大学英语四级(翻译)练习试卷1 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:    8. Translation
Part VI    Translation  (5 minutes)Directions: Complete the sentences in the blanks by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.
1. _____________ (没有什么可做),we played games.
正确答案:There being nothing to do
解析:独立主格结构:there + being+其他成分,多放在句首。 知识模块:翻译
2. He not only __________ (把枯燥的工作强加给我),but also took away all our tips.
正确答案:imposed dull work on me
解析:词组:impose…on sb.(把……强加给某人)时态:根据后半句,前半句也应使用一般过去时。 知识模块:翻译
3. ___________ (在这种情况下),I couldnt go away.
正确答案:Under/In the/these circumstances
解析:词组:under/in the/these circumstances(在这种情况下)  知识模块:翻译
4. The population of Africa is growing _________(极其迅速)
正确答案:by/in leaps and bounds
解析:词组:by/in leaps and bounds(极其迅速)  知识模块:翻译
5. The girl is too young to _____________(和她的父母分开).
正确答案:be separated from her parents
解析:语态:主语是the girl,应使用被动语态。词组:separate sb./sth.from/使某人/某物与……分离)  知识模块:翻译
6. Your care-free nature often ____________(遇到钱的问题).
正确答案:comes up against the problem of money
解析:词组:come up against(遇到)  知识模块:翻译
7. ___________ (如果发生火灾),ring the alarm bell.
正确答案:In case of fire
解析:词组:in case of(如果,万一)  知识模块:翻译
8. The proposal _____________ (建设一座图书馆)is to be discussed at the meeting.
正确答案:that we should build a new library
解析:从句:同位语从句对the proposal进行具体说明,应使用引导词that。 知识模块:翻译
9. __________ (要是我们没有花这么多钱该多好)on vacation this year.
正确答案:If only we hadnt spend so much money
解析:句型:if only(要是……该多好)虚拟语气:此处应使用一般过去时。 知识模块:翻译
10. ________ (正如今天报纸上所报道的),the Conference of International Trade Cooperation is also open on Sundays.
正确答案:As is announced in todays papers
解析:从句:as引导方式状语从句,这是一种复杂的语法现象,主语在此省略。语态:此处应使用被动语态is announced。 知识模块:翻译