1. 出每组单词划线部分发不同音的一个单词。
A.price B.tiny C.scientist D.type
2. C.good D.took
A.suddenly B.double C.dust D.push
A.instead B.lead C.mean D.leave
A.sells B.orders C.depends D.kicks
2. Last Monday, I walked home. On my way down some steep (陡峭的) stone steps,
I met _______ elder lady. There must be _______ with her legs. She got down the steps very slowly. As I walked past, I thought to _______ “If that was me, what would I hope for?” So I wanted to help her.
She looked _______ and then accepted my help. It took us about ten minutes
_______ the steps. This lady told me she was on her way to the hospital. She could not stop thanking me. When we arrived at the bottom of the steps. I wanted to send her to the bus stop _______ she kindly refused (拒绝). She said she was over _______ part of the way and I was helpful enough.
It was _______ time that I thought of giving a stranger the act of kindness. I won’t forget that woman’s words forever. I realize that a little help can mean so much to
_______, even if it’s just helping those without shopping bags, a smile to someone who looks worried or opening a door. It will make me try to provide help _______ it is possible.
A.a C.the D./
A.something wrong B.wrong something
C.anything wrong D.wrong anything
A.I D.myself
A.surprise B.surprised C.surprising D.surprisingly
5. get down getting down C.get down D.getting down
A.and B.but C.or
A.worse B.the worse C.worst D.the worst
A.first B.the first D.the one
A.other B.others C.the other D.another
A.when B.because C.until D.before
3. I have recently returned from a trip to London and Paris. It is great to see the historical places in London such as the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey and Big Ben. If you get tired of the historical sites, I can ________ you a good place to travel—the Hard Rock Cafe. It is always ________ to get a T-shirt from there. Also, try to visit the pubs in London. It is very relaxing to visit them. Getting around in London is ________. Just take the underground to any place in the city.
On the other part of my trip, I visited Paris. It is ________ the most beautiful city I have ever visited. I advise you to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower, visit the Arc de Triomphe and the Louvre Museum. The Louvre Museum is the museum where you can ________ the famous painting—the Mona Lisa. If you are ________ good food, go to the Latin Quarter. There you will find many cheap ________. You can spend little money on meals. However, you should know a little French, because it is difficult to get around
without knowing any French. Of course you can point out what you want on the
________, and they understand money!
Another ________ place to visit while in Paris is the Palace of Versailles. It is so big and beautiful. The ________ to Europe was probably one of my most wonderful experiences, and I did it all in a week.
A.challenge B.promise D.touch
A.tiny B.silly C.funny
A.hard B.easy C.special D.helpful
A.really B.suddenly C.quickly D.hardly
A.draw B.busy C.enjoy D.forget
6. away B.looking for C.checking out D.taking out 7.
A.programmes B.advertisements C.restaurants D.companies 8. B.notebook C.sofa
A.ordinary B.traditional C.boring D.popular
A.traffic B.prize C.trip D.speed
4. Here is some information about fairs and museums.
A.Some places of interest about Wu, Yue and Chu.
B.Some interesting stories of Chinese people in Han Dynasty.
C.The history of Wei, Shu Han, and Wu, and their relations.
D.The future and relations of the three kingdoms.
2. What does the underlined word “virtual” mean?
A.Appearing on the Internet. B.Appearing on books. C.Real. D.Offline.
3. Which of the following is TRUE about the Guangzhou Fair?
A.It is about China’s travel and business.
B.It is the world’s largest and longest-running trade fair since it started.
C.It began in 1967 and had a history of 54 years.
D.It shows that China plays an important role in trade throughout the world.
4. What CANNOT visitors do at the Foshan Library?
A.Listen to many kinds of dialects. B.Enjoy some traditional music.
C.Know about three foreign languages. D.Learn about some culture in South China.
5. Where is this passage most probably from?
A.Diary. B.Newspaper. C.Postcard. D.Storybook.
5. Nancy liked inventing things. She wanted to win in the coming competition. Every day after school, she rushed home to work on her invention. At last, she finished it just on the day of the competition.中国教育考试入口
The invention was a big music box with beautiful lights. Nancy turned the handle (手柄) to light it up. Nothing happened. She turned it faster. Still no light was lit up.
That night, Nancy went to the town hall with a heavy heart. Jenny Rocket, the judge of the competition, came into the hall on her bike. She put the bike against the wall and started to see the inventions.
Nancy’s hands got wet as she came over. “Could you please show me how your machine works?” Nancy turned the handle very fast. Slow music came from the machine and the lights went on and off.
Jenny said, “It needs more power, I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it work better.” Jenny’s words were almost finished when suddenly all the lights went out. Everyone worried the competition would be stopped.
At that moment, Nancy noticed Jenny’s bike.“I know how to light up the room!” she shouted. She connected her machine to the bike and started riding the bike. The light from the machine lit up the hall, Jenny finally finished her saying. “The best inventions solve problems,” she said. “Tonight, we had a problem and one person saved the day. The winner is ... Nancy!”
1. Why did Nancy go home in a hurry every day?
A.Because she wanted to play music. B.Because she wanted to do her homework.
C.Because she wanted to make a music box. D.Because she wanted to look after her mother.
2. What was wrong with Nancy’s invention before she went to the hall?
A.It was too big to use. B.It couldn’t be lit up.
C.Its handle was difficult to turn. D.The music it made was too slow.
3. How did Nancy make her invention work better?
A.By driving it with a bike. B.By turning the handle more slowly. C.By starting the machine again. D.By turning the lights on and off. 4. What does the writer mainly want to tell us?
A.Bikes are so important. B.Many hands make light work.
C.Keep trying and you’ll finally succeed. D.It’s never too late to learn something new.
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A stupid girl. B.A bike lover. C.A special handle. D.The best invention.
6. The year 2022 is a big year for sports in China. That’s because China held the 24th Winter Olympics from Feb. 4th to Feb. 20th in Beijing. What’s more, the 19th Asian Games will begin on Sept. 10th and end on Sept 25th in Hangzhou.
On Aug. 6th, 2018, the official emblem (会微) for the Hangzhou Asian Games was released (发布). The city won the hosting right for the 2022 Asian Games in 2015. It will be the third Chinese city to host the Asian Games after Beijing and Guangzhou in 1990 and 2010.