专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷139 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:    6. WRITING
1.    Dating a coworker used to be a taboo. But now many people believe office romances are awesome. Is it really the case? The following are the supporters and opponents opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue.    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization, language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.YES    Office romances are awesome. Usually the last thing you want to do on a workday morning is to get to work. But once youve got a love romance going, its totally different. Youre early every morning, cheerful and happy, because youre in love and want to impress your partner.Another advantage of an office romance is time efficiency. Sinc
e you no longer bother to look around for potential dates when you have already got a handsome man or a beautiful woman working together, you save both time and money.NO    The fact that couples are in constant contact with each other may cause friction within the relationship. Everyone needs private time to pursue hobbies or hang out with friends, and the lack of it may destroy relationships.    Jealousy is another negative issue, because you must usually keep office relationships a secret. Other employees may flirt with your partner or vice-versa, but you have to keep in mind that this type of flirting is common and happens all the time in the workplace. So keep yourself cool or the cats out of the bag.
正确答案: Office Romance    An office romance has always been a controversial topic since the day it was born. It used to be a taboo, but it is thrilling. The supporters believe it saves both time and money, because the workers no longer need to hunt for a lover outside the workplace. However, the opponents of an office romance argue that the couples constant contact would cause conflicts, as they do not have private time. In my opinion, I do not think office romances should be encouraged though they have certain benefits. There are reasons from two aspects.    As for the companies, office romances are
against work ethic, for the staffs in love may take advantage of their positions for private gains. The lovers may pretend working for the company while they are in fact appropriating the public funds for personal use. Still, office romances can cause jealousy and gossip among other staffs. On the whole, the working efficiency of the whole department is reduced. As for the individuals, office romances are often quite challenging. The lovers must restrain themselves even when they see their partner flirted by other staffs so as not to expose their secret office romance. Whats worse, if the relationship fails, the careers of the workers in love would be harmed.    In a word, dating a coworker is more harmful than beneficial under most circumstances.
解析:    考生在下笔之前应先审题,明确写作要求:针对“是否支持办公室恋情”这一热议话题,首先总结正反方的意见.然后给出个人观点。文章结构可安排如下:    第一段:简要概括人们对是否支持办公室恋情的两方观点,并表明自己的观点——虽然办公室恋情可行,但不予以鼓励。    第二段:分三点铺陈论证自己的观点。从企业的发展来讲,首先办公室恋情违背工作伦理,恋爱中的员工很可能会利用职位便利谋取私利;其次办公室恋情会引发复杂的人际关系,滋生流言蜚语,从而降低整个部门的工作效率。从个人的发展来说,办公室恋
情过于危险,一但关系破裂,不仅影响到公司的运作,而且还会影响到个人的工作与事业前途。    第三段:重申观点——不鼓励办公室恋情。 知识模块:作文
2.    Reality television has become very popular over the past decade, but some viewers claim it does more harm than good. Is it really the case? The following are the supporters and opponents opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue.    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization, language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.YES    Reality TV is actually getting worse as the audience becomes more and more used to the genre. Many shows are becoming ever more vulgar and offensive, trying to find new ways to shock.    When the British Big Brother was struggling for viewers last year, its producers responded by attempting to shock the audience a little bit more by showing too much nudity on live TV in a desperate grab for higher ratings.    Others have involved fights and racist bullying. Do we let things continue until someone has to die on TV to boost the ratings?NO    Reality television progr
ams are very popular with audiences of all ages and types. They may not be high culture, but most people do want them on television. Most viewers want to be entertained and escape for a while from the worries and boredom of their everyday lives.    Furthermore, reality TV creates a society whereby we have shared experiences and a strong sense of community. As such, reality TV provides an important social glue. Once upon a time, there were only a few television channels, and everybody watched the same few programs. Now reality TV provides a shared experience that helps to bind people together, and give them common things to talk about at work and school the next day.
正确答案:    Reality Television Shows Have the Merits    Reality television shows are increasingly popular. However, peoples opinions about them vary. Some people oppose to these shows, holding they become more vulgar, offensive and even violent. Others believe these shows serve as an important social glue that binds people together. In my opinion, most reality television shows do have their own merits.    Firstly, reality TV shows suit peoples psychological needs for 英语四级题型分值明细self-expression and realization of true potential. Shows like American Idol and Pop Idol satisfy the needs for self-expression, because competi
tors will perform their talents on singing, dancing and so forth bravely in the shows. Shows like Survivors are perfect satisfaction of discovering peoples true potential. Audiences can easily find competitors true potential and enjoy the fighting between the competitors. Secondly, reality television shows may exert positive influences on viewers. Because reality TV is known to be real, it holds a certain quality which makes people realize certain personal qualities and flaws. For example, an obese person watching The Biggest Loser can gain the sense of realization and find determination and motivation to lose weight. In this case, it can be seen as the mirror of oneself.    In conclusion, reality television shows have the advantages of meeting peoples psychological needs and benefiting the audiences, and thus its good for people selecting some reality TV shows.
解析:    本题的主旨是讨论真人秀节目的利与弊。材料中给出了两方观点,考生应当首先总结正反方意见,然后给出自己的观点。文章结构可安排如下:    第一段:简要概括赞同和反对真人秀节目的观点,并表明自己的观点——大多数真人秀节目还是可以的。    第二段:分两点论证观点。首先,真人秀节目满足了人们“自我表达”和实现“真正潜能”的心理需求;其次,真人秀节目对观众有积极影响。    第三段:重申观点——人们可以选择收看一些真人秀
节目。 知识模块:作文
3. We often donate money to the needy in many ways. But sometimes people are worried about where the money actually goes. What do you think? Write a composition in NO LESS THAN 200 words on the following topic:    My View on Donating    You are to write in three parts:    In the first part, state specifically what your idea is.    In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea or describe your idea.    In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization, language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.