A. signs B. signals C. symbols D. marks
解析: 这个题考四个名词的比较, 其中: signs 迹象; signals 信号; symbols 象征; marks 分数.
2. The icy conditions made our travel dangerous. So _____ going by car we took the underground.
A. instead of B. in addition to
C. as well as D. at the cost of
解析: instead of 代替,而不是; in addition to 除了…之外(还有); as well as 也(除…之外), 既…又…; at the cost of 以…为代价. 这道题横线后面是动名词形式,所以选项C和D首先排除.
A. by contrast B. by nature
C. on the whole D. on the average
解析: by contrast 与…相比,后面要跟with, by contrast with与…相比较; by nature 本性,生性; on the whole 总的来说; on the average 平均.
4. I’ll buy the clock _____ it costs.
A. what B. whatever C. where D. however
5. _____ Mr.Wilson is well again, he can travel.
A. Now that B. So far C. Though D. Even if
解析: Now that 既然; So far和现在完成时态连用.
Part I Writing
Section A
2.【题干】Question 1
A.They admire the courage of space explorers.
B.They enjoyed the movie on space exploration.
C.They were going to watch a wonderful movie.
D.They like doing scientific exploration very much.
【解析】M: Do you remember the wonderful film on space exploration we watched together last month
W: Sure. It's actually the most impressive one I've seen on that topic.
Q: What do we learn about the speakers
3.【题干】Question 2
A.At a gift shop.
B.At a graduation ceremony.
C.In the office of a travel agency.
D.In a school library.
【解析】W: Are you looking for anything in particular
M: Yes. My son is graduating from high school and I want to get him something special.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place
4.【题干】Question 3
A.He used to work in the art gallery.
B.He does not have a good memory.
C.He declined a job offer form the art gallery.
【解析】M: Mike told me yesterday that he'd been looking in vain for a job in the art gallery.
W: Really  If I remember right, he had a chance to work there but he turned it down.
Q: What does the woman say about Mike
5.【题干】Question 4
A.Susan has been invited to give a lecture tomorrow.
B.He will go to the birthday party after the lecture.
C.The woman should have informed him earlier.
D.He will be unable to attend the birthday party.
Q: What does the man mean
6.【题干】Question 5
A.Reward those having made good progress.
B.Set a deadline for the staff to meet.
C.Assign more workers to the project.
D.Encourage the staff to work in small groups.
【解析】W: Aren't you discouraged by the slow progress your staff is making
M: Yes. I think I'll give them a deadline and hold them to it.
Q: What is the man probably going to do
7.【题干】Question 6
A.The way to the visitor’s parking.
B.The rate for parking in Lot C.
C.How far away the parking lot is.
D.Where she can leave her car.
【解析】W: Excuse me, could you tell me where the visitor's parking is  I left my car there.
M: Sure. It's in Lot C, over that way.
Q: What does the woman want to know
8.【题干】Question 7
A.He regrets missing the classes.
B.He plans to take the fitness classes.
C.He is looking forward to a better life.
D.He has benefited form exercise.
【解析】W: You look great now that you've taken those fitness classes.
M: Thanks. I've never thought better in my life.
Q: What does the man mean
9.【题干】Question 8
A.How to work efficiency.
B.How to select secretaries.
C.The responsibilities of secretaries.
【解析】W: I really admire the efficiency of your secretaries.