1.It’s a fine day. Let us go fishing,()?
A. won’t we
B. doesn’t she
C.don’t we
D.will you
2.The company was willing to provide us with what we needed,()made us excited.
A.what B.when C.which D.where
3.The farmers use dogs to()their cows at night.
A.take care B.look up C.watch over D.turn to
4.We don't think she is() honest girl.
A.a B.An C.such D.so
5.Tom’s father()him()play computer games. It is bad for his eyes.
B.persuaded,not to
C.tells,to not
D.made,agree not
6.They returned from Paris by().
A.a ship B.the ship C.ships D.ship
7.---Is he()one-year-old baby you talked about the other day?
---Yes,but he is()naughty boy.
A.a,a B.an;a C.the;a D.the;a
8.---You look worried.What’s the matter?
---I can’t find my bicycle. I forget where I()it.
A.followed B.parked C.showed D.stopped
9.You must thank the girls()their help.
A. C.on D.about
10.一PH come and see you next Wednesday.
—Is that a ()? Don’t disappoint me,I hope.
A.quest C.promise D.joke
11.This medicine ________ millions of people’s lives since it was put into use.
A.is saving B.will save C.has saved D.had saved
12.The nurse doesn’t feel well today,()she still works very hard.
A.but B. D.when
13. Nobody except Li Ping and Liu Ying()at school this time yesterday.
A.are B.has C.was D.were
14.---Will you come to dinner?
---Yes,I will if I().
A.invite B.am invited C.invited D.was invited
15.---Does Bill do his new job well?
---()his old job.I am afraid there is no hope for him.
A.Not better than
B.No better than
C.Not so well as
D.Not as well as
16.——What’s the matter with you —— ___the window, my finger was cut unexpectedly. ?
A.Cleaning B.To clean C.I was cleaning D.While I was cleaning
17.English is not easy,()I like it very much.
A.so B.if C.but D.because
18.When Mr. Liu was(),he became a famous professor.
A.on his forties
B.in the forties
C.in the forty
D.in his forties
19.We don’t know the woman ________ wants to see you.
A.she B.which C.whom D.who
20.I have seen the movie___times.
A.the number of B.a number of C.much D.a number
21.John said he wasn’t disappointed at the result of the basketball game,but the look on his face________him________.
A.turned;k;in C.made;out D.gave;away
22.In fact he lived a comfortable life,but he________about his fate all the time.
A.is complaining
B.has complained
C.was complaining
D.had complained
23.I prefer a house in a mountain village to________in such a large city as Changsha.