专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷77 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:    6. WRITING
1.    The Advantages of Saving Money    Most people believe that saving money is quite necessary. But nowadays, many young people like to spend money without thinking of saving it for the future. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:    The Advantages of Saving Money    You are to write in three parts.    In the first part, you should clearly present your view.    In the second part, you should support your opinion with appropriate details.    In the last part, you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
正确答案:    The Advantages of Saving Money    We are comparatively better off than we were a decade ago. Hence, we can afford both basic commodities and some expensive goods. Kids who are brought up in this well-off environment tend not to save money. That is
why we must explain the benefits of saving money to young people. As I see it, the advantages of saving money are twofold: developing budgeting skills and being frugal.    First of all, saving up can sharpen our budgeting skills. By setting up a saving account, we can keep track of our expense and income. We are more conscious about our financial status. Bit by bit, we know how to balance our expenditure and salary. Secondly, saving money helps us to be economical. Saving is a long time commitment, which requires time, efforts and of course money. When you develop a habit of putting pennies in a saving box, you would not squander the money at will, because the expenditure is no longer about money, but also about the effort you put into it You will buy things that are really worthy of your troubles.    In conclusion, saving is encouraged among young people. They will be rewarded with a smart mind for budgets and a virtuous habit of frugality. As the saying goes, a penny saved is a penny earned.
解析:    本题属于“给定观点型”作文,涉及的题材是“社会热点”。该题要求考生对“存钱的好处”提出个人的意见。按照题目的要求,可谋篇布局如下:    开头:由收入提高人题,指出存钱的优点有两方面。    主体:阐述原因。    1.存钱可以增强我们的预算技能,对财务状
况更了解.逐渐明白如何平衡我们的开支和收入。    2.存钱可以使我们变得节约。当买东西的时候,会选择那些真正值得买的东西。    结尾:存钱能让我们变得有经济头脑,养成节俭的好习惯。 知识模块:作文
2.    Shall We Only Buy Things Made in Our Own Country?    There are a lot of imported merchandises available in our market. Some people advocate that we should only buy things that are made in our own country. Do you agree? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:    Shall We Only Buy Things Made in Our Own Country?    You are to write in three parts.    In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.    In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion.    In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
正确答案:    Shall We Only Buy Things Made in Our Own Country?    Globalization is a larger trend than anyone could have imagined. In this highly globalized world, it is no longer possible to be completely self-sufficient. Countries are independent and interdependent. Because of this, I do not think we should only buy things that are domestic
ally produced.    First of all, no one country is resourceful enough to produce everything that people need in life. For instance, in China, it is estimated that 15,000 tons of seeds are now imported from other countries and that 20% of agricultural produce are imported. If we insist on buying home-grown products, we have to give up 20% of our food. Secondly, buying international goods is a gesture to say yes to international trade and cooperation Every country has its own comparative advantage so that it can focus on producing the best products to trade with. For instance, German automobiles are renowned for their quality and China is famous for its tea. A trade-off will enable German people to enjoy good tea and Chinese people to drive safely.    In conclusion, we had better not purchase things that are made in our country only. We must exploit our comparative advantages and pursue international trade. The days of being self-sufficient have gone.
解析:    本题属于“立场选择型”作文,涉及的题材是“社会热点”。该题要求考生对“我们是否应该只购买国货”提出个人的意见。按照题目的要求,可谋篇布局如下:    开头:由全球化人题,指出国家之间相互依存也互相独立,我们不应该只购买国货。    主体:阐述原因。    1.没有任何一个国家能有足够的资源来生产人们生活中的所有必需品。举中国农产品的数
如何备考四级据为例。    2.购买外国生产的产品是对全球贸易和合作的肯定。举德国车和中国茶为例。    结尾:所谓“自给自足”的日子已一去不复返。 知识模块:作文
3.    The Positive/Negative Effects of Some Advertisements    We see a lot of advertisements almost everyday and everywhere. Some advertisements are good, but some are not so good. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:    The Positive/Negative Effects of Some Advertisements    You are to write in three parts.    In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
正确答案:    The Negative Effects of Some Advertisements    Advertisements are a powerful tool, through which products and services are imprinted into viewers minds. But advertisements are essentially filled with sales gimmicks, the negative effects of which warrant our attention.    The first negative effect of advertisements is misleading the audience. More often than not, sales languages in advertisements are equivocal. They invit
e the audience to imagine their own favourable fantasy, which is seldom true in reality. For example, a Coke advertisement may claim that it is cheaper than the leading brand but with the same quality. Potential buyers are tricked to think that this Coke is less expensive than Coca Cola and the quality is still guaranteed. Actually, leading is a fuzzy description that could hardly be definite. It could mean a leading brand in the West or a leading brand in China. The second negative effect of advertisements is encouraging excessive consumption. The provocative language in advertisements paints an attractive picture to lure audiences to purchase a certain product. They declare that by owning this perfume, you will be sexy, and that by having that perfume, you will be elegant. If you want to feel elegantly sexy, buy both of them. Therefore, consumers are consuming the concepts associated with the products, rather than the products themselves.    In conclusion, advertisements might mislead us and lead to over spending on some fanaticized images.