________she had promised us.
    (D)32.________the flood,the ship would have reached its destination on time.
    A.In case of
    B.In spite of
    C.Because of
    D.But for
    (A)33._______,I will learn it well.
    A.However difficult English is
    B.No matter how difficult is English
    C.However English is difficult