大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷242 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. When did the fire suddenly start?2. What can we learn about the burning hotel?
A.During Christmas.
B.On New Years Eve.
C.In the early morning.
D.In the daytime.
A.It is a 50-storey skyscraper.
B.It is the worlds tallest building.
C.It stands across from the Burj Khalifa.
D.It is the center of New Years fireworks.
听力原文:    The United States has a long history of making whiskey—a kind of alcohol. Many people across the country made the drink before the age of Prohibition.(3)Prohibition was a 13-year period in the early 20th century when the government banned people from producing and selling alcoholic drinks. The government ended Prohibition in the early 1930s.    Now, over 80 years later, the state of New York has made it legal for small distillers not only to operate, but also to sell their whiskey and have tasting rooms. Mr. Katzs New York Distilling Company is one of more than 30 manufacturers in the state.(4)Another business, Breuckelen Distilling, works with local farmers to create a regional flav
or—a taste found only in the New York area. It and other companies operate under a specialty Farmers Distillery License. The license requires at least 71 percent of local grains in the products they make.3. What can we learn about alcohol in America history?4. What does Breuckelen Distilling work with local farmers to do?
A.Americans had no interest in making whiskey.
B.The government prohibited drinking in the 1930s.
C.Rules were made to support wine making 80 years ago.
D.It was illegal to produce and sell alcohol for a period.
A.To apply for a distillery license.
B.To open up some tasting rooms.
C.To create a new whiskey flavor.
D.To produce more local grains.
听力原文:    Most farmers in Cambodia grow rice. Many also may grow cassava and maize. But very few farmers in the country grow other vegetables. And more Cambodians are demanding organic produce.    (5)A recent study from the World Bank shows strong growth in Cambodias agriculture industry. This has helped reduce the number of people in
poverty from seven million in 2007 to three million in 2012.    Part of this growth has come from increased land cultivation for rice farming. But growth has slowed in the past two years.(6)The World Bank says farmers need to increase their yield and grow more kinds of crops, such as vegetables. The bank says vegetables earn average returns of $ 1 575 per hectare for small farmers. This compares to $ 544 per hectare of cassava and only $ 307 per hectare of rice.    (7)An expert says it will be difficult for farmers to change crops. Many of them may lack the skills, technology and investment money to grow vegetables. Most vegetables sold in Cambodia are imported from Vietnam and Thailand. The local competition means that there are no quick gains for Cambodian farmers.5. What has helped reduce the Cambodias population in poverty?6. What does the World Bank suggest local farmers do?7. Why is it difficult for farmers to change crops?
A.Financial help from the World Bank.
B.Organic produce imported from abroad.
C.The drop in Cambodias total population.
D.Cambodias agricultural development.
A.Plant more rice and maize.
B.Improve soil fertility.
C.Diversify their crops.
D.Learn new farming skills.
A.Because of the fierce competition from Western countries.
B.Because of the local governments direct intervention.
C.Because of the lack of techniques and investment.
D.Because of the quick returns of growing rice.
Section B
听力原文:M: Im never going to shop at Sun Fashion Shop again!W: Its not one of my fav
orite stores either. What happened to you there?M:(8)They were advertising a Clearance Sale in front of the shop and I bought two T-shirts for $30. The problem is,(9)the shirts shrank to childrens size after being washed only once! W: Did the shirts have laundry instructions on them? M: Yes, and I followed them exactly. W:(10)Did you try to get your money back from the store?M:(10)Yes, but they said they dont guarantee their products. Ill never shop there again! W: Thats why its not my favorite store, either. There are other better quality stores that will refund your money if there is a problem with one of their products. Its just not worth taking a chance when stores use so-called price cutting techniques to mislead shoppers into buying poor quality products. M: Yeah,(11)they are misleading with their beautiful advertising lies! W: If enough people become aware of their poor quality and their lies in advertising, the store will not be able to stay in business because no one will shop there. M: I hope youre right. Stores like that should not be in business.8. Why did the man shop at Sun Fashion Shop?9. What do we know about the T-shirts the man bought?10. What do we know about the store?11. What can be inferred from the conversation?
A.Because of the shops advertisement.
B.Because the T-shirts fit him perfectly.
C.Because the products were in good quality.
D.Because he had some acquaintance there.
解析:本题问的是男士为什么在Sun Fashion Shop购物。解答本题要抓住一个细节,男士说看见商店门口有个“清仓处理”的广告牌子,就进去买了两件T恤。由此可以推断,男士去Sun Fashion Shop购物是因为看到了打折广告。 
A.They turned to be dirty.
B.They shrank after washing.
C.They were sold out.
D.They were made for children.
A.It refused to refund the money.
B.It agreed to refund the money.
C.It changed two new T-shirts for the man.
D.It mended the two T-shirts for the man.
A.The T-shirts usually shrink after washing.
B.People should not always believe in the advertisement.
C.The woman will never go shopping with the man.
D.The shop will not be in business if the man cant get his money back.
听力原文:M: Come in!W: Hi, John!(12)I just wondered if you wanted to go out for a coffee.M: Oh, hi, Lucy.(13)I was just writing a letter.W: Writing a letter! Is your phone out of order?M: No. Well,(13)not exactly a letter. Petes applied for a job in an elementary school, and theyve asked me for a character reference. W: Oh, dear, youre not going to tell them the truth, are you? M: What do you mean?W: Well, hes a big-headed show-off who never does a days work. M:(14)Oh, come on, he is not that bad, I mean, kids love him. Hes always entertaining his little brother大学英语四级考试试卷真题’s friends with his magic tricks. W: Oh yes, hes great with children, but hes a big kid himself, isnt he? M:(15)Yes, I suppose he is a bit immature. W:(15)And I hope they dont expect him to work before three oclock in the afternoon. You know what hes like, he needs a bomb under him to get him up in the morning. M: Mm. .. thats true.(15)But hes good in a crisis. Remember that time he saved a boy who fell in the hole. W: Yes, I almost forgot. Well, now shall we go and get some coffee? M: All right.12. What does the woman want the man to do?13. What is the man doing when the woman comes?14. What can we learn about the man?15. What can we learn about Pete?