大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷250 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. Why does the naked eye seldom see the dance of the songbirds?2. What should the researchers do next?
A.The songbirds have transparent legs.
B.The songbirds dance very quickly.
C.The songbirds often hide behind the leaves.
D.The songbirds never dance in the day time.
A.To study the daily schedule of the songbird.
B.To discover the relationship between the courtship and dance.
C.To research how the dance was invented.
D.To find more songbirds dances.
听力原文:    (3)The World Bank has warned that 100 million more people will be pushed into poverty by 2030 unless action is taken to prevent global warming. It says global warming will ravage crops and fuel the spread of malaria and other diseases. Laura Becca reports from Washington. The World Bank says that climate change is already having an effect on the poorest people who were struggling to raise crops in extreme weather and low
rainfall. They say the worlds poorer receive fewer resources and are woefully unprepared to deal with further climate shocks such as rising seas or severe drought.(4)Theyre calling for more to be done to help those in need and they want world leaders to act to reduce carbon emissions. That report had been released just a few weeks before a UN climate summit in Paris.3. What will make more people become poor by 2030?4. What should world leaders do?
A.Global warming.
B.Nuclear wars.
C.Food crisis.
D.Economic depression.
A.Decrease economic competition.
B.Issue more money.
C.Provide more food.
D.Reduce carbon emissions.
听力原文:    Therere reports of fights at an Australian immigration detention center on Chr
istmas Island following the death of a refugee.(5)Australian media say the fights started after an argument between a prisoner and a guard about the death. Jon Donnison reports from Sydney. The Australian Immigration Ministry has confirmed there have been what it calls disturbances at the Christmas Island detention center. There are reports some security guards abandoned their positions with fences torn down and fires lit. Fazel Chegeni was found dead at the bottom of a cliff after he apparently managed to escape from the centre on Friday.(6)Around 200 shelter-seekers are held on Christmas Island which is one of several offshore detention centers operated by Australia.(7)The country has been widely criticized by human rights groups for its treatment to the shelter-seekers but the government here says its tough polices have worked and stopped people trying to reach Australia shores by boat. 5. How did the fights take place?6. How many refugees are held on Christmas Island?7. What is Australia criticized for?
A.Before a routine check.
B.After a prison break.
C.Before a gunfire.
D.After an argument.
A.About 200.
B.Around 500.
C.More than 800.
D.Less than 1 000.
A.Disturbance in the detention centers.
B.Guards quarrel with the prisoners.
C.Tough treatment to the refugees.
D.Its acceptance of refugees.
Section B
听力原文:M: Laura, what are you busy doing?W:(8)Im working on my report on gender differences with the results of my survey.M: Oh? What are findings? Are there really a lot of differences between men and women?W: You bet there are. For example,(9)in a lot of mens minds, women tend to be really talkative and some would describe their wives as chatter boxes. They say their wives say many things so fast that they get lost in the middle of the conversation. M: Oh, dear. Thats too bad. But that is only mens feelings. Do you find that women do talk so much? W: Well, it all depends. Actually, my research findings are that men and women simply have different ways of talking.(10)Men do the public talking well and women often do the private talking. M: Sorry, I lose track of your words. Private talking? Whats that? W: That is to say,(10)for most women, the language of conversation is primarily a way of establishing connections and relationships. But for most men, talk is primarily a means to stay independent and maintain status in the social order. M: I see. Men do have higher social status than women. W: But nowadays, more and more women are doing better and better in the society. For example, in some Latin American countries, there are female defense ministers and in America, there are female Secretaries
of State. M: But do you feel that men and women are equally treated in the modern society? W: According to my research, there are still a lot of inequalities in both developing countries and the industrial ones. But fortunately, things are changing for the better.8. What is the woman busy doing?9. What do men think of their wives in general?10. What can we learn about peoples ways of talking?11. Why are female defense ministers mentioned in the conversation?
A.She is working on the report on gender differences.
B.She is working on the report on women.
C.She is working on the report on men.
D.She is working on the report on equality.
A.They always get lost when they go out.
B.They talk too much and too fast.
C.They know a lot of different things.
D.They often stop talking in the middle of the conversation.
解析:本题问的是整体来讲,男性是如何看待自己的妻子的。女士说她在调查的过程中发现,大多数男性认为自己的妻子很健谈,有时妻子说的话太多太快,以至于他们跟不上妻子的话语。因此,整体来讲,丈夫们认为自己的妻子说话太多太快。chatter box意为“话匣子”。 
A.Men usually do more private talking.
B.Women never do public talking.
C.Conversation is a means to connect with each other for most women.
D.Men establish relationships through conversations.
解析:本题问的是我们能了解到关于人们讲话方式的什么信息。女士明确提到,男性对公开讲话比较拿手,而女性的交谈则大多数属于私人谈话,但这并不是说女性从来就不公开讲话,因此排除A和B.根据对话中对public talking和private talking的解释可知,大多数女性把交谈视为联络沟通的一种方式。 
A.To explain the different treatment men and women get.
B.To show that men and women are physically different.
C.To display the equal treatment women get in developed countries.
D.To prove that women are doing better and better in the modern society.
听力原文:M: Hi, Ruby, have you heard that there is going to be a robot show at the museum?W: Yes. And they say students can get half-price tickets. Sam, are you planning to go?M: Yes.(15)And I have invited my girlfriend to go with me.(14)So I wonder if I could borrow your car this Sunday. W: Well, would you please wait just a moment and let me check my schedule? M: OK. W: Well,(12)today is Friday and Ted wants to meet with me on Sunday, so that we can talk about next weeks experiment. But I guess I can call him and p
ut it off to the next Monday. The experiment is on Wednesday. Um, Sam,(15)do you mind me joining you to go to the robot show? Or you want it to be a trip with your girlfriend only? M: Are you kidding? Of course I dont mind. By the way, we can have lunch together at the Mexico restaurant just next to the museum. I heard they have really nice food and the price isnt high.(13)That will be my treat. W: I think its better if we go Dutch. M:(13)I do want to pay for it. I appreciate your driving us to the museum. In this weather, we would shake all over if we have to wait for the bus. W: All right, then.(14)(15)Ill pick you up at 8:00 Sunday morning. Then, we can pick up your girlfriend at about 8:20. M: Thank you. See you on Sunday. W: See you.12. What did Ruby plan to do on Sunday?13. Who will pay for the lunch?14. When will they go to the robot show?15. How many people will go to the robot show?