A big part of an American road trip is to get your music on as you head out on the highway and enjoy the sights and the scenery.Here are the top four scenic drives in America's Southwest.
Big Sur Coast Highway,California
It is officially known as California State Route 1 with views of high mountains and rolling waves.Photo tip--just after you cross the bridge 自考本科考公务员有哪些职位going south),there's a parking area which is great for shots looking back towards the bridge.
Las Vegas Boulevard,Nevada
Number two is not to be confused with "The Strip" in Las Vegas.It is worth checking out for its neon (霓虹)中公教育教师招聘 signs along the roadside.You can see the Hacienda Horse,Rider and the iconic Silver Slipper along this way which takes only 15 minutes to drive.
Death Valley,California
As the hottest,driest and lowest national park,Death Valley is a land of extremes.More than just a desert,Death Valley provides park visitors with a chance to admire natural beauty from the snow mountains to the wildflower fields and small oases (绿洲) to the endless desert.
Red Rock Scenic Byway,Arizona
The Scenic Byway is south on the way to Oak Creek,which is surrounded by an amazing landscape of red rock hills set against clear blue skies.The sandstone rock glows in the sunshine and it's worth taking your hiking boots and getting out into the landscape to experience its positive energy.
1.Who is the text probably written for ______
A. Hikers.    B. Self-driving tourists.
C. Photography lovers.    温州人才网最新招聘信息D. Adventurers.
2.What is recommended if you choose California State Route 1 ______
A. Parking to listen to the waves.
B. Enjoying the beauty of neon signs.
C. Going for a hike on high mountains.
D. Taking pictures across the bridge.
3.Which offers you impressive changes of natural views ______
英语四级时间分配A. Big Sur Coast Highway    B. Las Vegas Boulevard
C. Death Valley    D. Red Rock Scenic Byway
An elderly carpenter was ready to retire (退休).He told his employer of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more relaxed life with his wife enjoying his big family.He would miss the paycheck,but he needed to retire.
The employer was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor.The carpenter said yes,but in time it was easy to see that
his heart was not in his work.He turned to careless workmanship and used substandard materials (材料).It was an unfortunate way to end his career.
When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to check the house,the employer handed the front-door key to the carpenter. "This is your house," he said, "my gift to you".
What a shock!What a shame!If he had only known he was building his own house,he would have done it all so differently.Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.
So it is with us.We build our lives in an inattentive way,reacting rather than acting,willing to put up less than the best.At important points we do not give the job our best effort.Then with a shock we look at the situation we have created and find that we are now living in the house we have built.If we had realized,we would have done it differently.
4.Why didn't the carpenter focus on his work ______
A. He had no standard materials. -
B. He was treated unfairly.
C. He was offered very low payment.
D. He was eager to retire.华图公务员线下培训班费用
5.How might the carpenter feel knowing the building was his retirement home ______
A. Regretful.    B. Content.    C. Annoyed.    D. Excited.
6.What does "the house" in the last paragraph stand for ______
A. Our past.    B. Our life.    江苏省考公务员C. Our goal.    D. Our job.
7.What message does the story want to give us ______
A. Your life is the result of your attitude.
B. Today is not finished until tomorrow comes.
C. Unwisely planned retirement leads to errors.
D. Trusting your boss means a loss of money.
Every year,hundreds of hopeful students arrive in Washington,D.C.in order to compete in the National Spelling Bee,which has been held every year since 1925.
In the competition,students under 16 take turns trying to properly spell words.The champion is the only remaining student who does not make a mistake.American students are familiar with the competition because it is practiced in many schools throughout the country.The National Spelling Bee,however,is a much bigger setting and showcases only the best spellers from all parts of the nation.Winning the competition nowadays requires the ability to perform under much pressure against so many talented students in front of a large audience.A student who wins the event in the twenty-first century will experience a much different challenge than the first winner,Frank Neuhauser,did in 1925 when he defeated only nine other competitors.
Clearly,the 90 years of the National Spelling Bee's existence proves the importance of spelling in the English language.However,struggles with spelling English words go back much more than 90 years.The charming thing about spelling correctly in English is that it i
s in many ways without rules.English language can absorb new words from other languages and in doing so make them "English" words.Because of this,the number of words in English is much higher than any other languages.Thus,spelling in many other languages has fewer words and fewer strange exceptions to rules.It turns out that a spelling bee in most other languages would be a waste of time.Why is thatWell,without so many exceptions to common vocabulary,there would be very few words that everyone didn't already know.