3答第卷(选择题)时,选出每小题答案后:用2B铅笔把“答题卡”上对应题目长 的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答在“试卷”上无效。
1.    A. All right.    B. Jenny.    C. On Sunday.
2.    A. Very good    B. Watching TV    C. Science
3.    A. On foot.    B. By the way.    C. It's cheap.
4.    A. In May.    B. Go for it    C. On the sofa.
    听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来作答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对 话仅读一遍
5. What does Tarcy suggest buying?
    A. A cake.    B. Biscuits.    C. Nothing
6. Where is Bob's new jacket?
    A. At the school gate.    B. On the school bus.    C. In his school bag.
7. What will the boy probably be?
    A. A doctor.    B. A teacher.    C. A writer.
8. How long does it take Jack to get to school?
    A. 5 minutes.    B. 15 minutes.    C. 20 minutes.
9. What is the man' s advice?
    A. To laugh a lot.    B. To take some medicine.    C. To ask for help.
10. What does the woman mean?
    A. She cats very little.    B. She is quite full now.    C. She can't stand potatoes.
11. Which word can best describe the man?
    A. Serious.    B. Boring.    C. Humorous.
12. What will probably happen?
考研网入口    A. A class discussion    B. A teacher-parent talk.    C. An after-school activity.
13. Why is Riley full of energy?
    A. She sleeps long hours.    B. She exercises every day.    C. She keeps normal weight.
14, How often does Riley do weight lifting?
    A. Hardly ever.    B. As long as there is time.    C. Three times a week.
15. What do you think of the man?
    A. Lazy.    B. Busy.    C. Crazy.
16. What is the poster about?
学生成绩查询登录入口    A. A yard sale    B. Chores for money.    C. Hard work
17. What is David going to do?
    A. Walk dogs.    B. Wash cars.    C. Work at the bake sale.
18. Which might be true about Alice?
    A. She is helpful.    B. She is modest.    C. She is anxious
19. Who are the two speakers?
    A. An interviewer and a sleeper.    B. A reporter and a businessman.    C. A hotel manager and a tourist.
20. What does Mike usually do for his job?
    A. Travel and shop.    B. Experience and write.    C. Talk and sell
21. Who want Mike's good reviews most?
    A. Hotel managers.    B. Businessmen.    C. Tour guides.
22. What do we know about Mike?
    A. He gets paid well.    B. He only works at night.    C. He enjoys his work.
23. What did Toby do when Debbie felt hard to breathe?
    A. He coughed badly.    B. He pushed her down.    C. He ate an apple.
24. How did Winnie save the Smith family?
    A. She woke up Cathy.    B. She jumped up and down.    C. She called 911.
25. What lesson can we get from the passage?
    A. Things will work out.    B. East or west, home is best.    C. Your kindness will pay off.
第二部分 笔试部分
26.    — Well done! You didn't make a single mistake.
    — __________.
    A. Good luck    B. Thanks    C. Never mind    D. My pleasure
27.    — Can you come over to my house for dinner?四川城市论坛天府社区
    — __________. Shall bring anything?
    A. Perhaps next time    B. Have a nice meal    C. Yes, I'd like to    D. It depends
28.    — What can we do for Ms. Black on Teachers' Day?
    — __________. What about sending her some flowers?
    A. Better not    B. Keep trying    C. Not a big deal    D. I have an idea
29.    — We __________ very simply and do not spend much money on food.
    — That's why you're called the Greens.
    A. eat    B. ate    C. will eat    D. had eaten
30.    — What good books did you read recently?
    — I __________ Tales of China since last year, and now the third time.
    A. read    B. am reading    C. have read    D. will read
31.    — Did you notice the students __________ a few why questions in Mr. Zhang's class?
    — Yes, I think he wanted to train their abilities of deep thinking.
    A. are asked    B. must be asked    C. have been asked    D. were asked
32.    — I could tell __________ the look on her face that something exciting had happened.